Sol Clothes

The store clerk looked and saw that they'd only selected 6 enchantments, "Are you sure these are all the enchantments you'd like our seamstress here is able to do 9 enchantments on each article of clothing you purchase, would you like to sketch your design and then pick 3 more enchantments to be embedded into your clothing?" She asked while pushing forward a pen and a blank sheet paper.

"Oh okay we'll do that then." Fu Shen replied as he accepted the paper and pen she was holding out.

He handed the paper to Wo Shie and told him to draw a design he liked because it'd likely be the only design he wore until he decided he wanted to come back here and get a new outfit.

Wo Shie got to work with his design as Fu Shen looked on at the design Wo Shie was drawing before he selected the last 3 enchantments.

As he looked at Wo Shie's design he couldn't think it was anything but odd as it had 0 resemblance to the robes most cultivators would wear and looked more like modern western street wear, but in Fu Shen's mind he could only connect it with the outfit of an assassin.

When he started he started from the top of the outfit. The sketch had almost entirely covered his face depicting two separate hoods the outside one having a fur trim that was bulky, and the interior hood fitting almost like spandex covering his eyes with a star symbol drawn into the forehead area of the tight fitting interior hood.

Going down from here the hood flowed into a jacked that looked like it's have to be pulled over his head to be put on. The neck area was extended upwards to cover his mouth, this was the only part that resembled robes some cultivators would wear. It looked like a wide turtle neck that covered his mouth and rested between the tight spandex like hood and the wide fur trim hood.

He drew a cross shape that went from the turtle neck apparatus down towards and into what looked like a hoodie pocket, below the pocket was another 5 point star. On the right sleeve he drew a yin symbol and on the left sleeve he drew a yang symbol. He also incorporated what looked like straps at the armpit area of the hoodie towards the back

The pants were what made Fu Shen question his own sense of fashion as he had never seen a sketch of an outfit that looked so different yet so cool.

He started with drawing a waste-band that had a star on its left and right side, he continued to draw the pants as if they were regular pants but attempted to make the bottom around his ankles taper down so that they weren't as wide as the pants around the thigh area.

He proceeded to draw two sets of straps on leg that went from the interior around the pants leg and up to what looked like the back area of the outfit. On the upper strap on each leg he drew 3 stars and left the bottom strap blank.

He also drew a large symbol of Yin and Yang covering the entire crotch area. This time he drew a Yang symbol at the bottom of the right pants leg and a Yin symbol on the bottom of the left.

He then drew a 6 point star to the side and said "I want this to be a 3d bag that all these straps you see connect to I also want it to be a part of the of the hoodie and have optional connection points to the leg straps so I can disconnect the leg straps and use them as bandages if needed.

'Did he come up with all of this just now…' the store clerk couldn't help but think as she had dealt with a lot of customers that had odd and extravagant designs but they would always come in with their sketches already made.

Fu Shen looked at the sketch for a minute in awe that the kid had such a unique design. After snapping back to his senses he chose 3 enchantments that he thought would work well with this design, choosing a weightless enchantment, vision enchantment (so he could see through the covering of his eyes), and - weather resistance enchantment so he wouldn't get too hot or too cold wearing it.

"This is an interesting design I'll get the seamstress so you can explain to her how you want it done." The store clerk said as she turned around and walked towards the back of the store to get the seamstress.

A few minutes later she walked out with the seamstress that looked to be a middle aged woman. She had a fair complexion her skin resembling the shade of a lotus and her eyes were bright green while her hair was jet black. The contrast made her look like an exotic model especially with her height standing over 1.5 meters.

The seamstress had an excited look on her face as if she knew she was getting the opportunity to work on something different.

She looked at the sketch that Wo Shie drew and her eyes widened as she almost couldn't contain her excitement. If the clerk didn't tell her that it was a kid that drew the sketch she would have thought that it was a fashion designer that came up with the design and drew the sketch.

She looked from the sketch to Wo Shie and asked with a bright smile, "Are there any details I should know about with this design, also if you'd allow it I'd like to make this design available to the public, you will receive 20% of all the profit from your design being sold."

Wo Shie was slightly shocked that he was being offered money instead of told a price right now as he unconsciously shook his head. "Y-yes that's fine." He agreed to his design being made public and told her about how he wanted the backpack and explained the features he wanted it to have.

"Okay, I can do that since it's new it might take me slightly longer but in two weeks I should be able to make you at least 10 sets. Also do you have something you would want to call this when it becomes public?" The beautiful seamstress asked.

Wo Shie thought as he didn't know what to call it after a few moments of thinking he decided on 'Sol Clothes' as it was the best thing that came to his mind.

"Sol Clothes… amazing you might be an artist little guy, my name is Jai Ming forgive my impoliteness but what is your name, and since you agreed to allowing us to make this design public yours will be free of charge." The seamstress said a little embarrassed she forget to get his name in her excitement.

"I am Wo Shie, thank you for helping me today I can't wait to see what it looks like in person." He said. They then bid each other farewell as he and Fu Shen set out again on his tour of the city.