Chapter 10 - A Little Fiend

He stared down the writhing Isaiah. He begged for his life. "I'm sorry, please, I was only told to do this, I didn't want to do it!"

Miyuki raised his sword.

"I would not do that if I were you, Miyuki Azagawa." A deep, cold, dark voice rang out throughout the street. He turned around and saw the gray man. He was riding on the top of a small, pure black dragon. The beast landed and the gray man hopped from off the dragon's back.

"I am Mimic, the leader of the Black Order. Killing Isaiah will be your greatest mistake. You will wish you were never born."

Miyuki fell back, he tried to move but his legs wouldn't work. He tried to crawl but he was stopped by someone's feet. He looked up and saw him. "You can not run from me Miyuki. Valis will fall, and you will soon with it. You have failed Evelyn." Mimic grabbed him by the throat, choking the life out of him slowly.

"Once I have Evelyn, and her blood, I'll become immortal. You will never stop me." Miyuki tried to look away from Mimic. "What do you think you are doing? Let me look into your eyes as you die."

He snapped his neck.

Miyuki shot awake, he was dripping in sweat. He was laying down on a red couch, near a bed in a small room. "They couldn't have put me on the bed?" He shook his head as he gathered his thoughts.

"So it was him again. He's Mimic. How the hell am I supposed to beat him, I don't even have my powers or magic anymore. I'm useless. I've always been useless." Miyuki shouted at a low volume as he held his head in his now-only hand.

"I can help with that, Miyuki." A rather cute, timid little girly voice had interrupted Miyuki's self loathing.

"Who said that? I heard you. You know. I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna know who you are." Miyuki observed his surroundings to no avail. Then a small black mist generated before his eyes. The mist formed into a small black goo, which then transformed with a small glint of white light, into a small black cat.

"I- I'm Dusk. I'm one of the six elemental spirits." The little cat said again, a little less shyly. "I'm the shadow spirit. I know that you have shadow magic and I want to help you." Her little cat face tried to make a smile.

"Uh, um, okay. How did you know that and where did you come from? I don't recall grabbing a plush cat before I knocked out."

Dusk looked at him with a pout. "Do you want help or not?"

"Yes of course I do, just answer my questions first." Miyuki slowly reached out to pet her and realized, that his once severed hand had returned. "What!? How!?" He couldn't believe his eyes. He had just lost his hand so how did it come back?

"That's the thing, I saw what happened last night, I had given you mana to beat that big meanie. Then while you slept, I gave you mana to heal. I'm sorry if you got hurt from the mana entering your body, I was just helping."

"No it's okay, I'm grateful. I couldn't ever live without both hands." He snickered. "So she saw me fight him, and she helped me heal and use my magic." He spoke under his breath.

"What?" She asked.

"It's nothing. Thank you little kitty." He pet her small head, and scratched her chin with a finger from his other hand.

"My- my name is Dusk!" She got very flustered as she was being pet.

"I think you'll be a great friend to me, Dusk. I really owe you one. So let's make a contract?"

She smiled, as if a cat tried to smile. "Yeah, lets get to it."