Cosmic Material

They quickly reached the palace gates as they entered. This was Wo Shie's first time getting a good look at the castle as it was equally magestic as the Infinite Eyes sect, and the Octagram Arena. There were statues of many creatures that all had the semblance of wolves. Some were silver, some were bronze and others were either cold diamond or a weird material that resembled the fabric of space while also looking solid.

The statues were arranged in a circle surrounding what seemed to be a hedge garden. They also looked as if they were protecting it somehow. There were three rows with the silver and bronze statues in the first row, all these statues looked similar to the midnight alpha wolves.

While the second row with the diamond and gold statues had looked more like what Fu Shen was capable of turning into after his encounter with Wo Shie. As they were bipedal human wolf looking hybrids.

The final row had the fewest statue's there only being 5 of them present, and they were made of an interesting cosmic material. These statues had the largest variation amongst them as they were all different. Most looked entirely human aside from the middle one having 6 tails, the one to his left hat 2 tails and wolf ears, while the one to his right looked entirely human.

The outside left cosmic statue was donned with a hood and cloak of the same cosmic material so it's features were indistinguishable aside from the fact the statue resembled the shape of a human woman.

Finally the statue on the far right had noticeable canines that come out of his mouth from the top, and her hands looked like weapons and the nails were very sharp. This statue also resembled that of a woman.

Wo Shie felt like as they rode through the garden past the statues that the cosmic ones were watching him, but he brushed it off as they moved past the statues and nothing happened.

The carriage went straight towards the main castle and the entire castle was broken up into 7 different castles forming a hexagonal shape around the main castle.

Once they arrived at the main castle Wo Shie was shocked because he thought the castle was a little small seeing the large pyramids in the Infinite Eye sect. But seeing the high castle that almost could compare with his own Taijutu's Abode he was left speechless. It definitely dwarfed any of the pyramids he thought were massive within the sect being at least twice the size of them.

Seeing Wo Shie looking at the castle in shock, Fu Shen gave him a little nudge and said, "Come on my master has been waiting to meet you he seemed pretty excited when I saw him last as well."

"Oh alright here I come." Wo Shie said as he moved forward and followed Fu Shen into the castle. Fu Shen led him through a corridor that was at least half a kilometer before they reached a set of large jade doors with a wolve's head on one door and a dragon's on the other.

Before going in Fu Shen looked at the nervous kid next to him and smiled and said, don't worry about formalities anymore you're family now and if there's anything you need we the Fu Clan will be at your side.

After saying this and seeing Wo Shie relax a bit hi put his hand on the door and a clicking sound could be herd echoing through the corridor, as the doors began to open by themselves.

Once the doors were opened Wo Shie could see a large throne room with a path made of the same cosmic material as the statues that led to an older man that looked to be in his mid forties. The older man didn't have a single wrinkle or blemish on his skin the only thing that pointed to slight age was his mature and well trimmed beard with the slight greying of his hair.

He had an amiable face, looking as though nothing in the world could get under his skin and he was currently smiling at Wo Shie as if he were looking at his very own jackpot prize.

"Hey there little Shie, my name is Fu Shuo, I'm pleased to meet you, this rascal Fu Shen hasn't been to wild has he?" Fu Shuo introduced himself and greeted Wo Shie in a lighthearted manner.

"You mean the crazy person next to me he is a pain sometimes, but he's bearable I guess." Wo Shie wouldn't miss the opportunity to get back at Fu Shen feeling the magnetic and infectious positive energy this senior was radiating.

"HAHAAHHA" Fu Shuo let out a boisterous laugh that caused the throne room to vibrate and echo his booming voice.

"Well kid do you know why we're accepting you into our family?" The amiable old man asked.