I was in my room while sitting on a couch and have a glass of red wine in my left hand I was looking at an immense picture pasted on the grey wall in front of me.

My eyes were still on that face, she was the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. She had long, black and splendid hair. Her eyes were too deep and I found myself lost in them.... Then I felt tears on my cheeks, but I wiped them and stood up from the couch. "

"No Adam, you have to be strong," I said to myself.

I stood up and went towards the bed and sat on it while caressing my hand on the grey-colored bedsheet as if I was recalling her. Then I lay down and hover the grey blanket on me again I started caressing the grey blanket.

"What the fvck wrong with me?" I shouted."I don't know why, why I can't stop thinking about you" I said while looking at the picture.

This time I can't stop my tears. It was the picture of Isa, my one and only love.

Everything was just rotating in front of my eyes. I got up from the bed and kneel down in front of the picture while crying harder and lowering my head.

I looked up and said "Isa, you must be too alone there. Sweetheart, you were too afraid of being alone, then why, why did you leave me? you know I can't leave without you then why? why Isa?" I shouted and started crying too badly.

I can't understand what to do next. I just wanted to see her badly. Just once, I again looked upward

"Why didn't you think even once of me before leaving?"

I was too exhausted. I went to my drawer, pulled it out and grabbed sleeping pill bottles and took 10 to 15 medicines in my hand, and was about to eat them all when I came to my senses and started crying too bad while sitting on the floor.

I got up from the floor and went towards the washroom, got in, removed my clothes, turned the shower on, and stood beneath it while closing my eyes.

I can feel the hot water falling on my head and from my head to everywhere. Isa's smiling face was still in front of me tears were still continuously flowing from my eyes.

After a long period of time, I turned the shower off wrapped the towel around my waist, and get out of the washroom, Walked towards the wardrobe and pulled out my grey sleeping suit, and wore it.

*Door knocked*

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Sir your drink," the maid said.

"I want to sleep, take it back" I rudely replied.

"But sir you-"

"Can't you hear I don't want anything just get the hell away" I shouted. She left.

I looked at Is'a's picture and said why are smiling huh? you don't want to be angry, right?"

"But you are not here any longer, so I will do whatever I want and fortunately this time you will not be there to stop me," I said while a smirk appeared on my face. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes.

The next morning, I woke up due to my phone was continuously ringing. I picked it up while laying down and closing my eyes.

Me: "Hello.."

Mia: "Are you alright? I have been calling you for too long. Where you've been?"

Me: "It's nothing babe, just tired." what about you?

Mia: I'm okay too. Just take a rest. We are supposed to go to a party, arranged by my old friends to celebrate.

Me: "You know very well I don't like gathering." I irritatedly said.

Mia: "Please Adam, it's just about two to three hours.

Me: "look Mia, you know very well if I don't like anything it means I don't like it"

Mia hung up. I throw the phone in frustration on the bed. Again my phone rang and this time it was not from Mia but from my dad's secretary. I picked up the call.

Miss Onnie: " Sir, it's your dad's secretary."

Me: "I know it's you. Speak up, what my dad asked you to advise me."

Miss Onnie: "Sir your dad left without saying anything."

Me: "So? Did he leave me for the first time?? huh"

Miss Onnie: Sir the thing is "Your mom and dad were going to United State for a business tour in their private jet. And their Plane crashed. Sir they left us, they left you" she started crying.

Me: Ohh I had forgotten that I had parents, you remembered me, Thanks to you. Alas, they are not here anymore.

I hung up. I was feeling too sad although they were not even liked to talk to me after all they were my parents.

Was I alone? Do I literally have no one? Thi..this can't be the truth? I called Onnie.

Miss Onnie: "Is there anything sir?"

Me: "I don't want you to bring my parent's corps to this country. Just buried them there in the US. I said while keeping a stone in my heart.

Miss Onnie: "You must be too sorrowful to say this, don't worry sir have some patience" I have already asked someone to get their corps here."

Me: "Just do as I say and let everyone knows about them" I hung up.

I don't know them. Adam, you don't know them. Don't worry Adam everything is alright no one died. It's just two random people getting off the earth.

I got out of my house and started walking on the lawn as if everything was okay. I got a call from my uncle.

Uncle: "Adam Onnie said you don't want your parent's corps to be invited here".

Me: "Yes, you have heard it right" I arrogantly replied.

Uncle: "I will arrange my brother's and sister-in-law's funeral right here" He angrily said.

"Just do anything you want" I hung up. I don't want to talk to anyone. Again my phone ringed

Me: "What is it now, uncle"

Uncle: "I want you to be there, at your parent's funeral"

Me: "huh, don't expect me there. I will not come" I calmly replied.

Uncle: "Son, what will people think about you, I know that you must be angry with your parents but son they are leaving. Just say them goodbye " he sweetly said.

"Uncle, I am not coming," I said and hung up.

I got into my room wearing a black hoodie and black jeans grabbed my car keys and went outside in my car. I can feel I was driving too fast.

I just don't know what was happening, maybe trying to know the situation. I powered off my phone. I was drunk.

In the evening, I was on my way to home when I thought of something and went towards my uncle's house. The funeral was already started and people were going in there.

I got up from the car and went inside, in the hallway everyone was sitting around two beds. As I went closer I saw my mom and dad in caffeine on separated beds.

First I can't believe that the people who were always in a hurry, who don't have time even to greet their only son. Who was just kept on running after money all their life and now, now they were peacefully lying on their dead bed. Now they were not in hurry to do anything or maybe they can't.

I started laughing seeing them like this, while everyone there was looking at me in disbelief.