Headmaster Alfred declared a week's holiday to deal with the academy matters. He decided to take the academy's control into his own hand and clean up the trash and greeds that had taken root in his absence.

As for the five self-awakened Players, Headmaster Alfred declared they would be under the academy's protection until their graduation. He will personally look after their training and groom them in secret so that they can participate in the inter-academy competition without any outside influences. With the approval of their guardians, it became easy for Headmaster Alfred to clear up the matter fast.

However, the main problem was Mark. Since it was a live broadcast event, the entire world saw and heard about his awakening situation. Since the value of an Irregular Player is great enough for the government to intervene, Mark's situation escalated when the Blood System's Administrator, for the first time in history, directly got involved and granted him a brand new exclusive Class.