As I entered the house, I saw my mom sitting on the sofa in the hall while folding her hands and angrily looking toward the floor.

"I'm home," I said and was about to go into my room when my mom stood up and said, "Wait!!!".

I froze at my spot. My mom started coming toward me "Where were you last night?" She inquired in a serious tone.

I was speechless, though I didn't do anything wrong the way she was asking me, I don't think she will believe me.

"Mom actually, last night, I...I went to Lia's house" I hesitate but told her the truth. She slapped me right away making my face turn towards the other side.

"You are lying. If you were with Lia then what the hell you were doing with Adam" she shouted. wait, did she just see me with him? I thought.

"You are too spoiled, you are making your younger sister like yourself. What do you think she will think, her sister spending a night with a guy or guys?" she gave me a darkened look.

I was just looking down and not to eye contact with her. I was just still at my spot. Her blood was boiling with anger.

She angrily grabbed my shoulder and said "You have no right to live under this roof. Get out of my house."

"Mom, listen, wai-" but she didn't listen to me and pulled me towards the main door and pushed me out the door. As I fell down to the ground, my elbow started bleeding.

I looked back at the door, ran towards it, and started beating it hard but she didn't listen to me. I was just beating the door when I heard someone whispering from the street.

I hide behind the large dustbins and luggage placed in the corner of the house. Then I saw four to five guys, which were drunk and were laughing loudly by clapping their hands. I became scared.

As they pass, I immediately get out from behind the box and started walking toward the dark street. I just kept on walking and walking not knowing where to go. I saw a bench and sat on it. I started crying out of my lungs.

I was just sitting there while crying when I heard someone's footsteps coming towards me, as I looked around, I saw a guy wearing a white T-shirt and black jeans. He came towards me and sat beside me.

He was quite handsome but I didn't like anyone except Adam, so I ignored him.

"What a beautiful girl like you doing here in this period of time?" he asked while looking at me.

"It's none of your business" I arrogantly replied.

"But I think you did a big mistake while coming here," he said and was about to touch my face when I jerked his hand and stood up.

"What do you think you are doing? huh", I asked.

He stood up and started walking towards me while I was taking my steps back, away from him. But he continued walking toward me and grabbed my shoulder

"you really think I will let you go and miss this opportunity to take advantage of you," he said with a smirk on his face.

I was trying my best to get rid of his grip but he was too strong. He started coming closer to me but I immediately stepped on his foot and kicked him hard in the groin.

He moan in pain, I took this advantage and ran away. I was running too fast but I can feel he was still chasing me. I went into an alley to hide.

Maybe he went. I started walking in the dark alley. It was too horrible walking alone in the dark alley. The shining moon was the only source of light there. I was just walking when I heard as if someone was following me.

I looked back but found no one. I again started feeling as if someone was following me, this time I immediately looked back and saw a guy wearing a black hoodie and black jeans.

This time he was still at his spot while staring at me. But to my wonder, he was wearing a black mask with a hood. All I can see were his eyes which were on me. He started running towards me while I started running away as fast as I can.

I got a place to hide. I sat under a few boxes while he was coming further and further to my side.

"Mia, sweetheart come out. Where are you? you know better you can't escape me, especially not tonight" he said in a dark and husky voice.

How come he knows my name? how could this be possible? Is he my stalker or something? Mia stops thinking negatively. I pulled out my phone and started calling Adam but suddenly he kicked the box and looked at me.

"Got you, baby girl," he said, I can feel a smirk on his face under the mask. I was shaking with fear.

As he looked at my phone, he immediately grabbed it from my hand and looked towards it. "Ha!! do you really think he will pick up?"

he said while looking towards the phone while showing me which was not picked up yet. "okay let's make a deal then. I will call your so-called boyfriend again, if he picked up, I promise I will let you go" he said in a confident tone.

"An...and wh...what if he di...didn't pic...picked up?" I asked in a shaking tone.

"Then you have to come with me" he immediately replied.

"No I'm not ready" I replied while being horrible and was about to go away when he grabbed my wrist.

"Did I ask, either you agree or not"? Then he called Adam while showing the phone screen to me as if he was 100% sure that he will not pick up.

As the bell was going, my heart was beating too fast. I was scared as hell when he didn't pick up instead a girl started speaking

"the number you di-" he cut off the call and harshly threw it on the ground making a large sound. Then he started coming closer to me and pulled out a white cloth from his pocket,

"Hey wait, stop right there. You can't drug me. I will sue you" I was about to run when he hold me from behind and placed the cloth in my mouth, I struggled to avoid him but he was too strong, after that everything started blurred and in a blink of an eye everything went black.

After a while, I opened my eyes and found myself in a cabin, maybe. It was too creepy and terrific. The wall's paint was dull and faded and there were blood spots everywhere.

In a corner, a strong chain was hanging from the wall. I was about to get up but my hands and legs were tied with ropes.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming closer. Then I can feel someone's presence behind me. I was about to turn but someone suddenly put a blindfold on my eyes, maybe not wanting me to see him.

Now all I can see was darkness. Then I heard his husky voice,

"So your bf didn't pick up the call, maybe he won't want to be with you any longer."

"It's none of your business, just tell me what the hell you want from me?" I replied.

"Hey I didn't want anything, but I wanna gave you something," he said while laughung. I can feel his hot breath now.

"It will be a little painful, but you have to endure it, sweetheart." He said and I can feel a nib inserted into my skin.

Then my head started revolving and my eyes become too heavy. But to my wonder, he didn't do anything to me. He just untied me and get in the car with me.

I was still wearing the blindfold not enough strong to remove that. I get some energy and spoke up

"w..wh..where y..yo..u t..a..taki..taking" but he didn't reply. He stopped took me and then leave me under the bow, while I was still feeling as if the whole world is revolving.

Though it really revolved 0_0