Chapter 4 - A Night Of Uncertainty

"Fuck!" Miyuki yelled into a pillow as he laid on the bed. He rolled over from off his stomach. "Damn it, now I have to go talk to Avery and set my feelings straight. But maybe I'll check on everyone first. I have this strange feeling." He got up and fixed up his pajama-like shirt. "Dusk, stay here, I won't be long." He quickly left the room. "Okay Master." She said, with loneliness in her tone.

"Maybe I should check on Master."


Miyuki stopped first at Lillith's room.

He knocked on the door, and Lillith responded with a quick reply of, "Come in." He stepped into her small bedroom, it looked exactly like everyone else's.

"Hey, just had a feeling to come check on everyone, I wanted to see how you all are doing." He waved to her. Lillith smiled, "Yeah, thanks, it's good to see you. I know you've been working hard with Miss Avery." She then put up a "thumbs-up" with her left hand. "You'll be unstoppable Miyuki!"

He chuckled. "I don't know all about that, but thank you. It means alot coming from you." He gave her a smirk back. "Goodnight Lillith, sleep well." He waved goodbye, and left the room.

"I should probably talk to Avery last." He briefly thought to himself. He continued down the hall, to the next member of the Valis camp. He knocked on Sakuta's door, and knocked again, then knocked again. A response wouldn't come for another fifteen seconds. "Come in I guess." He said with a tired voice.

Miyuki opened the room to darkness. "Hey man, did you need something? I'm trying to sleep you know." He laughed for a second. "I just had a strange urge to check on everyone, I don't know why." Miyuki stared at Sakuta as he nodded. "Yeah I get it, I might check on Lillith in a moment."

"Oh I checked on her already, she's all good, but if you want to, you can of course." Miyuki reassured Sakuta. "Yeah, I appreciate it, but I'll still check in a moment. Goodnight man." Miyuki waved goodbye again, "Goodnight bro, sleep well." He quickly left the room, as he didn't want to disturb him any longer.

Next person to see was his first love, Evelyn.


He marched down further down the hall towards her room, seeing the room was already brightened with light. He entered the room and saw Francis, with dim green light glowing from his hands. "Hey Miyuki, I'm just doing some final healing before I head off to bed. You wanted to come see her?"

"Yeah I just had a feeling to check on everyone." He stepped over to her bedside, sitting on a chair next to Francis. He gazed upon the comatose angel. "She's really beautiful, isn't she?" Miyuki asked him.

"Healing her from her coma is truly my greatest honor. I would do anything for the princess." A tear fell down from Francis' left eye. Miyuki noticed it, but didn't say anything. He got up, felt his hand through her hair, then adjusted it. "If anything is wrong Francis, you can talk to me."

"Of course Miyuki." Francis then stopped the healing and got up. "Well if you're heading out, I will too, goodnight Miyuki." He patted his back. "Uh, goodnight, sleep well man." He scratched his chin. "That was weird." He thought to himself. He then turned off the light, and left the room, closing the door behind him.

They both waved as they left the room. Miyuki walked to the right and Francis went to the left.


Miyuki saw a purple light, shining from under Avery's door. "I wonder why she has such strange lights on?" He asked himself.

Miyuki raised his right hand to knock on the door, but it was opened before his middle knuckle could touch it. Avery grabbed him by the collar and rushed him in.

They stopped in the middle of the room, which was rather large. There was a four-poster bed in the middle of the room, with dark violet sheets hanging from the top and on the bed.

The purple lights came from two lamps on either side of the bed, on dressers.

She spun around and posed for him. She was wearing a dark violet robe, with no footwear or, probably anything under the robe. She was stunning, absolutely gorgeous. Miyuki's heart began to pound. "Wow, you're- you're really dazzling. You're beautiful." He turned red, he tried to face to the right but his eyes kept glancing over to her.

"It's okay, you can look." She smirked as she plopped down onto the edge of the bed. She patted the sheet to the left of her, as if she was signaling for him to sit next to her. He quickly obliged and seated himself. "Miyuki, what you said ealier... is it true?" She looked into his eyes as he sat there, thinking. He was hesitant at first, but he had to tell her the truth.

"Yes, absolutely. You're amazing." He tried to shyly look away from her, but she stopped him. "No has ever told me something like that before. No one had told me that I was beautiful." She turned red as she softly spoke. Miyuki stared off to the other corner of the room, when he felt something press against his right cheek.

It was her lips. She kissed him on the cheek.

He turned back to look at her, she was flustered and blushing brightly. "You- you just kissed me?" Miyuki stuttered out. "Yes. You're actually pretty cute you know. When you get all flustered." She said, with a slight seductive tone. She placed her right hand onto his right thigh. The two brought their faces closer to eachother. Their warm breaths, were felt on each of their faces. They closed their eyes, and their lips met.

Her lips, felt soft, and warm.

His lips, felt a little dry, but warm.

They kissed for a few seconds before Miyuki slowly backed himself out. "Well, that was um... something." His heart continued to flutter as she smiled at him. "Wanna do it again?" She asked quietly. "Y-yeah." He nervously replied.

He raised his left hand to her right cheek, and he brought her face closer to his. He was going to make the move this time. Their lips met once again, and it was as perfect as the first time.

Her lips, were moist and soft.

His lips, were moist and soft.

The warmth made Miyuki feel soem type of way. It made his heart beat. Once they stopped, Avery quickly looked away, her heart pounding as well.

"You..want to lay in the bed together?" She shyly asked. She took her hand off his thigh then she slowly laid back onto the bed. Miyuki turned to look at her. She was truly amazing. He looked like an angel. He soon followed after her and lied down beside her.

They both gazed into eachother's eyes as they lied on their sides. "Your eyes, they're really pretty." Miyuki said, less shy than before. She giggled after he complimented her. "You make me feel special, Miyuki." She placed her hand on his waist, rubbing her hand slowly.

Miyuki quickly grabbed her hand. "I uh, I don't think I'm ready for something like that yet." He stated, somewhat under his breath, glancing to the side. "Oh, it's okay. I understand." She moved her hand away and smiled. "Do you want to instead?"

"Yeah, that would be okay." Nervously, they both got closer. Miyuki put his arm on her as she put hers on him. Her ears twitched as she was nervous. "So you're a fox-girl?" Miyuki asked softly. "Y-yeah."

"Your ears are cute." She giggled after he complimented on something so normal to others, but to him it was new. After their short conversation, their lips met again. Her body heat made Miyuki feel strange.

Strange in a good way.

"I can feel your heart beat fast, hehe." She noted after their kiss ended. He grabbed her and their lips touched again. Still kissing, Miyuki grabbed her by the waist.

This time, Miyuki was going to go a little further.


The two held eachother as they rested. Their soft snores filled the room, until an interruption awoke them.

The door slammed open, the person who opened it was breathing hard, like he ran a marathon. "Miyuki! Avery! You have to come quick. It's Evelyn! Oliver is gonna kill her!" It was Francis. "He's been planning to kill you all, all week, I didn't agree but he has been trying to force me to help him. I can't do it, it's not right. Quick, follow me!"

The two shot awake from their sleep and saw and heard what Francis had stated. "Evelyn? What?" Miyuki quickly got up and followed Francis down the hall. Avery still lied there, getting ahold of herself before she went to join the other two.

"What the hell do you mean?" Miyuki shouted. "It's exactly as I say. Oliver is gonna kill her!"