"Beautiful," Ace muttered.

He could see what others couldn't. Hundreds of golden butterflies emerged from the crystal ball. And they were flying around Iris, leaving trails of golden dust on their way. Her body was glowing brightly as those butterflies were fusing with her one after another. It was so beautiful that it was hard for Ace to not praise the beauty.

"Is it the effect of God's Favor? It never happened before," Ace thought in astonishment.

However, it didn't last long. Soon those butterflies became pitch black, hitting and tearing Iris apart with each strike. Iris was screaming in pain. But no one tried to help her because they couldn't do anything.

"What the...?"

Ace's eyes were glowing with a green hue. For the first time in the history of humanity, he was the first one to see the dark reality behind the unexplainable beauty. To others, it was just a loss of power control. But to Ace, it was different. The butterflies who entered Iris's body earlier were sending her life force and energy to those on the outside, slowly killing her from the inside.

Ace finally understood the reason behind the failed awakening. It was those unknown dark creatures in the form of beauty, absorbing the pure energy from the newly awakened superhumans and causing their death by exploding within their body.

"But why? That string..." Ace was looking for a way to save Iris. He noticed a string of yellow energy flowing toward the crystal ball, "Is it absorbing her...?" He thought.

"I have to do something... anything..." Ace but his lips in frustration. Iris's agony-filled screams swept throughout the mansion.

"Can't let her die. No... Think, Ace... Think... What can you even do those others can't? How can you save her? She is yet to give up on her life... I have to do something," Ace looked into Iris's hazel eyes. She was still standing, refusing to give up her life. Blood was dripping from her nose and eyes.

"If I can somehow interfere with that energy string... Then, maybe... maybe, I can do something. Arrrggg!!! It's happening again... Why do I have to do anything for someone unknown? Last time I died..."

"Arrrggg!!!! Damn it," Ace's legs began to move before he knew it, "I won't allow you to die... Not like this." He rushed toward Iris while everyone was watching the situation in daze and fear, "Activate God's Favor..." He yelled.

His only trump card was to activate his best Skill to increase his luck so his chance to save Iris could increase. But, he forgot that in these 15 years, he couldn't train due to his disabilities. Thus, his body is still like a normal human being with the lowest endurance and stamina.

Since he got back his sense of feeling, he didn't have the liberty to think about his body's condition. His stamina has been drastically drained as he has been enduring Ivan and Jaxon's bloodlust all this time. Right now, he is standing because of his adrenaline rush.



[Not enough stamina]

[You can only transfer the luck you obtained from God's Favor to her if you wish to save her...]


"Shit!!!" Ace yelled in shock after hearing the System's words. But at this point, he only wanted to save the person in front of him. He could care less about his luck.

"Do it!!!" Ace touched Iris's back, "I may be playing a hero just like I did in the past. But, Arrgggg!!!" He screamed as the black butterflies attacked him, "But... I couldn't just let her die... Kukkkk..." Blood began to spew out from Ace's hands.




[Beginning Luck transfer...]

[Timer: 10 seconds...]


"Arrrrggg!!! 10 seconds in this hell hole... Are you freaking kidding me? Hurry up," Ace yelled in pain. He could feel his skin peeling off his arms like someone was peeling a potato with a blade. But, it was nothing compared to his burn injuries from the past.

"Keuukkk!!! Who...? No!!!" Iris looked back after feeling someone's hand on her back. But at this point, she lost her vision and could barely keep up her struggles, "Get... away... I can't hold... anymore... Kukkk... Thanks for trying..." She uttered those words with great difficulty. At this point, she didn't want anyone to get hurt for her failure.

"Humffff!!! What are you babbling on, girl...? You endured this much..."

"Don't even think about giving up now. Hold it for a few more seconds... I promise you... I won't let you die. I know the pain and agony of failure more than anyone... But God gave me a chance..."

"So, put a little faith in God and a tiny bit in me if you like... Hehehe... Arrggg!!! Focus. Remember, if we survive, you will owe me a big one... And if I die and you survive, remember to put some good food on my grave every week... Hehehe..."

Ace said with painful laughter, fighting the pain alongside Iris while trying to cheer her up a little.

"Haha... Arggg!!! Hufff... Hufff," Iris couldn't help but laugh a little in her half-dead condition, "I promise..." Her mind was at ease for some reason, and the pain she was feeling was slowly fading away, giving her a chance to breathe and stabilize her power.


[Transfer of Luck completed...]

[Human: Iris... Scanning...]

[Result: Condition stabilized... Iris, out of danger...]

[But someone is absorbing her energy... You have to cut her connection with the Crystal.]


"I know... Hufff," Ace withdrew his hand and tried to touch the yellow energy string. With his luck gone now, his bad luck returned. And he planned to use that against the being behind this mess, "You bastard... I will make your life a living hell. Activate... Hufff... Hufff... the Wisp of Underworld. Put it on the one absorbing her energy... You can do it, right?" He muttered while breathing hard.



[I don't know who it is, but I can target that being with the Skill...]

[Wisp of Underworld... Activated]


Ace's legs gave out, and he stumbled to the ground, "Damn it!!! Just a little more..." He noticed that he was close to the string. He extended his hand and touched it. The energy string and the unstable energy pillar disappeared instantly, "Phewww!!! It's finally over..." He sighed in relief.



Jin, Trisa, Jaxon, and Jack rushed over with fear in their eyes. They were worried sick about Ace and Iris but couldn't enter the range of the unstable energy.

Everyone was surprised when they saw how the unstable energy waves made way for Ace as he dashed toward Iris. For the first time in the history of superhuman awakening, an unstable awakener miraculously survived, and the credit goes to the golden sun of the Silver World country.


"You owe me a big time... Iris..."

Ace burst out in laughter. He was happy that he succeeded in saving a person in danger once again. But this time, he survived.

"You brat," Trisa and Jin tightly hugged him, "Don't do anything like that ever again... You understand, young man... Never..."

"Thank you... You are a God... You saved her..."

"Thank you... You saved my daughter... I could never repay this debt..."

Jack kneeled before Ace with teary eyes.

"Humm," Jaxon looked toward Iris, who finally opened her eyes after stabilizing her power and tried to stand up.

"Woww... Easy there," Trisa helped her up.

Everyone's eyes went toward the crystal ball. Iris's result was displayed on it.

**Mythical Grade


**Aura affinity: 95%

"Haha... I did it," Iris lost her consciousness. After all the pain she suffered, she deserves a rest. Trisa gave a little nod to Ace and carried Iris in her arms to the inner mansion, and Jack followed her while wiping his tears.

All the family members were quiet. No one spoke a single word, including Ivan. He was awestruck after witnessing such a miracle before his eyes. He wanted to kill Ace, but after this event, he decided to keep him alive, "No wonder everyone calls him the golden sun..." He muttered.

Now, it was Ace's turn. Jin helped him up from the ground, "Do you want to take a little rest...?" He inquired with a worried look.

"Naaah, I am fine..." Ace stood up. His injuries healed, and he was feeling full of energy for some reason. He thought it was a result of draining his bad luck.

"Shit!!! Even if my bad luck is drained... What will I awaken without any luck at all?" He wondered but shook his head and stood up in front of the crystal ball. He saw what abominations were hiding within it, "Well... What could go wrong, right?" He touched the crystal ball.

[Crackle] [Zoooom] Two wings appeared on Ace's back. One is murky dark green, and the other is pure sparking white. Then a massive pillar of vibrant green light appeared over the crystal ball. It wasn't violent like the Dark Red. Instead, its flow was calm like a still river.

"What the heck...?" Ace was shocked. His result appeared instantly on the crystal ball, "I am lucky???" He stuttered.


***First awakening: S.E.N.S.E [S: Unlocked]

***Second awakening: S.E.N.S.E [S: Unlocked]

***Third awakening: Judgement [Locked]

***Aura affinity: 100%