Chapter Thirteen

Unknown POV

"How did it go" the voice spoke from within the room.

"It went perfectly everything is finally come into place" another answers back.


Cleo POV

2 weeks later

These two weeks have been interesting let's say. I haven't gotten time to spend with my friends because they are busy with their lives. The twins have been attached to my hip since I got back.

I haven't seen Jason around much , not that I really care. I have been getting weird vibes from Jessica like for instance I would find her hoovering around my room and when I asked the girls if they felt the same way they just told me that I was being delusional. Like what the hell.

But what can I do, I'm just the girl who came back from the dead right?

My babies and I have become closer like as if I never left. Today we are heading out to go to the beach house for a party. I have nicely decked myself up with a simple red bikini with an oversized shirt and shorts covering them up.

I just finished changing twins into their summer outfit and heading down the stairs. To find only most of them there only person missing was Jason.

"Hey you're ready, we need a favour" Scarpet says dragging her sentences.

"What is it?"

"Um you see Jason isn't aware that we are heading out and non of us are in the mood of having to ask Jessica so please could you do it, you don't have to do it if you dont want to" she asks and adds in some puppy dog eyes along with Elizabeth.

"Why don't you ask Matteo or Lucas to do it" I curiously waiting for the answer to my question.

"Well you see uh (stops to think)the guys have already left to head to the beach house to set up" Elizabeth answers.

"Uh huh okay then I'll just pretend like I believe you and go get him" i suspiciously glare at the two before heading up the stairs to the all too familiar route.

I reach the mahogany doors knocking on it orchards and wait for permission to enter which I get and step in.

I took the time to look around and it has not changed at all I'll tell you that. I spot a certain pair of eyes staring at me in shock but he quickly changed it back to his cold self. I walk in further of the room seating myself on the chair in front of him.

"Well I'm just going to cut straight to the point, There is a party happening at the beach house and the girls sent me to tell you why I'm not sure but here I am telling you so yeah "


"Any day now"

Some more Silence

"You know a yes or no is all I need to know like wh....."


"Oh it's a yes cool coolaroony" i answer with a laugh.

"That was not amusing at all" he answers with a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean it's not funny my jokes are the bom and the best part is that I created them from scratch" I proudly answer.

Jason POV

I stare into her eyes feeling myself getting lost in them. I smirk knowing reached her boiling point.

"That's the thing you created that word on your own that's why it sucks" I casually answer leaning into my chair as I patiently wait for her to crack.

But to my surprise she doesn't instead replacing her infamous grump was her signature smile mischief and I knew she already come up with a come back.

"Oh yeah well I have another one, knock knock" she says.

"Ugh fine, who is it" I boredly say looking up instantly regretting answering her as she leans towards giving me giving a clear view of her clevage.


"Kiss who?" By now all I can hear is my heart beating violently and if she leaned any more closer she could hear as well.

"Kiss. Ass. Bitch" she sassily answers before heading to the door adding in a little sway to the hips.

After she left I continue to stare at the door. So many feelings rushing in and I already know that my love for her has certainly not disappeared or added and that it's growing more and more as the days pass by.

Well I guess I'll be going to a beach party then.

Cleo POV

After my encounter with Jason he came down 30 minutes later in a tropical shirt with a few buttons at the to undone and baby blue shorts.

Jessica was not so far behind him with everyone all ready, we drove down to the beach and the guys did an absolute splendid job I must tell you.

Dairy lights graciously placed on the front of the house with different nicely coloured shells that led to the door like as if we were walking down the red carpet.

We make our to the back yare and its even better than the front yard its as if we were at a Hawaaiin luwao .

Matteo and Lucas met us half way and the music began to play.

2 hours later

The party has gone in full swing, the guests arrived an hour ago. And we have been having nothing but fun since then. The guys already began playing beer games. Jessica left about 30 minutes ago due to a "sickness".

While the girls were dancing like crazy I slip away and head for the bar. Since its a party with kids all there is to be served is different fruit beverages and I just went with cranberry in a juice box for kids. I may not look like a kid but I'm still one at heart.

I was so engrossed on my juice to even notice someone had placed them selves on the seat next to mine, and they let out a little chuckle and I instantly knew who it was.

"Always was the cranberry fan" he says causing me to stop and look up into his eyes to see a little spark of amusement in them.

"Yes and I will forever be a fan of it" I proudly answer getting back to my previous activity, sucking the life of this medium sized juice box.

"But I still don't get why you should be the fan of such a dull flavour. Berry Blaze now there's a nice flavour" he mischievously answers.

"Here we go again,for the last time Berry Blaze is made out of berries and cranberry is a berry so that means it's just beverage with different berries inside whereas cranberry is a stand alone drink" I argue back like as if we were in a debate room.

And that's how it came about us going back to back on different topics. The party has slowly subsided and by now the guests have already left.

We all decided it would be much better with us sleeping here at the beach house than to travel back in this dark.

Good thing my suitcase that I left 2 years ago is still here. It means that they haven't been here for a while since most of my things are still where I left them.

After dinner I tuck the kids in to bed. I make my down stairs to the living room to see Matteo,Lucas,Jason,Elizabeth and Scarlett all seated on the couch just having a very odd conversation.

I find one spot not vacated so I head there and seat myself next to Jason, since it was after all the only seat available.

I look to see Elizabeth looking uneasy and I immediately knew she wanted to say something.

"Alright out with it, what do you want to say?" I ask staring into the depths of her eyes.

"Uhhh, wh-what d-do y-you mean(and starts to laugh awkwardly)"

"I know you want to say something just say it"

"Okay fine. Where were You? We thought you died." Elizabeth asks hesitantly.

"Oh" the one question I always dreaded to not answer.