[Year 2065] [Location: Silver family mansion]

[Ringggg] The alarm clock started to ring. It was six in the morning.

[Baaam] A fist smashed the alarm clock. The needles of the clock and small pieces of broken metal punctured the fist.



A burst of loud screams echoed throughout the room.

[Booom] The room's door flew open, and a guard rushed in with his gun, ready to shoot the attacker, "Young master Ace... Are you ok???" He yelled, "Haa??? Your hand... Why is it bleeding? Let me heal you." He took out a bottle of red liquid and poured it over the bleeding fist, "Phew. That should do it... Looks like you broke another clock."

(Sizzle) After a brief rise of smoke, the injured fist healed. Ace's fist was as good as new.

"I will be outside. Please take care of your body, young master Ace." The guard took a bow and left the room, closing the door behind.

"Wow! Magic?"

"Where am I? I remember using some God's Favor thing, or what was that? It's so blurry... I am still alive?"

"That man called me Ace... He used Magic liquid like those in games to heal me... Something fishy is going on here..."


"What the hell? My head... Shit!!!"

The expression on Ace's face was grave. His mind was suddenly seized by a painful headache. Grabbing his head, he fell back on the bed. Flashes of unknown memories began to erupt in his mind.


Beginning Memory Synchronization...

15 years' worth of memories will be released from the seal...

Host, please prepare for the impact...


A pain-stricken Ace grumbled as he gritted his teeth in pain. "M***%f*c*er... Akkkgg... You, telling me now..."

For 15 years, a part of Ace's soul had been sleeping, unable to withstand divine power. While the other part had been controlling his body. This happened due to a glitch in the System God gave him. Instead of the AI taking over his body, a part of his soul and memories got sealed.

[20 minutes have passed]

"Hufff... Hufff..."


"To think I have been sleeping for 15 freaking years..."

Ace muttered while breathing hard from exhaustion. The piercing pain inside his head finally stopped.


[Welcome, Ace...]

[The synchronization is finally completed. You will not face such a penalty for using the divine Skill again.]

[Active Skill: God's Favor] [Available] [Cooldown: 7 days] [Cost: NIL]


"First, who the heck are you?"

"Second, why did I have to live miserably like that for 15 years? I am the weakest kid in the entire family... My senses are all f*cked up..."

"What the hell happened? I thought that Skill gives luck... Explain. What happened?"

Ace said while grabbing his head. He was shocked to see his past memories.

Ace Silver was born with a massive amount of energy. He was supposed to be the hottest rising star. But, everything changed in the blink of an eye when his family found out about his problem with sensing things.

Ace sometimes lost his vision and hearing. There were also instances when he ceased to have his sense of smell and taste. Once while training, he lost his sense of feeling and passed out after overexhausting himself. His parents stopped him from training for fear of him hurting himself.

However, Ace's problems didn't stop there. Although he had all those problems, there were some instances where his senses became razor sharp.

Ace could see miles away from his position. His sense of hearing allowed him to hear everything around him up to 5 miles from his position. Then, his sense of smell increased so much that he could detect anything like a dog. He could even tell what and how many ingredients had been added to his food. His sense of touch could feel ten times more sensation on his skin and even detect oncoming danger. It was as if he had a sixth sense.

Ace's senses changed from time to time without any warning. Due to this, he failed to train like other superhumans despite having all the qualities of a superior superhuman.

However, thanks to his weird fluctuations in senses, the Silver family avoided countless assassination attempts and was able to counter the uncertain danger around them. The Silver family was able to crush their enemies while eliminating spies within the family with Ace's help. And after fifteen years, they rose from a lower-class family to a wealthy family, who now controls a small country of their own.

Ace Silver became a beacon of good luck and fortune in the family. Everyone respects and praises him, even though he is the weakest person in the family.


[I am called System. An AI created by God to assist you in your journey.]

[Your senses are messed up due to the split of your soul. But this problem should disappear after your awakening as a newly empowered superhuman Hunter. You are already 15. Your awakening ceremony should take place within 2 days.]

[The Skill God's Favor should have worked as intended without any side effects. But God couldn't completely remove your bad luck from your past life 35 years ago.]

[So, when you activated the Skill, it glitched as your bad luck took effect. As a result, all that weird things happened. Luckily others didn't suffer from misfortune or bad luck. Didn't you see how they respected you like a God?]

[It took 15 years to fix you up. Now, your bad luck and misfortune have successfully disappeared. You should be more thankful to God instead of complaining...]


"Haaa... 35 years have passed since the earth became like this... I need to grasp this opportunity to get strong..."

"Then find my family and that little kid... I hope they are doing well..."

Ace didn't care much about the passage of time. But he missed his family.

"Why is my life so messed up? Put me to sleep for 15 years and made me an abnormal human..."

"You want me to thank God? Are you out of your mind...?"

"I felt all those painful days all at once... I felt like I was dying. Damn you all..."

Ace slumped back on his bed. He was angry but at the same time happy to be alive. Countless thoughts erupted in his mind as he closed his eyes while arranging his thoughts.