Lui Marime

Dropping the thoughts and topic of fate Wo Shie asked, "Well since you won't tell me about fate, why is it that my eyes always look special and yours turn back normal?"

Fu Shuo answered maintaining he amiable bearing. "That's simple it's because it is unnatural for us to even posses these eyes, it would require a massive amount of energy from us to have them activated at all times, for that reason we both have a seal on out eyes that the either we or the energy in the cosmic ingot you see on the floor can supply."

Wo Shie nodded as it made sense but then he asked, "Doesn't that mean I could have a seal placed on my eyes so they look normal?"

"That would be correct however for you the seal would be less benificial it may actually remove some of the functions and abilities the 'Eyes of the Infinite' would bring you." Fu Shuo replied.

Hearing that Wo Shie was a little sad and let down. "Does that mean I'll have to wear shaded glasses forever?" He asked.

"Not forever, just at least until you're able to protect yourself, believe it or not there are still a few people alive that are aware of the existence of the 'Eyes of the Infinite' if they knew you or us had them they would stop at nothing to attempt to wipe us from existence." Fu Shuo gave an answer that made So Shie wonder why would someone be so hellbent on killing him just because he possessed his eyes.

"Then why is the Eye of the Infinite sect even allowed? If they would kill us for having the eyes why is there a sect allowed to name themselves after the eyes without being targeted?" Wo Shie asked as they blatantly glorified what others wanted to destroy.

"These things are too far above you for you to know now, now all you need to know is you have a family with us and a place in the Eye of the Infinite sect." Fu Shuo answered not giving the full details to Wo Shie.

"Alright I'm pretty busy little Shie I have some matters I must tend to, if you need me or need anything let Fu Shen know or let a servant know and I will be there once I'm notified, if it's urgent most of the time you may find me here but if that's not the case then let others know and they have means to communicate with me." Fu Shuo said, as soon as his words were finished he disappeared almost as if he had turned invisible.

Wo Shie looked at Fu Shen and said, "Well now that that's over can we get some more food in hungry."

At the same moment Fu Shuo disappeared he reappeared outside the gates of lone wolf city in front of a cloaked woman.

"What brings the famed immortal genius Lui Marime to my Lone Wolf city in times like these?" Fu Shuo asked the cloaked Lui Marime.

"As sharp as ever I had just arrived and you've already met me at the gate." Lui Marime said as she removed her cloak showing he beautiful caramel colored face and lush black hair tied into a neat bun atop her head.

Before she could answer as to what brought her here two more power figures appeared here as if out of thin air.

"There aren't many immortals on this mortal plane aside from those in sects and they often don't encroach on other territories." One of the beings that appeared said.

"And those rogue immortal cultivators could never match the energy brought by a descendent of the 12 Origin Gods." The other being had appeared said directly after the first one finished talking.

"It's always nice to be welcomed by an envoy how are the three sect masters doing today, I hope that you may be able to help me in what I came here to find." Lui Marime did a slight bow as she asked for the three seniors assistance.

"Ahh and what is it that the descendent Lui Marime could be looking for here on the mortal plane?" Fu Shuo asked.

"I'm not sure what it is exactly that I should be looking for but I felt something drawing me to the mortal plane for quite some time, I'm hoping it can help me progress in my cultivation." Lui Marime answered.

"Hmm interesting, let's not talk here let us go to my abode and pick up this situation by the way where will you be staying during your visit?" Fu Shuo asked.

"If it's not too much to ask I was hoping senior would allow me to stay with him for the time being." She responded.

"I have many free rooms you make take your pick let's go." As Fu Shuo said this all four figures disappeared making the people who were also at the gates slightly astonished to see 3 people appear and disappear. It wasn't everyday that people in the mortal dimension would witness such powerhouses so close. Especially not 4 of them at once.

They reappeared in what seemed to be a meeting room with a round table made of the same cosmic ingot as the statues and the path in the throne room.

All four of them sat at opposite ends of the table. "So how may we be of assistance to you in your search?" The sect leader of the 12 Deities sect asked while Fu Shuo and the leader of the Death God sect nodded hearing this.

"All I ask is the freedom to search wherever I'm led so I may encounter what it was that brought me here." Lui Marime replied.

"Then consider it done." All the sect leaders said in unison.

"Is there anything else you may need during your stay here?" Fu Shuo asked.

"No thank you seniors for allowing me my search I will inform senior Fu Shuo once I've attained my objective." Lui Marime said.

After she said this the sect leaders bid her farewell and Fu Shuo led her to a maid that would show her the available rooms.