Prologue - The Princess

Miyuki walked through one of the castle's numerous corridors.

He was searching for a room.

Her room.


Miyuki opened the doors to Evelyn's quarters. After entering, he closed the doors behind himself, softly and quietly.

Evelyn's four-poster bed was large, with violet curtains hanging from the top on each side. It was in the middle of a rather large room, with an array of bookshelves on the left, and with a violet set of living room-like furniture on the right.

Miyuki walked over a nightstand that stood by her bed. He place a fresh cup of tea onto the stand. He turned to a chair that was near the stand, and pulled it closer. He sat down on the seat, his gaze affixed onto his love.

Onto Evelyn.

Her quiet, comatose body had laid there, she was covered her up to under her chest by violet bedsheets, with green and yellow accents. She looked magical. She looked peaceful. Just from staring at her, Miyuki felt nervous, as his heart fluttered.

Miyuki got closer to her. He took his hand and brought it to her hair, and he sifted his fingers through her soft, green hair.

Miyuki put his hand back on his lap. He glanced down to her left hand. Shaking, he took ahold of her hand, which was exposed to the rest of the room, and not underneath the sheet. He grasped her hand firmly, yet gently.

It was warm.

He slowly lifted her hand towards his face. He gently kissed the back of her hand.

He put her hand back onto the bed, but he still had it in his grasp. He held it firmly.

He was shaking. He was shaking throughout the ordeal.



Tears fell onto their hands.

He couldn't hold back his tears.

He finally spoke.

"Evelyn. I love you so much. I'm so sorry."