Chapter 76

Alpha Desmond did not really understand what Alpha Adam meant by accomplishing the impossible, "what do you mean by accomplishing the impossible?"

"A man can tame a woman, no matter how wild she is. That is the impossible, you love Clara and what you did have earned you a major of her respect. This is the time for you to be a man, tame her and make her yours. Time is racing towards you, heed my every instruction and she might be yours," Alpha Chris said enthusiastically.

"What can I do please? Give me the instructions that I need to make this possible, she is a good girl and has a good sense of judgement. I do not want to lose her to immorality," Alpha Desmond pleaded.

"You must be a man then, man has been given Dominion over everything, he has the force of a great tycoon, he has the strength of a raging fire and he is mysterious. He is swift and all these are not physically but mentally that is why man is supreme and has dominion," Alpha Adam said.