[Location: Silver family's mansion] [Country: Hillsland]

"How is he?" Jin asked Felicity, the medic in charge of Ace's treatment.

She is a 7th-level Aura master with healing superpowers and has been in charge of Ace's treatment for the past 15 years. After examining Ace's current condition, her facial expression changed. She was looking worried.

"Sonic boom?" Felicity muttered while holding Ace's ears.

She had stopped the bleeding for now, but after examining him, she found out that someone used high-frequency sound in close proximity that caused brain hemorrhage to Ace. She thought it was too cruel to hurt a kid who had continuously suffered for 15 long years and still suffering. Who could be such a heartless person to hurt him? She explained Ace's condition to Jin.

[Beep] The locked door opened. Jaxon and Trisa came slowly, trying not to disturb Ace. Jaxon looked in Jin's eyes and gave a little nod.

Jin hugged his wife, "Stay with him. I am sorry. I couldn't..." He muttered in Trisa's ear.

"What are you still doing here? Go... Find them and bring them alive in front of me. Don't show your face to me until you find them... How could you, a 10th-level master, fail to protect our son?"

"Bring them in front of me before dawn or else... I will go out for a hunt, and blood will flow. I will drown this world in blood if I have to..."

"I hope you haven't forgotten my past..."

Trisa said while trembling in anger, seeing her son lying on the bed unconscious and his clothes drenched in blood. She pushed Jin away and looked into his eyes. Her eyes were glowing with a red hue. She wanted to go out and rip those who hurt her son, but after looking at Ace's face, she restrained herself.

Trisa's superpower is liquid control. She has the ability to manipulate any type of matter as long as it is in liquid form. She was the Justicar of the superhuman organization. Her job was to search and eliminate hostile and rogue superhumans. Thanks to her, the country became peaceful during the rising era of superhumans. Her kill count was above one thousand.

After she was cured of the parasite in her blood, she quickly regained her lost powers and continued to become stronger. She reached a level a hundred times higher than her prime.

Five years ago, she surpassed the level that humans call the apex of evolution, the legendary 10th level, and became the first superhuman to reach the 11th level. But her growth didn't stop there, as her Skills also evolved beyond anyone's comprehension.

Everyone called it a miracle and an impossible feat. In reality, it was due to the effect of Ace's Skill: God's Favor. It reacted to her urges to become strong to protect her child. She knew that the parasite was killing her from inside. She prayed to God for enough time to see her son grow up and cursed her weakness. Thus, Ace's Skill granted her good fortune and good luck. She got cured and received growth talent for praying to God. Another candle had lit up in the dark halls of heaven that day.

"Very well... I will bring them before you," Jin walked out of the room along with Jaxon. He told his father about Felicity's reports and Ace's condition.

"I see..." Jaxon muttered while rubbing his eyes.

According to the reports, Ace's eardrums were completely ruptured, and some of his brain cells might have been damaged. Although Felicity did her best to heal him, he might not wake up due to the shock and damage to his brain.

"The guards who were within the mansion... Bring every single one of those bastards into the garden. I don't believe no one knew about the assassins hiding within the mansion..."

"And that bastard who used the sonic boom is still hiding in here... Somewhere among us. But how did you not sense anything?"

Jaxon said with an angry expression as he began to walk toward the garden.


"A normal human???"

Both Jin and Jaxon said at the same time.

During the battle, it is normal for a superhuman to look out for another superhuman. They don't pay attention to the unawakened since the normal weapons can't hurt them.

Jin made the same mistake, and the unawakened assassin took that advantage and used a high-frequency sound attack. The assailant knew about Ace's hearing sense enhancement.

"Even so... How did that bastard know that Ace's hearing sense would increase? Unless... But can it be?" Jin stuttered. A weird thought struck his mind, and he looked toward his father with a worried expression.

"Advance Prediction superpower... Anything is possible. But I don't think that's the case..."

"That 9th-level bastard's job was to keep you busy. While the hidden unawakened was supposed to kill Ace with the sound waves. But if anyone really got the prediction power... Why couldn't they predict your level?"

"The awakening ceremony in two days and an assassination attempt... Most of those branch families are already in the town... I think our enemy is not any outsiders... But one of our own..."

Jaxon said in a low voice, loud enough for Jin to hear.

He knew that this day would come. A battle between branch families during the awakening ceremony is common, but they tend to fight in the battle arena to show off their power. But he never imagined that someone would go for Ace's life since he is disabled from birth. He was barely keeping a hold of his anger.

"I will go after that 9th-level bastard. He left traces of his Aura everywhere," Jin said.

"Be careful, son... I will take care of it here," Jaxon patted Jin's back.

[Woosh] Jin disappeared with a gust of green energy.

[10 minutes later]

All the workers and guards within the mansion gathered in the garden. They know the reason why they were summoned. Everyone was looking at each other with hostility and suspiciousness. An assassin is hiding among them, and no one knows who that person is.

"Who is the one?"

Jaxon yelled. A burst of suffocating killing intent swept over the garden, forcing everyone on their knees. Everyone was trembling in fear. They knew that their head was about to roll on the ground. But no one came in front.

"I see... But, you see..."

"Here is the thing... I won't kill anyone, and I won't let the bastard get away. I will just hand you over to her."

"I guess you all know her real identity... Well, good luck surviving..."

Jaxon said with a calm tone and pointed toward the garden's entrance. Trisa was standing there, and her eyes were glowing red under the moonlight. It looked as if a predator was looking down at the prey. And no one could run away from her sight. Death is the only mercy they will get.

Jaxon walked and stood beside Trisa.

"Don't let them scream... I will heal Ace, and I don't want their screams to hurt him since we don't know if his hearing will be in enhanced condition or not after healing..."

Jaxon left the garden and made his way toward Ace's room. He took off his glass and cracked his neck. A dim red hue was all over his body, just like Trisa's.