Chapter Six

Cleo POV





"Okay first question your favourite colours?"

T"orange", S"indigo", C"blood red".

"Favorite food?"

T"Pizza", S"sushi",C"anything that tastes good"

"Favourite thing to do during your freetime"

T"swimming", S"live streaming video games", C" reading stories on wattpad"

"What is your breaking point when in a relationship".

T" you chewing loudly",

S"always inviting your friends to our dates",

C"What they said and Liars oooh I hate those people"

"What was the first thing on your bucket list when you where 18 which you already completed?".

T"Being in the olympics",

S"winning the state robotics competition",

C" getting a boyfriend and dump him on the very same day for no reason."

"What have you always dreamed of doing"

T"to make a clothing fashion line"

S"getting a pet a hamster"

C"There is one thing and that is meeting the Mafia Italian boss"

Matteo chockes on his drink and Elizabeth starts hitting his back. Lucas looks at me like I'm crazy where as Jason looks at me with dark eyes."What do you mean" Lucas asks.

"Well I mean meeting the mafia people of the underworld, meeting the members sure that would be cool and all but meeting the Capo, now that would be a dream come true even if it's just for a second that would be fine by me"I answer.

Matteo regains himself and looks at me,"Why in the world would you want to meet the Mafia Don"

"Well because I want to know whether he is real first of all and why he is labeled as the most dangerous man to ever roam the earth I mean for all we know it might probably be some wimpy nerd wanting to get a status or something"I finish taking a bite of my French fry.

"What where you going to do if he where to be standing right in front of you?"Lucas asks genuinely curious of my answer.

"Well I would tell him about how I think his sense of clothing is spot on and I would ask him to sign my second favourite treasure,the first one being this necklace ofcourse".

Matteo looks at the necklace putting on a small smile then looking into my eyes to ask,"and what would your second treasure be exactly?".

"My gun of course" and with that said I reach over to the left side of my ankle pulling it out showing them.Matteo is furious by now.

"How the fuck did you get that past security when you first came and where did you get it from" Matteo asks trying his level best to calm down.Jason looks both puzzled and angry.Where as Lucas is just smirking evilly enjoying the fact that I am getting in trouble. Egghead.

"I have my ways so no need to worry and to answer your second question I was given by Frachesca this girl I met at the orphanage she was the only one who never considered me as an outsider, I was bullied a lot there so she taught me shoot and seof defense techniques" I tell them and Matteo immediately calms down.

"Oooohhh I just remembered another thing I would say to him ,asking him if I could be his official well trained sniper, I'd be really good at it". I say grinning proudly.

"Yeah you would"Matteo snorts.And just like that we spend another 30 minutes arguing about whether I could do it but obviously my dum dum brother was to big headed to listen to my point.

Jason POV

That was most certainly odd.Never in my life would I have imagined that a girls number one dream is joining the Mafia.I mean wasn't too shocked because she does have that badass type of energy.

And for some reason listening to her answer those questions really got me to be more interested, to know more about her.

We are now reaching the exit where my phone starts ringing.I look at it clearly annoyed that I am being disturbed on my day off.I look at my phone to see it's a call from Hunter meaning it has to be important.

J=Che cosa c'e(what's the problem)

H=Capo l'abbiamo travato(Boss we found him.

J=l'hai fatto?dove?(You did?where?).

H=Lo abbiamo trovato mentre

cervaca do prendre il prossimo areo in partenza dal Messico siamo tornati in Italia e siamo al magazzino con.(We found him trying to catch the next plane out of Mexico we are now in Italy at the warehouse with him tied up.)

J=Bene,stro arrivando.(Good I'm on my way)

With that the call ends.I let Matteo and Lucas in on the news.I tell Elizabeth as well and she nods her head in understanding before telling her friends that they where going with the SUV and that we had business to attend to.

The guys and I waste no time getting into the cars and driving to the warehouse.Let the fun begin!

We arrive at the warehouse make our way to the back of the where house where Hunter was already waiting for us.

My men open the door for us I get in and an evil smile gracefully forms.They actually did find him.The man I had been looking for, for two years Mike . Rachel's daddy.

He is tied up to a chair and his head hung low meaning he is asleep.I inspect him even more to see my men did an amazing job he is all covered up in deep cuts and wounds.

I look at Lucas signaling to wake him up which he happily does by grabbing a bucket of surgical spirit and pours it all over him.

He immediately wakes up screaming incoherent words.I grab a chair and sit in front of him still smiling."Morning sleeping beauty"

He lifts his head up and he is already angry."You!!! Why did you bring him here you shit head" he screams trying to break free.

"Tsk Tsk,that isn't how you talk to the person whose got you tied up now is it" I snap my fingers and Matteo comes forward with a taser at high voltage and pressed it in the deepest cut on his thigh.

He starts crying like a bitch and one of his tears drop on my expensive shoes and that does it for me .I grab his neck throwing several punches at his face until I hear his nose crack which satisfies me.

"Now to answer your question you stole my shipments and have done several things in harming my family so now I've brought you here to kill you simple as that"

Hunter hands me the snipper while Mike is screaming for mercy which unfortunately for him I don't show mercy.I start cutting of his fingers one by one until he is fingerless.He screams in pain making me smile even more.

He is still crying time to shut him up." Okay I have had my fun now any last words Mikey".

"My son Ricky is going to know about this and when he does you are going to regret it" he struggles to say starting to feel confident.

"Yeah sure looking forward to it"I tell him already getting bored.

"Gas him" I say to two of my men and they grab the gasoline oil and spill it all over him.

"Do hope to see you in hell oh and don't worry about your daughter she is in good hands"I say then throwing the lighter at him.Fire blazing he screams very loudly and after some minutes it starts to quiet down and he is now turned into ashes.

My men start cleaning up the ashes getting ready to dump it where we dump all other dead bodies.

" lets go"Matteo,Lucas and Hunter all nod in agreement.We drive our way home.

Once we are at the mansion we start heading to my office we get in.I reach the light since it's dark.I look at my desk to see the chair already occupied by Cleo.

Scarlett and Tiffany are seated on the couch, Elizabeth is in the corner of the room with her head facing the ground.

"I'm sorry Jason I tried to get them to get out but she wouldn't budge" she says pointing at Cleo who was smiling at us.

"What are you doing here" I ask as I make my way over to the desk looking into her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us" she asks the smile never leaving you her face.

"Tell you what?". I ask completely lost where this was going.

"That you four are THE ITALIAN MAFIA plus the guards outside"she says and the room goes silent.

"It all makes sense why you live so far away from society,how you are so mean ,stubborn and closed off, how you guys all dress nicely with your black suits well except for Lucas because eish he's fashion sense is absolute nonsense"

"Heyyyy" Lucas yells."well you're right I am the boss,Hunter is our best assassin ,Lucas is our hacker and tracker and Matteo is the sniper" I tell her.

"Ugh that's why you where you where snorting around when I said I want to be a sniper you are an absolute looser Ally you knew that I had a chance that's why you where being so negative about it." she tells him and Lucas starts laughing in the back and Scarlett nudges him to be quiet.

They start sizing each other up.Cleo is on her toes trying to reach his eyes.Key word trying.

"Now you all know our secret and you also know that I can use this gun here to shoot you all" I tell with a serious tone.

Scarlett and Tiffany run out first and Lucas runs after her right before calling me an asshole when he sees that I'm pissed be runs even quicker out of the room.

Elizabeth rolls her eyes and leaves with Matteo trailing behind her.Cleo walks up to and for some reason my heart start beating really fast it felt like my heart was the only thing beating.

"Goodnight Mr King" she whispers in my ear.She leaves the room.Ugh fuck just great I already have boner.

Only one way to solve this situation.I grab my phone and dial the number. He answers immediately "Mr king hi what a surprise how can I help you" he answers.

"I am coming to the club so I need one of your girls she has to have curly hair and brown eyes" I instruct Kasey the manager of my club.I decide on going for my favourite car. I head over to Blue moon club one of my most successful ones.

I wait in the VIP section.A girl with curly hair and brown eyes walks in my eyes start to trail down to see that her assets are fake where as the person I somehow keep thinking of has a natural body which drives me crazy.

I snap my fingers in her direction she starts to dance on the pole. I watch her intently she starts sending a lot of winks and smiles my way.

She comes over and sits her self on my lap and starts leaving light kisses on my neck while grinding herself against me.

And even this isn't helping It feels like I'm doing the wrong I quickly push her of and leave the place,even this isn't helping at all.

Cleo what are you doing to me.

Cleo POV

4 weeks later

Everything is just amazing.Jason and I have become extra close now he's my male bestie.While the girls where out with their man's I have been going to his office where I just seat around and read the books from the library and help whenever I can.

Lucas finally grew balls and asked Scarlett out now they are the cutest couple.Elizabeth and Matteo are still the same throwing each other mixed signals which is frustratingly annoying.

I have gotten closer to my parents we hang out as much as possible.And they showed me the room I slept in as a kid.

There was a table filled with presents and they where all for me.They where each written with the number of my age so basically 16 presents.

I found that Elizabeth and I where best of friends when we where young before it happened.So I was the missing friend she was sad about.Matteo's second name is Alessandro so that's where Ally came from.

My mother also showed me a picture of when I was a baby there was a toddler holding me and she told me it was Jason and that I used to call him Ashy coming from his second name Asher.

Tiffany has become a bit distant now.I found out that I love Elizabeth's mom she is like the third mom in my life now.

I am currently in the garden the whole family is here to witness the golf match.Let me rewind to keep y'all in check while I go practise.

Flashback 2 weeks ago

"So Scarlett how was your date" I ask her as I continue cutting out the strawberries.

"Oh it was okay I guess" she answers .

"Really" Elizabeth and I say at the same time looking at her with eyebrows raised.

"Fine, it was amazing he even asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes" she tells us looking around the garden.

"WHATTTT!!!!!!!" I scream and everyone looks at me in shock.I yell a sorry and Matteo smacks his forehead.

"Yeah keep hitting it at least it will finally decrease in size" I yell at him smiling at the fact that he was angry.

I start running and he is catching up to me.I run to the only place where I'm safe.I run to the living room to find the parents all sitting and having a conversation.I run and sit between my parents and cling onto my dad's arm.

Matteo comes in along with Scarlett,Elizabeth,Hunter,Tiffany, and Lucas not far behind wanting to see what happens next.Jason isn't here because he had to deal with work.

"Daddy Daddy help me Ally is bullying me" I say while pointing at Matteo.I know that it did the trick because ever since I met them I've been calling my parents by their real names because it didn't feel to just call them mom and dad.

He quickly wraps his arm around me and looks at Matteo with some anger being displayed.

"Leave my princessa alone Matteo other wise I will ground you young man" he says giving Matteo a stern look.

"What dad she started it and you can't ground me I'm a grown man dad" he answers trying to grab me but I hide myself behind dad's now standing figure while sticking my tongue at Matteo's angry face.

"Oh I can Matteo you may be grown up but you will forever be my little boy I can ground you so don't test me now say sorry to your sister now "he answers.

He sighs finally giving in "Fine I'm sorry " when my dad turns to me and gives me a hug.Matteo mutters under his breath "sorry that you're a pain in the ass" I was the only one who heard him but he suffered enough embarrassment for now.

Everyone goes back to where they where.I decide to sit with the bigger adults just in case Matteo comes out of no where to attack me.

Lisa Bisa's dad looks at me to ask"so what are your favourite sports"

"Um I would say tennis,swimming,Hockey and Golf" I say and dad starts to raise his fists in the air out of excitement.

"She is the one with sports genes" he answers hugging me proudly.

Carlos smiles nodding in agreement. "Who is your favourite golf player" he asks.

"None at first I thought it was Paul and Eric but those guys don't know what they are doing I bet you I can do way better than them" I tell them raising my head in confidence.

My mom and Catherine smile proudly at me and give me thumbs up.Where as The dad's aren't to happy and both scoff.Whats up with them.

My mom clears it up for me," honey Paul is your dad and Eric is him they use code name so they aren't harassed by the paparazzi". Oh

"Well I am not erasing what I said in fact let's have a competition you two against me how about it" I ask them.They look at each other and smirk and we handshake.

I run and tell the others what happened and the girls and Hunter where obviously happy and rooting for me whereas.Matteo and Lucas where just laughing like hyenas.

I'll show them.

Flashback over

We head over to the golf section which was at the back of the house.The people supporting me where wearing red and blue where as the people supporting my opponents wearing black and white.

Jason came back and now he is just sitting in the middle of the bleachers watching my every move with his intense gaze I kind of found it hard to focus bcause every time I look at the crowd I always only see him and him alone.

After the game

So Matteo bought podiums like the ones they have in the Olympics.I stand on the podium lost in my whirlwind of emotions.I thought I could do it.


Mom come up with my trophy and smile at the camera while dad and Lisa Bisa' s dad are frowning at the bottom of the podium.

After everyone congratulate me and Matteo giving Elizabeth money since they betted on who would win so Matteo lost.

I give my competittion both big hugs and they give me each a kiss on my forehead and tell me how proud they are of me.

Jason comes over." I knew you could do it" he tells me giving me one of his geninuine smiles that I have been seeing a lot lately.

"Oh thank you" I say and wrap my arms around his neck and hug.He freezes for a bit and holds my waist hugging me back.

We separate from the hug I walk away to already see that Lisa Bisa saw us and she does not look happy at all.She was on the verge of crying she runs away heading to the house.Shit

I prepare to run after her but her mom holds my hand telling me she's got this.