Chapter 3 - Trouble In His Ordinary Life

"Sakuta! Get them out of there!"

"Consider it done bro." Sakuta stood up from the seat he was in, and stretched out his legs. "Be right back."

He disappeared.


The Oni was indeed following them.

They were slowly catching up.

"Shit, shit. You got anything that could help, Ethan?"

"Oh, most definitely." He winked at Haisha, and the both of them quickly steadied to a stop. Ethan whipped around to face the Oni.

Haisha didn't know if he could trust this random, oddly-dressed man, but it's all he has right now. He knows Miyuki, so he must he a good friend to him.

"Ice wall!" Ethan shouted.

A large, frozen wall rose from the ground. The person who had rapidly followed them, slammed into the wall, smashing through.

"Ouchie!" She yelped out.

"Oh shit!"


The Oni woman crashed collided with the duo, causing all to fall back onto the sidewalk. The tumble lasted, what felt like years, but actually lasted seven seconds.




Luminous floated as he saw the whole situation unfold.

"What the hell!? Why'd you hit me with an ice wall!?" She asked, somewhat pissed.

"You're the one chasing us, you fuck!" Haisha blurted.

"I just wanted to talk! Did you not hear me in that alley? I just wanted to talk about directions in this weird ass town!"

The Oni and Haisha both argued back and forth about what Ethan had, accidentally, caused. The three of them finally stood back up, brushing themselves off.

"Look, Oni-woman-" Ethan was interrupted.

"It's Sophia, don't wear it out." She gave them their name.

"That was corny as hell." Haisha bursted with laughter.

Luminous hovered over.

"Sophia Bouvala? How come you aren't with your father? I'm sure he's the reason everyone is missing."

"Why is there a floating cat? And why is he glowing yellow?"

"Yeah I wanted to ask the same thing. Where the hell are we, and why is there strange ass stuff!?" Haisha questioned.

"Look, I'll explain what I can, when I can, but we desperately need to know where the hell where your dad is. I'm not trying to get killed!" Ethan sounded worried, for good reason.

Sophia looked around, like she was looking for him.

"I ran away from home. I can't deal with my father. He's the worst! He's a murderer. My final straw was when he killed my mother out of anger." Her voice got quieter as she continued to speak.

"Oh. That's, something. He truly is the worst there is."

"What the fuck!?" Haisha was starting to freak out.

Ethan stepped over to Haisha as he fell to his knees.

"What the fuck is going on!? What the fuck is going on!? Where the hell am I!? I'm gonna die." Haisha was beginning to lose it.

"You have to calm down, we'll get you and Sophia out of here safely. I had the other cat, Dusk contact an ally of mine. We'll be okay." Ethan put his hand on Haisha's left shoulder, rubbing it in an attempt to comfort him.

"I don't think that's possible now. Do you hear the marching?" Sophia muttered. Her voice trembled with fear.

"M-Marching?" Ethan could hear it too. He snapped his head to face where the faint sound was coming from.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. Father followed me." Sophia was even more scared than before.

At the street's intersection, the sound of hundereds of footsteps could be heard.

It must be the Bouvalan Army.

But was it led by Barton himself?

"We'll have to go the other way." Ethan pointed towards the opposite direction of the army.

But there was another half marching down that side. The trio was trapped.

Haisha, Sophia, and Ethan were all doomed.


There were many Onis, all holding different kinds of weaponry.

Spears were pointed at the throats of the trio.

Compared to some of the Oni women, Sophia was rather beautiful.

An opening was created in the crowd, but it was obvious who was the one walking towards them.

Barton towered over every single being in the vicinity.

"Put the spears down!" Barton's voice roared out, silencing the whole of the Oni army. He stepped over to his daughter.

"Why, Daughter, did you leave me?" He brushed his index finger on her right cheek.

Sophia cowered as her father spoke, she was absolutely terrified.

"Your Majesty, the Dwarf King, we are, so sorry for trespassing on your kingdom's grounds-" Ethan began to speak.

"I was never the King of the Dwarves. I have always been one of the Oni. So I killed all of the Dwarves, to bring forth the era of the Oni. They stood no chance. I am now known as the Oni God." Barton glanced over to Ethan, who was trembling. "How dare you also speak out of turn. It was Princess Sophia's turn to speak you rat!"

"Oh fuck-"

Barton turned to face the heir of the Josephine family. He took Ethan within his grasp, holding his neck and lower-jaw tightly.


"I know you, you are one of the five royal families. Josephine if I recall correctly." Barton smirked. Why do you trespass on my land? To kidnap my daughter with your friend here? That is punishable by death!"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I was here because..." Ethan could not come up with a good enough story fast enough.

His grip strengthened on Ethan's neck and jaw.





His bones and muscle tissue were being violated.

"Mhmmmh-!" Ethan was screaming in agony, but he could not be heard. The pain was so extreme, he began to pray for death.

"Father, no! I ran away of my own accord!" Sophia yelled out to her father. "Please don't kill him! He didn't do anything!" She pleaded.



"You, did it yourself?" He dropped Ethan, who became motionless. His body hit the ground.

"No. Fucking no." Haisha couldn't begin to process.

Ethan was profusely bleeding from his mouth, his lower-jaw was missing. It wasn't long until he was soaking in a puddle of his own blood.


Ethan could barely breathe.

Ethan could only feel the pain from his mutilated mouth.