[Shadow Corporation Headquaters] [Boss's Office]

Mark's eyes went towards the floating letters over the man's head, sitting on a sofa in front of the Boss's table.


Player Level: ???

Player Killed: ???

Player Class: ???


A lean and thin man around fifty-five. He was wearing a long black coat and brown jeans. There was a clear white glass over his nose. The dark circle around his red eyes looked as if he hadn't slept for more than a week. And he was holding a medium walking stick, studded with jewels.

"So, you are Mark, the infamous Blood Player... I have heard many things about you," The Big Boss said with a curious glance as he got up from his seat, leaning on his walking stick.

"Haha... I hope all positive things," Mark said with a smile, but his focus was on the letters on the Big Boss's head.