Chapter Ten

Cleo POV

7 months later

It's been 7 months now meaning I'm 9 months pregnant.For some reason the babies tummy is awfully huge.

Jason never let me walk a lot.So I spent most days on the couch orin the room falling asleep or binge watching on Netflix.He even had to watch me whenever I went to the garden to read books or water the plants.

He had me excersising every bloody day.So it turns my new weird craving is hotdogs and fruitsalad together. Whenever Jason wasn't around Lucas was my personal maid.I would always ring the bell for really small things just to annoy him.

It's the month of April now so Hallowean was a bust cause I didn't get to celebrate it obviously. Christmas was amazing the whole family came we all wore Christmas sweaters well obviously except for the guys they did not want to wear them at all.

We played secret Santa I was Matteo's secret santa and I got him a clowns costume since its a must for you to wear the gift you were given and he looked very silly.I kept that photo in my blackmailing folder in my phone .

On Valentine's day Jason took me out on a boat cruise and it was really special.

Elizabeth and Lucas's birthday are close to each other so we had one big party for the both of them and as a present I got Lucas an alien onesie and Elizabeth a tiffany and cos necklace that she has always wanted.

Lucas wasn't so happy with his present cause he looked really stupid and funny.I also kept the photo in the blackmailing folder with all the other embarrassing pics and vidoes of everyone else.

Every one has splited themselves up into two groups the It's a boy team and the It's a girl team based on the gender of the bany.And no we don't know the gender because we want it to be surprise. And they argue Every time topic of the baby is brought up.

That's pretty much all that happened. Right now I'm spreading the bed which Jason told me not to do.Luckily his at the company having a business meeting so I can do whatever I want.

Just as I'm about to head out I feel my legs all wet I look down to see my water had broke.Oh shit shit.

I dig through my pocket reaching the remote which Jason installed in case this was to happen I press the button and the siren starts blarring


By the n Elizabeth and Matteo rush in pushing a wheelchair I sit myself in it and Matteo starts running to the door where Lucas and Scarlett are waiting with the emergency baby bags for both genders.

Elizabeth starts calling My parents and her parents.And then finally calling Jason.

Once I'm put in the car Tom the driver speeds up the pace while Elizabeth hold either side of my hands with me breathing in and out.

Jason POV

While the guests are saying proposal of investment goods.My phone starts ringing I pick up imediately where I hear Cleo yelling a lot of curse words in the background and Elizabeth screaming for me to get to the hospital right now meaning she's giving birth.

I tell my assistant Jerry to fill in for .I run out of the buidling heading for my car once inside I hit pedals and drive really fast not caring about the traffic lights.

Once I reach the hospital I enter the building.Everyone stops what they are doing to look at me and they had the same expression. Fear.

The nurses at the reception table started fixing their dresses and hair unbuttoning a few buttons of their dresses.

I brush them off heading for the elevator the people in the elevator push to the corner of it giving me enough room.When I reach the top floor I head to the VIP section.

The family is waiting outside the room and they all looked scared.I turn to my mother raising eyebrows and sge points to the door where I hear Cleo screaming loudly.

"You dumb bitch I didn't ask for this bloody water I asked for a milkshake bitch don't you understand english you know what don't get me anything else" she yells and throws the bottle out the room.

The nurse she yelled at comes out the room running really fast past us."She's been like this since we got here so we're just staying here to avoid her anger" my mother answers and they all nod their heads in agreement.

I head in to the room to see her pacing around the room wit her eyes closed and hands on her belly.

I walk up to her she turns around once she sees it's me she relaxes a bit.I give her a kiss on her forehead and that seemed to ease her even more now.

"beautiful" I whisper in her ear while her hands rest themselves on my waist and her head resting on my chest.

We stay like that do ra but and the doctors come in telling us it's time because by the then her contractions increase.

They take her up to the delivery room.After the nurses try getting me out they finally give up.I sit down next her holding onto her hands.

"the baby is in position it's time to push" the doctors says and Cleo does as told.

And to my surprise she didn't even scream in pain or shed tears.The baby came out in one motion."It's a handsome baby boy" the doctors exclaims before handing him over to the nurse for clean up.

"Well done baby you did great" I whisper to her gently kissing her forehead.

The doctor looks up at us before announcing" Okay Baby number 2 is in position get ready to push"

"What??!!!" Cleo and I both say looking bewildered at the news.

To not delay the baby any further Cleo breathes in and gives yet another powerful push."It's a healthy baby girl" the doctor exclaims and Cleo and I stare at each other smiling widely.

The doctors get her cleaned and stitched up.They take her back to the VIP room.We both wait patiently until the nurse comes in pushing the cubicle with the family following in behind her

When she removes the blanket which was cover the cubicle the family all smile widely at the sight of the twins also not expecting that.

The nurse hands the ready to cry twins over to Cleo.They both calm down once In her arms.

"What are their names?" Elizabeth curiously asks.

"Cameron Andre King and Camilla Abigail King" Cleo answers.

Everyone takes turns to hold them smiling intently.

Once they all leave to give Cleo time to rest which she does I stay behind watching after the twins.

I wake up to find Cameron crying.Jason who was sleep on the chair next to their crib wakes up and picks him up trying to rock him but he fails and hands him over to me where he quiets down.

I smile triumphantly at Jason who just rolls his eyes in return but still smiles.He walks to the sitting down next to me while I breastfeeding Cameron.

Camilla starts crying as well and Jason goes to get her bringing her over to us.

It was pretty obvious Cameron was mommy's boy while Camilla was a daddy's girl. Once Cameron has had his share I unlatch his tiny mouth handing him over to his dad and taking Camilla for her meal.

Cameron looked more like his dad but had my light brown eyes while Camilla looked like me but with Jason's eye colour.

After Camillas meal I place her back in bed.Little Emma comes in looking around she runs to me giving me a big hug. And doing the same for Jason.

"How did you get here" I ask her while placing her on the bed next to me.

"Uncle Lu Lu and Aunty Scarlett brought me here and then they left" she answers her eyes directed ti the cot bed.

"Oh well do you want to meet your brother and sister" I ask and she nods happily.

I walk over to the cot luckily they where both awake.I grab Cameron first and head to the rocking chair where she was sitted.I carefully place him in her arms.

He looks up in to her eyes and shows a small smile on his lips which so cute.Luckily I had it all on video.After placing him back into bed next Is Camilla.She smiles at Emma and holds her fingee which was extra cute.

Jason and Emma leave , so Emma could pick out a present for the twins and get some lunch.

Jason left two guards at the door which is really silly but it is what it is.

One day later

It's finally time for the twins and I to leave the hospital.Im really happy to be going back home.

I get dressed in my signature look which y'all know by now.

The twins are dressed and sleeping.Jason comes in I give him a big hug and kiss.He grabs the the baby carrier with the babies inside while I carried the baby bag.

We reach the car and drive back home.Once home the house decorated again but this time to welcome the babies home and luckily I knew about and told them not to yell surprise or anything.

Everyone is loving the twins.Right now Elizabethis carrying Camilla her God daughter.Yes Elizabeth and Matteo are Camilla' s God parents while Lucas and Scarlett are Cameron's god parents.

During the party Jason sends the twins and I up to the room so I could rest.The twins room is still getting decorated with some last minute touches so their sleeping with me in Me and Jason's room.

3 hours later

After I woke up the twins where awake as well so now we're in the living room along with Scarlett and Elizabeth waiting for the designers to finish.

They finally finish and we rush to the room and I am just blown away the room is just gorgeous let me tell you that.

The room was painted cream and then on one side there are boy toys stickers on the wall with a cot bed painted in blue and then all th way on the other side there is girl you stickers with a pink cot bed.

The side are separated with a little fence.The bathroom is just as amazing inside is two tubs fit for two babies with a big closet filled with diapers,shampoos,lotions and towels all fit for babies.There also a table for diaper changing ofcourse

Another door is in the room we head to that one and it's like as if we entered a shop for babies there are all different toys on the shelves at the right it's like as if Jason bought the whole store.

The clothes are in the right all in racks in every colour even the shoes even the hair bands for Camilla.And to make it worse all the clothes and shoes where labels.

When I told Jason he could decorate how ever he wanted I never intended for him to spend so much money.

While we're googling at all the cool stuff the guys come in with the twins and Jason's just smiling proudly.

"What do you guys think?" He asks coming to stand next to me.

"It's beautiful how much was all this"I ask him

"Nothing much just 500 000"he says like its no big deal that he spent half a million dollars.

"Really Jason these are babies they are going to grow and then what's going to happen then huh"

"I want to spoil my kids rotten so you shouldn't worry about all that they are babies now so let them enjoy all this huh" he answers trying to ease my distress.

"Please don't be angry at me"He says using puppy dog eyes while holding Camilla to the side of his face.

"Ugh fine and I'm not angry at you just worried that's all" I tell him.

We spend the rest of the day with the twins and Emma in their new room talking.

10 days later

Jaosn and I have finally gotten used to the routine.We both take turns whenever one of them cries or when it comes to diaper changing.

And funny enough Jason is the best at changing diapers between the two of us.

Emma helps by playing with the twins.She really loves them and doesn't show any type of Jealousy or being left out.

Jason,the twins,Emma and I go out on family picnics in the garden every now then just have some family time together.

Lucas and Scarlett are officially engaged which is amazing news for everyone.Their proposal was really silly and funny.

Lucas lost the ring and had to use the onion ring chips that where there luckily she said yes without questioning it.He found the ring and turns out it was in his jacket pocket the whole time.

Matteo has talked to me about proposing to Elizabeth for a long time.He is just waiting for the perfect time.

The twins are sweet angels when they aren't cranky ofcourse.Emma has started calling Jason dad which was really adorable to hear.Now those two are inseparable.

My foster parents got to meet the twins and they love them very much. James, Amelia and Rebecca are now singing at concerts I was able to convince my manager to help them out just like I promised them.

Jason has finally allowed me out of the house. Elizabeth is cooking for the first time ever and she is in dire need of mozzarella cheese all the maids are out on a day off which means there is no one to head out to the store.

Plus the others to lazy to head out so it's just me.Once in the car I drove of to the grocery store.When I arrive to my destination I head in and get out.I'm now heading back home.

Jason POV

This work is piling up everyday but luckily Cleo is there to help speaking of Cleo she's probably back by now.

My thoughts are broken up when Elizabeth along with Scarlett, Lucas and Matteo came following in.

Elizabeth walks to the Television which is mounted on the wall and connects her phone to it giving us all a full screen of her phone.

And it displays a phone call from Cleo.I turn to Elizabeth and she whispers that Cleo told her to come up here so she could talk to everyone else.

Im first to speak,"Hey baby where are you?" I ask.

"Hey bae I finally get to hear your voice for what might probably be my last time" sh says before chuckling at her own sentence but this chuckle was filled with sadness and pain.

"What are you talking about, where are you?!!"I half yelled getting frustrated with her rhymes.

"I just wanted to tell you all at once that it's because of all of you that I who I have become today you guys are the best thing that has ever happened to me"

"Cleo you're scaring us where are you" Scarlett asks starting to tear up with Lucas consoling her.

"I'll just show you" and with that she puts the call on video call and I am rooted in my position out of shock.

Before me was fire and flames the car looked like it was flipped sideways due to how she placed the phone.While she continues showing her area the car was filled with fire and smokes.

She finally shows us her face and Elizabeth is first to gasp.Her face was pretty banged up there was a big cut across her jaw and the rest was just too scary to describe.

"There's your answer I have gotten Involved in a car accident I can't escape from here because my arm is stuck in to the metal of the car door and don't think of coming to get me beacuse you'll never make it in time and even if you the fire would reach here causing a really big explosion and I love you guys to much to have to see you die along with me and plus whose going to take care of all three of my babies huh? "She asks waiting for our responses.

I hated the fact that she was right but I wasn't going to wait for her to die while sit around and drink biscuits and tea like it's all okay.

"Please don't stress too much when I'm gone my sould will not rest peacefully with you guys mourning over me.Matteo I had to get this off my chest it was me who scratched your favourite car by accident-ish not Tom. Scarlett I was the one who ripped your favourite shirt because I hated it.Lucas it was I who flushed your toothbrush down the toilet and I dont regret it at all. And Elizabeth I was the one who broke the heel of your high heels while hammering the nail for the painting."

By now everyone looks at her bewildered but instead of telling yelling at her they just share small smiles saving these funny moments that we will miss about her.

"And Jason I know once i end this call you'll never want to live again and go back to your old self and that is not what I want,i want to you live the happy life for me so I'm breaking up with you but remember this no matter where I end up I'll always love you Jason Asher King don't forget that okay" she tells me her eyes tearing up with a smile plastered on her face.

" Ooohhh The fire is coming closer and closer I have to go but please tell Emma I love her and I'm sorry for disapponting her and give the twins a kiss on my forehead " and with that she hangs up.Like as if reading my mind the guys and I run out of the house and driving to the location and we are too late the explotion has already happened.

I was too late I fall to the ground in my knees and start crying.I notice something shining heading over to it to see that it's her accomplishment bracelet.

I smile at the memories of her how she always loved to smile and crack jokes all day long.The pranks she did on people.How she was always in the music room playing songs with James.

Her songs blasting around the house.She was my only way out of the darkness and now shes gone and isn't coming back.