
Before Wo Shie even realized 3 more months had passed be with him progressing each and every day. Sparing against Fu Shen still felt like he was being toyed with because every time he'd leave an opening he'd be punished severely for it.

Through this he always made sure not to make the same mistake twice and began to learn how to block incoming attacks and even dodge a few. His reactions became sharper with the help of his eyes of the infinite it was almost like being 1 second ahead the entire fight with this paired with his speedy growth and Fu Shen suppressing his cultivation. Wo Shie was able to make to almost match pace with the guy.

Oddly enough he was still unable to tough Fu Shen, he was like a phantom Wo Shie would dodge and block but when it came to countering or attacking Fu Shen always reacted as if it was expected.

This was the point where Wo Shie saw himself finally succeeding in the second stage but for some reason he still couldn't even touch the guy, he'd even arduously clawed his was to the peak of the grandmaster level in fury in this 3 months.

Fu Shen was amazed with his progress because it was something he had never seen or even heard of. It was unbelievable a Fu Shen had started to wonder just who was this guy the fastest he'd heard of anyone ever reaching the grand master level in a martial art was 2 years and that was some fabled being called the martial arts god.

Very little is know. About him but he was fabled to have started training in a few different martial arts at the age of 4 and mastered all of them to the master level by 6 and when he was 8 he was said to completely created his own martial art to the grandmaster level.

It was said that with the martial arts style he created was capable enough for a person that has mastered it to the master level at least to be able to face 10 or more enemies of his same level.

But this was all here say among the commoners the martial arts he created was actually fury in which one uses every part of their body as a weapon. Fu Shen knew that this method of martial arts once learned would allow a fighter to fight above their level and even many openers at their level at once. It was because how seamlessly one could go from one move into their next move almost as if the entire battle style was a dance.

A punch could be followed up by an elbow slightly pushing the enemy back far enough to land a spinning roundhouse kick putting them back on their feet to further continue the barrage of attacks making defense almost not even necessary. But don't get me wrong defensively it was like going up against a reflect barrier no matter how you attacked it seemed like there was a perfect counter coming your way.

The fighting style was literally monstrous so much so that anyone that had mastered it were either targeted by assassins of opposing powers of theirs or they were on a list of people to run away from at all cost.

Fu Shen seeing Wo Shie's tremendous progress but inability to grasp what he's been doing to still be unable to do much as touch him decided he'd give him a tip.

"Ok kid look you're not bad, I don't want you getting a big head because you're progressing so fast so I gotta make it hard for you. But I'll give you a hint, if you've noticed how smoothly we are able to use this martial are it's like the human body was perfectly made to fight in this manner and the style itself is almost like a dance."

"You're really young so I doubt you've experienced a dance with a woman yet but let me tell you, when dancing you start to move your feet in rhythm with your partner you can start to feel their body and instinctually your body knows how to respond to make the perfect moves in sync from lift to tilt."

"This is known as flow, it's when you feel the rhythm and momentum of the world you're immersing your consciousness in, i can't tell you how to reach it because for everyone it's different but if you keep dancing you eventually always find the flow."

Wo Shie looked at him with dead eyes 'what the hell is this bozo even talking about now dancing and 'flow'. He thought to himself before just asking in a point blank manner.

"What are you even talking about old man.. dancing, flow? Where's the hint I just gotta punch you what if I just get you while you're sleep or something?" Wo Shie asked.

"The hint is in what I just revueles you're responsible for figuring it out on your own. As for attacking me while I'm sleep it might have been possible however even then you're still too weak to catch me off guard." Fu Shen let Wo Shie know in a proud manner as if he was happy to see this little monster struggling with understanding his hint.

It was fun for Fu Shen to see the kid struggle and lose because whenever he saw how fast he blaze through his successes it'd be kind of scary and also a hit to his pride in his own feats.

Wo Shie knew he wouldn't get anything out of this guy, there had been previous times the past three months where he would also give Wo Shie cryptic advice to help him progress and refine his technique.

With this he began to think about this so called flow state and imagine a dance, however he hadn't seen a dance so he could only imaging himself fighting.

At first he was remembering his fights, he had a photographic memory because of the divine universe tree replacing his sea of consciousness. Because of this photographic memory he was able to perfectly recall every move and motion in the fights.

He began to notice that he had a lot of blind spots from his memories where he'd always be punished from so he continued to watch the memories replay and try to apply what he'd heard and imagine new endings.