77. Bind the Fetus

An hour earlier, The Witch asked Chelsea to come to Zalina's house. There was something she had to do for Zalina and the baby because the witch couldn't enter Zalina's house, even in human form or smoke form.

Zalina's house has a spell, so spirits, let alone evil spirits, cannot enter it. That's why neither Simon nor Bill could get into the house. Meanwhile, Zalina has never left the house since she was no longer working. The only way for the witch to get in is by using Chelsea's body. So right now, that's where Chelsea is.

"So the purpose of you coming here was just to say that?" asked Mrs. Roston.

"Yes." Chelsea nodded.

Mrs. Roston didn't know what was in Chelsea's mind. She was so confident, even though Mrs. Roston knew the girl was exaggerating.

"If you want to annoy us, you better go home. After all, we are not bothered by what you're saying. You shouldn't interfere with my daughter or her relationship with Jasper because they love each other."