Chapter 5 - The Afterparty

After the speech, an older gentleman gave a closing speech and the crowd dispersed back throughout the kingdom. Miyuki ran to Leonidas as he was leaving, he wanted to give him his gratitude. "Oh, no need for that Miyuki, it was my duty to help you. Now that we're talking, I would like to inform you that there will be an after party being held at the Pratt domain. I wanted to ask if you would like to join me, you can meet the other families and possibly make allies?"

"Sure, I intend to, but I need to go back to the Valis Castle real quick. I have something I need to tend to." Miyuki had only one thing in mind.


Leonidas took Miyuki back to the castle in a carriage. Miyuki swiftly gave his thanks and went into the castle briefly. He needed to talk to someone.


Standing by her bedside, Miyuki took ahold of Evelyn's left hand. He held it firmly. "Evelyn. We did it. We can win this, I know we can. I have somewhere to go right now, so I'll talk to you about it tonight-" Miyuki's sentence came to a stop when he got a perfect idea.


"So the Pratt domain? If they're throwing an after-party there, does that mean their mansion is huge?" Miyuki pondered as he held tightly, but not too tightly, onto Evelyn's hand as she sat in a wheelchair. "So what made you want to bring the princess along Miyuki?" Leonidas asked. "Even in her condition, I want the other families and candidates to see her. She's very much a candidate as they are. I'm only here because of her."

He glanced at Evelyn, even now, she looked stunning.

"You know, Leonidas, it was like a love at first sight for me, when I met Evelyn. Maybe she won't feel the same for me when she wakes up, but I'll be okay. I'm doing all of this for her after all. She said she needed me, and I'm going to stick by that until she doesn't need me anymore. Maybe it's not a great sentiment, but I'm fine with it." Miyuki truly did fall for Evelyn, and he truly is doing all of this, for her.

"Ah, I see. I had to take care of her for a bit. I've been the best knight of the kingdom since I was fourteen. I'm twenty-six now, and I've briefly have seen her grow up and taken care of her. She's become a strong woman, and even if she won't 'need' you anymore, I think you'll still be a great ally to her. She will keep you by her side, for one reason or another." What Leonidas said was reassuring to Miyuki.

"Leonidas, I wanted to ask about your ability, being able to reverse time. How long have you had it?" Miyuki was very curious about his power. "It's actually the ability of reversing one's actions. I've had it since I was a boy, but I knew it came with extreme responsibility. The thing is, I can only reverse an action, if it has happened right infront of me, and has to have happened within a few seconds. So like your injuries a couple weeks ago, I couldn't reverse them because I didn't see it happen, nor could I have been able to get to your location in mere seconds if I had seen it unfold."

"Ah, very interesting. I'm kinda jealous. All I have is super-speed, and it failed me at times. Maybe I'm just not good with it yet." Their conversation had to end as the carriage pulled up to the gates of the Pratt mansion. "We're here." The driver of the vehicle alerted his passengers. It was time for the party.

The mansion was tremendous in size, even towering over every tree in sight. There was many carriages already parked and empty around their own. Miyuki pushed Evelyn's wheelchair, following behind Leonidas. They got to the gate, and before he could use the metal door knocker on the gate, a man opened the gates. "Good evening Leonidas and Princess Evelyn, I am Oliver Pratt, and I welcome you to our residence. You are the last to arrive, so let's go inside to chat with the others." He bowed down a bit while introducing himself to the three.

"Did this dude just not acknowledge me?" And as if his mind was read, Oliver spoke again. "And also hello to you Mr. Azagawa, I've waited your arrival." He was taken aback. "Uh, hey, Mr. Pratt."

What could he have meant by that?


The doors opened and everyone was presented to the main hall. The room was massive, with a staircase on either end, leading up to the second story. Miyuki had never seen anything like it. "This is the main hall, we'll have to walk down the corridor to the left to reach the ballroom. That is where the party is being held." They all walked down and finally were led to the ball room entrance.

"Hello everyone! Our final guests have arrived! Leonidas Archer from the Archer family! Miyuki Azagawa and Princess Evelyn from the Valis party! Now please, everyone enjoy their night, and do not make too much of a mess, that would be cruel for my maids."

"So I guess the party has started." Miyuki uttered to Leonidas and Evelyn.

A familiar girl walked up to the four, Lillith. "Miyuki!" She jumped to embrace him, but his hands were preoccupied with the handles of Evelyn's wheelchair. She noticed Evelyn and put her arms down, a tear ran down her cheek.

"I'm glad you're taking care of her, thank you Miyuki." She swiftly went over and gave him a peck on the cheek. He turned as red as a beet instantly.

"Wow Miyuki, you're on quite the roll today." Leonidas laughed after he spoke. "Well, I shall go tend to some other guests, make yourself comfortable, but not too comfortable!" Oliver had an awkward chuckle then left the group. "Well, of course I'm gonna take care of Evelyn, she's important to me." Miyuki began.

"it's my responsibility to take care of her, she protected me when I was weak on the ground. I owe her my life." Lillith's eyes lit up. "That's so sweet Miyuki."

He really was on top of the world right now. He has many friends, Lillith, Sakuta, Leonidas, and Evelyn. With his speech earlier, he can probably get alot of votes from the kingdom to keep Evelyn as king. He had just gotten a kiss on the cheek from a pretty girl. Maybe things are finally going right for him in this world.

"Well there's going to be a dinner at some point during this ceremony, so we should go talk to people until the announcement." Leonidas offered an idea to the group, which they all agreed on.

"I should try to get more people on my side." Miyuki thought to himself. "Evelyn, let's get going." He spoke to her, then started walking towards a small crowd. Miyuki walked up to a a familiar man he saw. "Oh hi Miyuki, it's nice seeing you and Evelyn here." He bowed down, presumably for Evelyn. "Yeah, it's good to see that you and Lillith are okay after that night. Evelyn has been doing fine herself."

"I'm glad to see that. I'm going to go meet back up with my daughter, so let's talk after dinner." Sakuta shook Miyuki's hand then made his way to a stand with an assortment of foods and sweets.

"There's gonna a dinner Evelyn! I'm gonna have to feel you again, haha."

Miyuki felt so alone. Yes, he has Evelyn, but she can't respond to him. She can't respond to his kisses or his embraces. She's a husk of herself at this point. He needs someone to get her out of the coma, he needs to hear her voice again.

"I will save you Evelyn."

"I will be your hero."