
Lui Marime was like the epitome of an ice sculpture, her physique could rival almost any heaven toppling beauty in all of existence. Every portion of her's looked as if she was hand crafted by the almighty creator, how her waist flowed into her hips like a river, and her white hair glistened down her back like the perfect reflection of the moon on the calm river of her body. Her icy complexion could freeze the heart of any man willing to be in her presence.

The energy continued to gather and once their souls and bodies had separated and in a rush of colorful energies formed their true selves, they regained their consciousness and started to notice huge changes in their bodies. one thing they both thought in common, they'd definitely explode if all this spirit energy continues to rush into their bodies.

They glanced at each other seeing as both were now face to face with one another in such a perilous expression they didn't know what to do, when Wo Shie had been struck by inspiration and shouted, "Let's use this spirit energy to circulate the energy through both our bodies."

Without even thinking Lui Marime nodded her head then turned around and sat down in the lotus position, Wo Shie followed suit and sat back-to-back with her as they started to circulate the energy like they did earlier throughout one's entire body then exchanging the life energy through the core of their spine and the death energies through the base of their skull. When they once again started circulating the energy between both of them it swiftly became a subconscious rhythm and pattern the way the energy was filtered through the both of them as the energy seemed conscious and alive like a beating heart causing a river or energy to flow consistently like a river at the peak of a mountain to its base.

The energy was like a painless laser, incinerating and dematerializing their bones, blood, and organs. It didn't even spare their meridians and their dantain. Each time it destroyed everything in there body a bright black and white light would flash from within them restoring their body. At the same time the dark sky filled with black and white lightning beginning to rain lightning strike after strike onto their black and white figure.

You'd expect that they feel pain but actually it felt as if they we're bathing in the fountain of youth.

By this time the clouds that were flashing with black and white lightning had covered the entire Shinigami World, the dimension of the Gods, and the Earthly universe.

The phenomenon struck the hearts of every individual in existence leaving a deep mark on history. For every being except Lui Marime and Wo Shie this phenomenon felt like the worlds harbinger of doom causing every power in existence to become hungrier for power, in a frenzy using up all their lifetime karma to find new secret realms.

Many of the youths started to experience more enlightenments causing many new alchemy recipes to surface, new cultivation methods to be created and a huge spike in the newly born talents.

Throughout every level of existence over the next 10,000 years there was peace seeing every power used all of their good karma if they we're to gain any small amount of negative karma it could be like trying to run a marathon with a small pebble in each shoe. Also, with every power experiencing such changes in overall strength it was hard to pinpoint who was actually the strongest.

If someone were to observe Lui Marime and Wo Shie's bodies carefully they'd notice their bodies becoming increasingly younger. First, they both looked like people in their late thirties, but after this process started they quickly changed into teens, this is also where the process soon slowed to a turtle's march and the energy began destroying and rebuilding completely their foundation.

As a Shinigami, god, man, demon, or beast the most important thing for your true fighting strength and potential to grow was thought of as your foundation. This process continued with every inch of the foundation being destroyed and reborn as they continued to look younger and younger.

By the time their foundation was done being rebuilt they looked to be children that were six or seven years old. At this time the energy began to refine their souls and their divine spirit worlds. This process continued until they appeared to be three or four years old when every single part of their body began to reform again leaving nothing as their foundations, dantains, meridians, muscles, bones, soul, mind, blood and organs were destroyed and born again until they were finally just a newborn baby with their eyes closed as they slept peacefully then a black and white lightning bolt fell from the sky hitting each of them.

When the baby Wo Shie and Lui Marime were struck by lightning Wo Shie was surrounded by a black light that shrunk to the size of a seed, while Lui Marime was surrounded by a white ball of light that also shrunk to the size of a seed, once they were the size of a seed a large ammount of spirit energy entered each seed before both seeds shot down to the mortal realm in the earthly worlds each landing between the eyebrows of two women that had faces of relief seeing the sky calming down after hundreds of years with the sky dark and only black and white lightning bold enough to cross the eerie sky.

Lui Marime and Wo Shie regained their consciousness as the seeds landed in the two women's spirit sea and were surprised to find they were alone in what felt as if they've fallen into the expanse of space and the closest star was billions of lightyears of away.

The total darkness was so deep that they felt it dampen all of their senses to the point where it felt like they were falling into a trance slowly losing track of their surroundings, ultimately forgetting what they we're supposed to be doing.

Until after consciously questioning the fading purpose for what seemed to be like an eternity their consciousness turned into darkness as their soul's slumber within the two mortal women.