You have enjoyed enough, now let me have some fun too....

As that lady was about to go, I called her from the back, "Ah, grandma!!" she turned around to face me, "yes?"

"Can you...Isa doesn't want you to be alone, so can you come to my place, you will get the company there and we both can work on our mission together". While she smiled getting what I was saying and left, I called my driver to pick her up and drop her at my place.

I was sitting in my office while looking upward at the ceiling and thinking about what granny said. *Jianjian entered

"Sir your phone is ringing for about ten minutes, why aren't you picking it up, if you don't want to pick it up, can you please keep it on silent? I looked at the phone, three calls from the aunt, Gosh~ she thinks I'm free to hear her so-called women gossiping. I mumbled and keep the phone back on the table while again looking up,

"Sir she must have something important, or it can be an emergency," Jianjian said.

"What is it to you, have you completed the task I gave you tomorrow?"

"Yes sir" she with a huge smile on her face as if she really did it with heart.

"Okay then bring that file to me, I'll give you double work as compared to the previous one," I said while looking toward the laptop screen.

"Ah, sir how can you be so harsh on me?"

"Will you hand over the files to me or not?" I angrily said.

"Yes sir," she said and gave me the files I assigned her the work she was supposed to do and asked her to left. I stood up from my seat, take my mobile and went outside the office.

Everyone was doing their work as they feel my absence they looked at me and stand up to give me respect. It was the first time in my life that I was feeling so superior. I got to know that day, that if you have the money you have the whole world beneath you.

I ignored them all and went outside, driving my car to my house. When I was parking the car on the ground, I saw grandma standing there with a suitcase when I approaches her, she smiled,

"It's okay, child, not everyone likes my presence." She was about to go when I shouted from back "Granny!!!" she stopped and turned towards me while having tears in her eyes. I took her hand and entered the house, there Mia was sitting on the sofa while watching K-dramas. Seriously???, I thought and went towards her with granny.

"Who didn't let her in," I asked in a harsh tone. While she just looked at aunty's room. I understand everything and asked one of my maids to bring her into her 'to-be room'. While I walked towards aunt's room, knocked on the door, and without any reply open it hurriedly,

"What is this aunt? how can you throw an old woman out of the house, are you a woman too?" She was sitting in the room like a queen while reading a magazine, tied her hair in a bun and wearing a night dress maybe, she stood up and walked toward me

"Son, this is a house, not an orphanage, okay the house is too big but it doesn't mean that everyone who is abandoned by their relatives will come and live here," she said in a soft tone.

"Ah, aunt look, this is my house ad I can let anyone stay in this house," I said while holding control myself as she was my elder and the only family MEMBER I was left with.

"Hey, this is my brother's house, who are you to talk to me like this," she said while acting as if she was crying. "Geesh~ aunt please stop it, why is it so hard to talk to you ladies? the talk isn't started yet and you started crying?"

I was already exhausted and now she started crying so I left the room after saying "That old woman will lie here, hope you will not mess with her." When I went outside I found Mia was waiting for me in the hall while sitting on the couch, I sighed and went near her.

"What happened to you now?" I asked while sitting with her. "Nothing babe, why are you home so early?" she asked giving me a cute smile.

"Look, listen carefully, you saw the old woman who just went upstairs, right?" she nodded. "I want you to spend more time with her she has been living alone for a long time," I said while she just listened to me.

"And how do you know that lady, Adam?" she simply asked. "Well, I found her in a park years ago and she loves Is-" I was about to tell her the whole story but wait... what I was doing? how can I tell her anything related to Isa, she must be too sad after still hearing Isa's name in my mouth and really hated that woman as she is relatable to Isa, so I stopped myself from saying anything.

"Is, what Adam?"

"Ah, it's, uh you know, it's, Is...Istanbul, you know Istanbul?" I don't know what to say then I started memorizing things starting from 'Is' and unknowingly spoke Istanbul.

" of course, I do, how come would I don't know?" she said what are you saying?

"Good, good that old woman...I found her in a park when I was in Istanbul and asked her to stay at my home, whenever she visit my homeland, and now look she is here" I replied to her.

"Ah, I get it now," she said while standing up from her seat "then I'm going to your granny to talk to him about you"

"Yeah, sure she will like it" I replied as I was really happy that granny will have company. I got up as I was too exhausted and went towards my room, took a shower, a long shower, I was feeling too good and relaxed under the water when I heard the noise of someone's screaming and it was my aunty.

I immediately went out and ran toward her room, when I approach there, I saw granny and Mia were already there with an aunt, as the aunt looked at me she immediately jerked Mia's hand and ran towards me.

"Adam, dear look...look into the washroom", when I went there I saw on the washroom mirror, there was written


It was written with blood, and handprints were also printed there with blood. At the same time, my phone rang and it was from an unknown number, I picked up and went outside.

"what this witch want from me now? I've never hurt anyone neither I badmouthed anyone" I can still hear her voice with Lia's voice so I hung up the call. "Joke of the year,"

Mia said while folding her sleeves and getting out of the room while granny also followed her and I was looking at her like that's-my-girl. Hey stop it Adam, you can't love her, my mind said. I went to my room and talked to Joe on phone about what happened earlier,

"Geez, that witch thinks she can have anyone's personal property only because she is a witch," he said while I just started pondering over the whole situation. Then unknowingly I slept.

I was watching a dream of me and a girl with red hair and blue eyes she was just looking at me with an expressionless face and kept on saying "Why weren't you there when she needed you the most? where were you huh?

Is it what you called love? you just leave her alone by promising that I will never leave you, why?" she just kept on shouting at me, she was standing, in the air like there was no surface beneath her.

As she was shouting I saw a car coming towards her while she kept on horning but she wasn't moving even a little bit but kept on staring at me with teary eyes. The car was continuously making noise, "Beep, Beep!!!!!!" But she wasn't moving even a little bit from her spot and Beep, beep, beeppppp!!!! before that car hit her, my eyes opened and I heard an alarm that was continuously making noise.

I turned off the lamp and got up from the bed, got ready, and went towards the office. While doing some important work on my computer I got a call from Mia she said she is going to Lia's house to clear up some things and hung up.

After about two hours I was too exhausted from the work and wants to get some fresh air so I went outside the company in the park in order to get some fresh air, then my phone rang, It was Lia's phone I smiled and picked it up

"Whassup, gurl?" I asked after picking up the call.

"You tell me something about you, my cute handsome CEO"

"Aish~ why can't you girls can't keep any talk in your stomach, tell me honestly how, how can you girls be even like this?" I asked.

"Like what? she again asked.

"Like, always started crying, even if the person next to you just looked at you,

# 02, you can't keep anything in your stomach,

#3 you-"

"hey just shut up already, I called you for a treat and you"

"treat for what ma'am"

"Bro-" she was about to say something when the call cut. I again dialed her number but saw there were 6 calls from granny so I immediately called her back

"Granny, you okay?" "I am, but not your aunt"

"What happened to her?" I asked

"She is killed by someone"