
After a few moments of awkward silence Fu Shen said with hesitation and awe in his voice, "Y-yea sure come over here and relax don't resist."

Wo Shie did as Fu Shen told him to do and Fu Shen placed his hand on Wo Shie's back and used his spiritual energy to invade Wo Shie's body. He was startled to see what looked like an abyss as he used his energy it inspect and see inside of Wo Shie.

Wo Shie's mother and the witch doctor were unable to inspect within Wo Shie and use their spiritual energy to search him. However Fu Shen had a deep exposure to Wo Shie's energy like his mother did. One could say even more so due to his mother only receiving benefits from directly birthing home. As Fu Shen has spent months with Wo Shie eating the fish he cooked with source energy and also just spent a week deeply enveloped in the energy of the creator.

After being stunned by the sight of a seemingly endless abyss he began to focus his energy on Wo Shie's exterior body to direct himself to where humans commonly found their foundation. In most cases a persons foundation was located 6in below their bellybutton and depending on how deep and strong their foundation was it would either entirely remain on the physical plane or entirely exist within a pocket dimension within themselves.

That was what had surprised Fu Shen the most from his inspection it seemed as if the entire body of Wo Shie was a pocket dimension and not an ordinary one at that for some reason it seemed endless.

Fu Shen's attention finally reached the point where Wo Shie's foundation should have been and he was shocked beyond words.

He came to find Wo Shie's foundation had taken the shape of a colosal planet, with lush forest there was also a gigantic tree that's trunk probably took up a good 10% of the planet. That may sound small but it'd take a countless number of Fu Shen's and Wo Shies just to wrap around the tree trunk once.

Planet Veda Immortal Dimension

"Lui Marime, Are you okay? You seem startled." An Old Woman that looked like she was already holding hands with death asked Lui Marime.

"It's fine it's just a while ago I felt something my mind might just be playing tricks on me." Lui Marime tried to make something up that would stop this line of questioning.

"Hmmm, you've been a little off for the past week I think you might need some rest." The decrepit old woman suggested.

"You're probably right Madam, I will return to my quarters now." Lui Marime responded and bowed respectfully.

In this lifetime Lui Marime was born into a race of elves that had a naturally longer lifespan than humans without any form of cultivation.

Elves also had extremely strong affinity with nature and the natural order of the world being descendants of Fairy's the worlds beloved children.

For the past week since Wo Shie first became unconscious she began to feel something pulling her towards the mortal plane. She had no idea what it was as she was born almost 100,000 years ago and ascended from the mortal plane to the immortal dimension over 80,000 years ago.

So she couldn't put her finger on what this attraction and energy she could be feeling was. After reaching the immortal dimension she reached a bottle neck and couldn't progress no matter what she tried to do or use.

National treasures medicinal herbs alchemist meditation chambers nothing worked so she was deeply contemplating this feeling as she wanted to see what kind of object could attract her attention from one realm to another plane of existence. It was just simply unheard of.