Chapter 6 - Highway Trouble




His eyes fluttered.

Miyuki's head pounded excessively. His mind felt fuzzy. The back of his head felt warm, yet cold with a liquid that profusely poured out. Every limb felt cold. His chest felt cold. Was this death?

"I don't want to die."

"I don't want to die."

"I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. "

The thought in his head made the pain pound even more.

"Miyuki!" A female voice rang out.

"Miyuki! Please!" Another rang out.

"Those voices- They're familiar."

His eyes finally fluttered opened. All Miyuki could see was red, as blood covered his vision. He saw the ceiling of a car that was familiar. Two women say there. Two familiar women.

His loves. Evelyn and Avery.

"Ev-" Miyuki coughed violently as blood seeped from his mouth.

"Miyuki, just rest. We're taking you to the hospital." Avery stated.

"I don't know how the hell you're still kicking. We thought you were a goner." Sakuta added. "We were really worried."

Everything hurt. Everything hurt. Everything hurt.

"Hai- sha-" Miyuki quietly asked. His vocal cords felt like they were drowning. And indeed they were.

"He is also critical, but he's going to be okay. We think you took the blunt force of the impacts and debris. Your body cushioned his impact." Leonidas clarified.

"Oh..." Miyuki's voice was quiet as he spoke. Blood continued to garggle in his speech.

"I- I'm trying to heal you, M- Miyuki." Lillith seemed shaken up as she spoke.

"Thank- y- you."

His ears finally began to function correctly. He could hear something.

It was familiar. A bad familiar.

"Gun- shots?"

"What's a gun?" Lillith asked.

"I hear it too." Sakuta looked in the rear view mirror. It was blasted off the moment he looked. He snapped his gaze to behind the vehicle and saw another car filled with Onis.

"What's a gun, Mr. Eloise?" Avery asked.

"This metal thing that shoots metal projectiles. They're extremely fatal if they hit their target. No more time to explain, Leonidas, go fuck them up!" Sakuta popped his head back into the S.U.V.

"Right on it." Leonidas pulled the rear window down and slipped out the opening. He quickly flung around onto the roof of the vehicle. His balance was incredible. His pearlescent tailcoat flowed in the wind. His hand reached over to his blade's hilt.

The Onis began to fire with their revolvers. They must have stolen the firearms off of police officers and from the Tokyo Police Department.

Shots zipped past Leonidas. Multiple struck his body, piercing his flesh and tissue. Instantaneously, the shrapnel flew out from his wounds, and his wounds closed.

He reversed their actions.

Leonidas crouched down, he lifted his hilt a few inches. Shots continued to fire.

"Cut them all down." Leonidas uttered as he pounced.

As he landed on the vehicle, two Onis opened the rear doors and pointed their firearms at Leonidas. He quickly sliced the two opponents' heads clean off their necks. Their bodies fell out of the car. Leon quickly hopped back towards the front-windshield, smashing it as he made contact. His blade ran through the driver and passenger, their chests split open.

He jumped through the opening and slashed through the four other Oni passengers, who sat in the vehicle. He was too fast for them to react. The vehicle began to swerve, and Leon noticed. He snapped his gaze back to Tosa's S.U.V. He kicked a door open, then bounced back onto the room of the Valis Camp's vehicle.

The Oni's car swerved towards the left and collided with a median. The whole altercation happened in the span of fifteen seconds.

Leonidas slipped back into the vehicle, a single drop of sweat slipped down his left cheek.

"That was fun." He spoke.

"F- fuck. I wish I saw. Someone please explain what happened.

All of the passengers saw the brief fight. Well, one-sided fight.

They were in awe and disbelief.


Miyuki's eyes could not stay open any longer.