
Versailles City, Sage Potential

A carriage approaches the city of Versailles, one of the richest cities in Asure Kingdom. This is because there are a lot of magicians that travel and stay here because of the administrative branch here, the Magic Tower.

Arthur is inside this carriage and he cannot stop thinking about what happened on the road. He has unconsciously killed the thieves. All he knows is that he passed out in anger. Although this seems to be a simple affair, this is the first time that Arthur has killed people.

Soon, the carriage reaches the gate of the city. A guard blocks the entrance with the sword as another guard approaches the window of the carriage. "Good morning, Sir. Can we ask what you wish to do inside the city?"

This is a common procedure done inside wealthy cities. They have to know the names of those who enter and their reasons for going inside. Though, this can be inefficient.

"I am here to visit the Magic Tower." Arthur has a poker face when he has spoken.

The guard understands as almost half of the people that go to this city wants to visit the Magic Tower. As such he doesn't want to hold them for much longer and he lets the carriage enter the city. "Enjoy your stay, Lord Magician."

The carriages then enters the city as this is really different from normal cities including Camelot City. The size of this city alone is around five times larger than the city under Arthur's rule. This is an important point that Arthur keeps in mind for the development of his city, the number of people and the economy.

Arthur asks the carriage to drop him off to an inn as he pays him fifty silver coins. The driver is so happy to receive such high pay. "Thank you, Lord Magician."

Arthur wants to at least stay here for a month as such he enter the inn. He is greeted by a woman who seems to be the owner of the inn. He smiles at her as he asks to reserve a room for a month. "How much will that be?"

The owner looks at him in the eyes and seems to have figured out why he is here. "That will be thirty silver coins."

Arthur immediately pays for the inn and he rushes to the stairs to go to his room. He has missed the feeling of lying on a soft bed and being inside a safe room. The event with the thieves yesterday flashes back to his mind and he then shrugs it. This is no time to worry anymore about what is done.

However, deep inside Arthur, he is afraid that this will possibly cause harm to those close to him. He has to make sure that this is taken under control.

A few hours has passed and it is already afternoon. It is now less busy as most people are on their work and it is really hot to go outside during these hours. Still, Arthur proceeds to go out and visit the Magic Tower.

There is no reason to ask anyone where the Magic Tower is because it is the tallest building in the entire Versailles City. Even outside the city, the tower can still be seen. This is really an architectural wonder.

'System, this is amazing right?' Arthur talks to the System with his mind.

"Yes, it is great how they are able to construct this using magic." The system replies.

Arthur has read a lot about structures and he has even read of a structure that is more than six hundred meters tall. This is really an enormous building and the Magic Tower is only half the size of that tallest building.

He walks toward the tower and enters the door. There are a lot of receptionists talking to people. Soon, a woman approaches Arthur. "Sir, may I know the purpose of your visit?"

Arthur responds. "I want to register as a Magician."

"I see. This seems to be your first time. Then I want to inform you that you will need to undergo three examinations." The receptionist politely replies.

"When can I start?"

"Anytime you want, Sir."

Arthur decides to take it now as it is important to register his current avatar so that he can use magic when he wants and needs to. The receptionist guides him to the testing area and she takes out a paper as she asks Arthur a couple of questions.

"What is your name?"

"Arthur Pendragon."

The female receptionist takes a glance at her bracelet. Arthur witnesses this as he asks the system. "What is that bracelet?"

"A lie detector." When Arthur hears this from the System, he breaks to a cold sweat. 'Will I be in trouble?'

"As I said before, the mask doesn't just change your appearance and height. This is actually like a new identity." The system reassures him.

Arthur has become more confident to answer the questions of the receptionist. This is simple questions such as how old he is and where he currently stays. He answers that he is twenty one years old and he currently stays in the inn of the city.

"We can now proceed to the examination." The testing area is full of people and there are a lot of talent tester in this area. This is what one can expect from the Magic Tower. One talent tester has already costed Arthur around one hundred gold coins.

"Please place your hand in the testing orb." The receptionist politely asks Arthur.

Arthur heaves a sigh and approaches the testing orb. He places both of his hands and focuses his mana towards it.

The orb begins to light up as it goes to red up to the color yellow. The people in the area is shocked as the glow has not stopped there. It begins to approach the color green and then blue. Finally, a blinding Indigo color has shone throughout the testing area.

An Indigo talent with Sage potential! Someone like that has really appeared in the Magic Community.

One has to know that a Sage potential hasn't appeared for the past five years.

The receptionist is amazed and shocks as she stutters. "P-please wait before we continue the examinations."

The female receptionist runs to the upper floors to tell the Tower Head about Arthur.