Chapter 6 - The Superior Hero

His sword glowed with a black light, shining brightly, even this early in the morning. A large mist of shadows steadily seeped from the sword. Within seconds, the field was covered in a fog of pure darkness. Oliver tried to observe his situation, but his vision was obstructed. "Where the hell did you go?"

"Fuck, I should get moving, I don't wanna be an easy target by just standing here." Oliver began to bolt throughout the shadows. He frantically looked for Miyuki, expecting an attack from any direction.

"Shadow blast!"

Oliver quickly snapped to his right but he was too late. He was blown back 30 feet, barely landing on his feet. "I'm tired of your games Miyuki!" With split-second thinking, he started to run in circles, kicking up the fog, clearly it almost instantly. He finally saw him. "There you are."

Miyuki was standing in the middle of the field, in a stance with his sword. "It was only a distraction Oliver." He zoomed towards the royal with his sword, but his opponent saw it coming a mile away.

Miyuki was quick, but Oliver was quicker.

Instatly, his sword barely sliced a millimeter into Oliver's right thigh, before he was abruptly grabbed by the arm and thrown several feet down the field. Miyuki crashed through several fences before he came to a stop. "What the fuck? How did he throw me so far?" He tried to get up but a scrap of wood was pierced into in his left arm. "Ah fuck! Not again." He let out more cries of pain as his opponent approached him.

"Well Miyuki, not only do I have the speed of a God, but I also have the strength of one. Kinda like how Avery does, but she comes nowhere close to me." He cracked his neck as he stepped towards the groaning Miyuki. "Fuck, I would pummel the shit out of you if there wasn't a wooden stake in my arm right now!"

"I guess we'll never know." He grabbed Miyuki by the neck, holding on tightly. "I'm gonna kill you infront of everyone in town, then I'll blame it all on you, turning the people against the Valis camp." He chuckled, then bolted. Miyuki's shoe heels were being slowly shredded away from the pavement as Oliver carried him. He tried to garggle out a phrase, but the royal's grasp on his throat was too tight.

"Killing you, will be exhilarating. I will have one less opponent in the election, all I'll have to do left is kill Sir Leonidas and then I, will be king!" He continued to ramble as he ran throughout the streets of Valis. "I'm tired of your shit. Shadow Blast One-Hundered!" An extreme blast of shadow magic came from both of his palms, facing towards Oliver. The two were blown high into the air. Miyuki crashed into a house's roof, where as Oliver crashed into an applemelon stand.

"Ow ow ow ow! Fuck! No time for pain, I have to get to him." Adrenaline pumping through his body, he snapped up, and stumbled to his feet. "Oh, I can see the Valis Castle from here. I could try to get Leonidas to help if I can get away from Oliver." He got down from off the roof, landing roughly onto the grass. "Hey! What the hell did you do to my roof!? Are you gonna fix that!?" A man came from the front door and yelled at him. "Uh, sorry. Talk to the Royal Knight Command and they'll get it fixed for you, I have somewhere to go." He then zipped out of there.

Running, he tried to collect his thoughts. "I have to get Leonidas, he can stop Oliver, I possibly can't!" But he couldn't think long before he was suddenly grabbed by his left leg. "Hey Miyuki! Let's go for a ride!" Oliver started to run, but faster than before. His legs and arms were lit with white-ish yellow static. He was running faster than Miyuki has ever had before. He truly is the faster speedster.

Miyuki was dragged, hundereds of feet down the streets, his body whacked every obstacle in their way. His clothing, shredded against the pavement. "Oh poor Miyuki, it's okay, I'll end your suffering anytime now." Oliver continued to head for the town square.

He was ready to kill Miyuki.

Finally, Oliver swung Miyuki with the force and speed of a bullet, smashing him into the town square fountain, obliterating it into shards and pieces. Miyuki bled profusely from every inch on his body, half his face alone was drenched in blood from a gash above his right eyebrow. "Ouch.....fuck.." Miyuki's bones were all cracked and shattered. He couldn't move.

A large crowd gathered in the town square, all wondering what could be going on.

"The fountain!"

"Why is that one friend of the princess stuck in the fountain?"

"Isn't that the kid who defeated that black order traitor?"

"Is he dead!?"

Someone tried to rush towards the barely-conscious Miyuki, but he was stopped. "No..! Get....away! It isn't safe!" Miyuki tried to plead with him, but the man wouldn't listen.

"Folks, citizens of Valis, such a beautiful kingdom. This man, Miyuki Azagawa, is a true traitor to this nation! He tried to assault me, in my own home! Can you believe that? Maybe he killed Mr. Isaiah Josephine, because he wanted to get rid of the competition." He pointed to the writhing Miyuki.

The crowd was in disbelief.

"He killed Isaiah as a political move!?"

"He's a traitor!?"

"He had it coming to him!"

The crowd erupted into chaos as they tried to make sense of what they've heard.

Miyuki had to do something.

He has to do something now.

With all the strength in his body, he got up. Slowly, he kneeled, then pushed himself up onto his feet. Blood poured from everywhere, drenching his dirtied, white hoodie. He could barely get any words out, as his vocal cords were drowning in blood. "He- He's lying! He tried to kill the princess, just like that Black Order member!" He pointed at Oliver, barely any strength left in him.

Miyuki looked to the crowd for affirmation, but there was little to none.

"Which one is lying?"

"Is that true?"

"Why would he try to hurt the princess?"

At the perfect time, 2 people were summoned to fountain, near where Miyuki was standing.

It was Sakuta and Avery.

They came to his rescue, right on time.

Sakuta heard the people chatter about what was going on, and he had to help Miyuki quick. "It's true, Oliver Pratt tried to kill Miyuki and the princess. He has already injured my daughter, she could very well die!" Oliver turned white, as he realized that Lillith hadn't died yet.

"No, fuck, no!" He thought to himself. "The Valis party tried to assault me and my staff! I did what I had to!" Oliver tried to plead, but he was stopped by someone he had trusted.

"I am the maid of the Pratt Estate, and it's true, he tried to kill Princess Evelyn! He even killed his own brother Francis Pratt!" The crowd finally turned against Oliver, after hearing two people back up Miyuki's claims.

"So it's true!?"

"Mr. Pratt is a murderer!?"

"I can't believe he would do such a thing!?"

The people were in the Valis camp's favor.

"Dusk, bring me my sword!" Miyuki reached his hand out as the sword that was given to him by Sakuta, snapped right into his palm. He gripped it with both hands, then he formed a stance.

"Luminous, bring me my sword!" Oliver reached his hand out as his sword glided into his palm. He then pointed the sword at Miyuki, staring him down. "Luminous? Dusk do you know who that is? Is it the light spirit?" Miyuki asked the shadow spirit. "Yes, Luminous is the Light Spirit." She confirmed Miyuki's assumption.

"Alright Dusk, you know what to do."

"Shadow Hand!"