48. He is the Police

Zalina and Jasper followed Sanders, walking down the stairs into a dark and stuffy room. The stench of dead rats began to smell.

Zalina held Jasper's hand tightly, and her lover was alert. Zalina was confused why Sanders brought her to that place. However, out of curiosity about what was there, she kept quiet and didn't ask. Their steps stopped when Sanders stopped.

"Sofia," Sanders said.

There was no excellent light except for a glimmer of light through the small holes in the wall. Jasper took out his cell phone to turn on the flashlight. However, just as Jasper shone the light, Zalina was shocked and screamed hysterically and hid behind Jasper's body.

Zalina and Jasper were shocked when they found a human skeleton stored in a chest. Three chests are lined up there, each a human skeleton that still looks intact.