I was talking to Lia on the phone about our upcoming presentation when my door knocked as I opened the door it was my mom.

She handed me a glass of milk and told me that they are going outside with my younger sister Emely and asked me if I wants to copany them too.

But I refused them as I still have to complete my assignment. She told me to lock the door and some other mother's advice.

They went. Now I was alone at home.

It was already 10 AM. I started doing my assignment and wore headphones while listening to the music on loud sound.

As the music was playing I heard as if someone was climbing the stairs too fastly, I thought it must be Emely so I turned the music off and waited for her to come and opened my room doo but she didn't came.

A misconception must exist., I again played the music on large voice.

After a while I again heard as if someone was running on the stairs. I turned the music off and get out of my room, but all I found ws darknese in the corridor. I took a glance downstairs if anyone was there but there was all dark too.

I came backto my room this time I didn't turn the music on and started doiing my work. I suddenly heard footsteps outside my room's door.

I got paralyzed at my place. Someone just kept walking out of my room suddenly, I saw a shadow from beneath the door, the shadow was continoudly moving. I shouted

"I'm not scared at all (meanwhile I was scared as hell), If you have the courage to scare me then come and show me yourself, did you get that I'm not scared of you!!!"

As I stopped shouting the shadow disappear, and a smirk appeared on my face as I was looking at the door. I again sat down but can't concentrate because I was scared enough. I calledd mom but she said they will late so I have to managed.

After a while, I got up from my seat and went towards the washroom and took a shower when I came back I was drying my hair when I heard the sound of falling plates from the kitchen downstairs I thought I must be a theft.

I took a hammer from my room and opened my room's door and went outside. As I took a few steps, my hand finally reached at switch, As I pulled down the button the whole house suddenly glowed up.

Then I slowly started to walking downstairs while holding hammer in my left hand. As I went downstairs, I started walking towards the kitchen to see if there's anyone.

But as soon as I turned the lights on of the kitchen I found nothing but a plate that was broken into pieces. I immediately ran towards my room and locked the door from inside while closing my eyes.

As I turned towards the room I saw a girl sitting there on my seat. Her back was facing me she had long black hair scattered on her back, I can hear she was whispering something, she was saying


She was continuously saying this. I got extremely frightened. I was about to escape when someone grabbed my wrist harshly and pushed me on the floor.

As I opened y eyes I saw no one there. I immediately got up from the floor and started to found my phone, finally got my phone from the sofa.

I immediately dialed Adam's number "ringing..." "why the hell he didn't pick up" I mummered.

Then I dialed Joe's number "ringing.." the girl spoke up "The number you dialed is busy at the moment...please try later" I sighrd, he must be talking to Isa. Now I had no other choice but to call Jess.

I dialed his number "ringing...." after about two to three rings the "ringing.." converted into numbers 0:00 and he spoke up "hhheeeellloooooo.

"Jess where are you now? can you come to my house? you can ask Adam or Joe to come if you don't want to come. I immediately asked him so many questions but after realizing there is no response coming from him I stopped


"Jess Are you there??" I asked.

"Butttt mmmooommmyyy yyyoouuu sssaaaiiidd yyoouu wwiilll bbbuuyyy ttwwwooo bbrroowwwnnniiieeess, nnooowww III wwaannttt ttwwwoo ppllleeeaasssee, please, please"

he lazily said as if he were a sloth while dosing thrice. I sighed.

I called Adam again and fortunately he picked up

"Gurl, you insane? calling at this hour, Everything's good??"

"Adam please save me. Adam please she will kill me" I said.

" You must be dreaming gurl, where are you mom dad by the way? Are they leave their stupid daughter alone at home?" he started making fun of me.

"Adam please stop it, I am already scared. please Adam come here, come to my home" I said while crying badly.

" M..Mia why are you crying girl, Okay I'm just coming" he said and hung up.

As I was sitting on the bed I felt someone's presence beside me, As l looked in my left direction there was no one.

But as I looked at myself in the mirror while sitting in bed, I can clearly see myself smiling in the mirror. Although I was still at my place but my reflection in the mirror was just laughing while laying on the bed and suddely she stopped laughing and kept staring at me with a serious face.

We had intense eye contact while viewing each other. She was looking at m with a very serious face, suddenly she started laughing loudly, while I started crying badly by keeping hands on my mouth.

Suddenly my door knocked and I froze in my place.

"W..Wh..Who is there?" I hardly asked. "Hey, it's me, Adam",

I immediately got up and opened the door but As I opened the door I found no one there not even he. Now I was scared enough to faint. Istarted crying loudly while keepiing my hand's on my ears.

After a while, I again heard a knock on my door. I just stayed still at my place not letting anyone know that I am there.

"Hey girl, open the door, it's me Adam."

"I know it's not you just go the hell away I'm not opening the door" As I say this I can hear a chuckled.

"Mia trust me it's Adam, what can I want from you so that I would tell a lie?" From his words I can assume he was Adam.

So I immediately got up from bed and opened the door but to my surprise again there was no one I became furious as well as scared now.

I turned behind and was about to shut the door when someone tightly grabbed the door from behind.