[God's Realm]


"Heavenly flames and Ghost Flames!!! How? What the freaking hell are you? Even a firstborn shouldn't be able to use those powers... What kind of monster did awaken in this small world?"

"I don't want another lunatic like that Void Walker in my domain. Arrrggg!!! But I can't do anything. I must help him survive for 6 more years to break the firstborn's curse..." [**Firstborn human is destined to die before reaching 20s]

"What the hell is that green pillar? Three awakening at the same time, and he is withstanding all that without any side effects... What the...?"

"Haaa?? What is he doing? Kukkkk!!!"

God was shocked to see Ace's wings. He couldn't believe his eyes. A human was using the precious flames of both heaven and the underworld to fly around like a fool.

"Ohh!!! Do tell me more about this lunatic Void Walker... I am really interested in your opinion..."

An unknown voice came from God's back. He jumped up in shock and slowly turned back. A young man in his 20s, standing near the throne, looking at him and smiling. His eyes were glowing with a violet hue, and there were sparks of green lightning around his body.

"You... Violet eyes and lightning. Don't tell me, are you... him??? I don't know anything about them," God stuttered. A shiver ran over his spine. Someone entered his domain, and he didn't feel his presence. And that someone is what he feared most and never wanted to meet.

"What's with that scared look? You didn't do anything to harm your people... From what I can see, you messed up pretty bad, and what can I take from someone who lost everything?"

"Well, let's leave it at that... Weren't you speaking something about that lunatic...? Humm, did I hear wrong?"

The unknown man spoke with a little smile as he sat on God's throne. His overwhelming presence made God freeze in his place.

"I am sorry... I was just thinking out loud. I didn't mean any disrespect. Underworld's God called you a lunatic. It was him... Please don't kill me, Lord Lucas... I am just a bug... show a little mercy," God fell on his knees and slammed his head on the floor, apologizing to Lucas. He heard stories about Lucas's kill count over the years. He killed anyone related to the first creator or anyone who he didn't like.

"Why? What is he doing here? Why me?" Countless thoughts ran through God's mind as sweat dripped profusely from his body. He was afraid and wanted to live at any cost, even if he had to throw his pride and grovel on the ground.


"Don't be so stiff... You must have heard those baseless rumors about me. Tell me... Do you think a killer like me would have left any loose ends? Don't worry... I am not here to kill you or kill anyone. I was just passing by and felt a sudden surge in power..."

"So, here I am... Explain everything that happened here. I want to know everything. And, don't dare to lie like before... My eyes can detect lies..."

Lucas said as he bent forward and looked into God's golden eyes, showing him a little glimpse of the void.

"Nooo!!! Not the abyss... I will tell you everything," God flinched back and closed his eyes. The glimpse of the void nearly made him piss his pant.

The screams and cries of countless beings Lucas killed, their souls were trapped inside it, and God didn't plan to join them there. He coughed out everything about Ace.

[A few moments later]

"And here I thought I was irregular. So this kid got only 5 to 6 more years to live, and if he manages to survive beyond that, he will have complete control over luck," Lucas said after hearing God's brief explanation about the present situation.

"That's right. Since our realm doesn't have Creators or Kings... Me and Underworld's God are doing our best to keep him alive... But only if it was that easy... This brat keeps running into danger on his own," God said with a little sigh. He could see that Ivan was about to explode and was getting a little restless thinking about Ace's safety.

Lucas stood up and stretched his body, "Pheww!!! Too stiff from flying... Humfff..." He cracked his neck and fingers, "He is about to explode... I will lend Ace a hand since I am a little curious about that Judgement power... And then I will be on my way. Consider this your lucky day..."

"You can see?" God stuttered. He knew that Lucas was strong but never imagined that he could even peek down into the mortal realm from the heavenly realm.

[Crackle] Lucas summoned a fistful of vibrant void lightning. The sound of crackling lightning echoed throughout the dark halls, illuminating the surroundings in vibrant violet light, "Void Transfer: Target Soul." He focused his vision on Ace's location and clenched his fingers.

[Ace's dreams]

"What the...?" Ace found himself standing on a glass surface in a white square-like enclosed space. He scanned his surrounding, but everything was made of white glass. Then he looked above.

"Arrrrgggg!!!" He let out a scream in shock. It was something unexplainable. His image got reflected on the mirror surface above him, and he was standing upside down.

"Stop screaming," A voice came to Ace's ears.

"Wooow!!!" Ace touched the ground as he felt a vibration beneath his feet and kneeled down to grab something. He felt as if he was about to fall down, but everything was normal, increasing his confusion even further.

"Hello... Anyone there???" Ace screamed.

[Crackle] A stream of violet lightning appeared inside the enclosed space.

The Voice of a man came to Ace's ears.

"I don't even know you," Ace yelled in confusion. He wasn't sure about giving control of his body to someone unknown, just on his words alone.

[Crackle] The violet lightning began to flicker away.

The things happening around Ace's body were being displayed on the mirrors around Ace. Ivan just activated his Skill, and his mother and grandpa summoned a thick Aura shield around them to defend. And his mother seemed to be bleeding from the nose and eyes while his grandpa was desperately trying to defend and heal her at the same time.

"What? That bastard... Arrrg," Ace yelled in anger. He touched the flickering violet lightning, "Just save them..."

He didn't have any choice but to believe the unknown man. And he was powerless to do anything. He thought that if that person knows God's power, there is no reason not to trust him.

Ace fell to his knees as the violet lightning seeped into his body. He didn't feel any pain, but he was feeling a little sleepy. His eyes slowly closed.

[Present Time] [Silver family's main mansion] [Garden]

"Judgement..." Ace's voice echoed through the mansion's walls.

[Boooom] Ivan exploded, and so did all liquid within the mansion.

[Baam] Ace slammed his fist on the ground.

Immense gravity pressure fell within the mansion's radius. Trisa and Jaxon fell to their knees. A wave of sparking white energy swept over the mansion. It looked just like Ace's white wing.

"What the...?" They were witnessing something impossible before their eyes. All the things that exploded seemed to have stopped and were just frozen in the mid-air. Ivan was also frozen before his body could explode.

"So this is what Judgement does... Wahahahaha!!!! Interesting... At level-1, it only uses the white flames to stop all inferior flames..." Ace began to laugh after stopping the explosion.

"Jax... Don't let Ivan die..." A familiar voice came from behind, "If he dies, we will never know about the reality behind the accident 8 years ago..."

[Zooom] A white oval-shaped gate appeared. An old woman, along with her four aids, came out.


"A portal user with elemental abilities, a Shadow slayer with Shapeshifting power, a brute assaulter with unbreakable skin, a healer with sniper class, and a swordsman with super speed... What an interesting bunch?"

"I still got 6 more minutes left... Show me if you are strong enough to protect Ace..."

[Zooom] Ace said with an excited smile and blinked in front of the portal user.


Vol 2: End

See you all in vol: 3
