The Earth awakened as a Deity. After seeing her children's pain, she tried to sever her bond with God but got sealed within the core by the Creator of Balance. At her last moment, before getting sealed, she released all her healing power on the land and all life forms.

As days passed, humanity continued to evolve and invented many things to counter disasters. But, that wasn't enough to thwart the influence of the Four Horseman of Apocalypse. So the chain of life and death continued. But at a slower rate than before. No matter how harsh or destructive disaster fell on life forms, over time, everything healed.

Throughout history, humanity left clues and knowledge about the Gods and Demons to warn future generations. But as time passed, those pieces of knowledge got lost in time, and humanity's belief in supernatural things went away. They treated those ancient bits of knowledge as imaginary stories and superstitious beliefs.