Welcome to my house

-12 AM


Our rooms were on the second floor, and the kitchen was on the first floor, I don't know why but there was no kitchen on our floor. I was sitting in my room and thinking how will I scared them all when my room's door knocked

"come in," I said while sitting on the couch, but no one come inside so I too ignored it, then again the door knocked, I get up and opened the door, but there was no one but the darkness in the hall. I came back to my room and locked the door.

"Stop playing with me, the only ghost here is me" I whispered. Then went towards the washroom, the washroom was old but immense. As I took the shower, I came outside; turned the lights off, lay down on the bed, and closed my eyes, suddenly I heard footsteps in my room coming closer, and I irritatedly put the pillow on my head.

After a while, I heard female giggling from the corner of the room, I irritatedly turn the lights on

"What the-, what do you want?" I shouted. "I'm not scared, get that? so don't try" I again shouted. Then again turned the light off and slept.

Mia's POV

I was in my room, standing in front of the mirror and looking toward me while thinking how beautiful I am when my room door knocked,

"Mia?" Lia entered and said, "Yes?" I asked, "Why are you still in your room, she asked, "where do you want me to be at this hour?" I asked,

"didn't Jess tell you that we are playing in the front yard, come hurry, we are waiting for you," she said and left, "hey wait" I shouted because I can't go alone downstairs as that place is too dark and I have t find for the button to turn the lights on but she was gone by that time. I turned the lights on my phone and gradually started walking downstairs,

As I went downstairs, saw nothing but darkness, my phone's flashlight was the only source of light on the first floor. Somehow I managed to go outside, but, to my wonder, as I stepped outside, I found no one but the smoke and empty, dark yard. I covered my mouth in fear and shouted "Liaaa" but got no response, then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I slowly turned around to see Joe, he was looking at me with a questionable expression,

"What are you doing here?" he inquired. I sighed a relief when saw him and asked "Lia asked me to come here" I replied.

"Do you think you can ruin Lia's image in my eyes by saying that?" he said in a cold tone.

"Are you insane, why on earth will I do that?" I asked with an angry face. "didn't you do the same with Isa" he said while folding his sleeves.

"Joe, please, stop living in the past," I said and went upstairs, this time the lights were on, maybe joe turned them on.

I went toward Lia's room and without knocking on the door entered, she and Jess were sitting on the bed while playing 'head-tale' as I entered the room, the coin was just dropped by Lia's hand, she looked at me, and Jess while seeing that Lia is not watching immediately turned the coin to other side,

"Lia, you asked me to come in the front yard, right?" I asked while standing there, "Are you stupid" Jess said with a serious face. "I'm not talking to you" I replied,

"Oh, as if I am dying" he again replied. "enough, you two, look, Mia, Since we came to this house, I didn't come out from this room, as I'm not stupid enough to roam around in this house" she replied.

"Stop lying!!!!" I shouted with teary eyes, "you want to take revenge on me, right?" I shouted while she was just looking at me with a strange face.

"And what wrong have you done, expecting her to exact revenge on you?" Jess asked while crossing his shoulder.

"Look, Mia, I've been arguing with him for half an hour about sleeping on the sofa; when would I come to you, and why would I ask you out?" I without reply left there angrily and came to my room,

"What is happening? Isa... it must be you, I know you are getting revenge on me" I said while looking around the room with teary eyes and then went toward the bed and lay down without turning the lights off.

Joe's POV

I came downstairs to drink water and turned the lights on, then I saw someone standing at the front door I went closer and tapped her shoulder, it was Mia, after a little discussion she went upstairs, while I came to the kitchen.

I opened the freezer but it was empty, so I started searching for water as Puttichae told us that we will find everything there. Finally, I found a water dispenser, I went closer to it and turned it on, and started waiting for the water to become cold.

Suddenly all the lights in the hallway turned off. I got flinched and then turned on my phone's light, to my wonder dispenser light was still on, which means someone intentionally turned the lights off, "it must be Jess" I mumbled, took the water in a glass and about to go when heard children's laughing sound so I walked in the hallway.

As I walked, I could only see the things on which my phone light was falling, and everything else was dark. Then my phone light fell on a moving chair on which an old lady was sitting, her back was facing me, she had long hair and was wearing glasses, she was continuously moving with chair, as my phone light fell on her she stopped moving and slowly started turning her face towards me.

But before she could see me, my phone fell off my hand and everything went black. I immediately took the phone and saw that old woman but there was no one only the moving chair, I got frightened and immediately went upstairs.

Jess's POV

I was sleeping on the sofa while Lia was sleeping on the bed, the moonlight was the only source of light in our darkened room. I was in my sleep when I heard someone whispering as I opened my eyes, there was no one then I turned around to face Lia and I saw someone was sitting near Lia while whispering something in her ear.

It was a black shadow, and due to the darkness in the room, I can't see her face all I came to knew is that she was a girl. I got up and started screaming out of my lungs with closed eyes while covering my both ears, Lia immediately turned the lights on and looked at me, she looked at my pale face and immediately came to me,

"Jess are you okay?"

"L...Lia, there was a girl, a girl was sitting beside you, trust me" I replied, I already was too scared. She immediately hugged me while I closed my eyes in fear.

"Don't worry, it's just your thinking, there is nothing like that, do one thing, go and sleep in a bed" she said while comforting me.

"Aish~ you insane? what if I was sleeping and turned around and...and a girl was laying beside me?" I said while breaking the hug.

"Then if you turned the lights on, you will notice it was me," she said while smiling while I rolled my eyes, then she stood up and was about to turn the lights off when I shouted

"Hey, you wanna kill me, don't turn the lights off" she looked back at me and said "I can't sleep with lights on"

"put the pillow on above your head". She then lay down without turning off the lights, and after a while, I fell asleep as well.