
Just as expected, The Dream of Death was a huge success starting from episode one. Not just the fans of cast members, but even some other netizens also paid special attention to it from the very start so that the numbers of views were crazily high, even before the second episode was aired.

Maybe it was because of the beautiful settings perfectly edited in the final adjustments or the good acting of the cast or the beautiful clothing or even the perfectly planned promotional activities before the show aired, or it might even be the wonderful chemistry between the two main leads– whatever the reason, the drama quickly caught on fire, even before the first week passed after it first came out.

"Ah, it's doing way better than we expected?" For once, Feng Xue didn't sound excited. More like dumbfounded. Which went on to show the impact this result had on her.

Yang Jingshen laughed. "It sure did."

"Are you sure you don't want to promote this more?"