An excuse for being lazy?

As such, it was no wonder that Feng Xue spotted this fact early on. Yang Jingshen always thought that as long as his sister could let go of her grudge against Zhu Jin and look at the other in an objective manner, many more things would be clear to her. And even if she still seems angry at her long-time rival, it was now clear that it had diluted to a level sufficient to not obstruct her vision.

However, with regard to her fears, Yang Jingshen could only say that there was no need to worry. Not at the moment anyway. 

He also felt that Zhu Jin seemed to be using Yan Ruiheng to defend against him. But the truth was that the two of them were following two different career paths. And even if that kid decided to follow the acting path -as some idols were wont to do-, how was it gonna affect him?