Chapter 32

Old Dawn had to start putting her plans into action, she had been ordered by Luna Sarah to incriminate Rita and collect evidence for the trial.

Old Dawn thought hard of a plan she could use to incriminate Rita, she decided to use a series of setups to get five series of evidence.

The first setup would be treason, the second would be blasphemy, the third would be a series of felonies, the fourth would be theft and the last Murder.

This was the plan of Old Dawn; she then had to map out a means of getting Rita to commit each of these crimes. It was a custom to map out two techniques for each crime. If she doesn't fall into the first trap the second trap was meant to trap her. Old Dawn felt it necessary to tell Luna Sarah of her plans.

It was necessary before she could start implementing them, so she decided to go to sleep and bring up the idea the next day before Luna Sarah.
