The morning talk show

Today, Gu Zhen couldn't help the feeling that something was terribly wrong. Or that something was going to happen. Of course, there was not the slightest sign of trouble brewing on the horizon, but…

'No! I really feel like something's off. But what is it?' She suspiciously glanced at Feng Xi who sat beside her in the car as it crawled its way through the heavy traffic. Was it her? Was she planning some nasty surprise? If it was little Xi, she won't put something like that past her.

'No no. she's not acting out of sorts, is she? She only got her periods ne.'

Gu Zhen could feel her trouble radar tingling, ever since they set off from the capital this evening. No– now that she thought back carefully, it was even before that. It was- when was it anyway? Aaah! It was when little Xi... kept delaying their trip citing different reasons until it was way past lunchtime.