
Lola nodded her head with a gentle smile acknowledging Wo Shie while thinking, 'The same temperament as always, first you create it then you want to destroy it yourself.'

Typhon laughed heartily his ear grinding laugh sounding more menacing and heart wrenching than pleasant. "You may not know who you are but you'll never change that's for sure."

Wo Shie couldn't help but wonder where this annoying demon came from and why he was here. He then asked Typhon "Don't demons have stuff to do? You're kind of annoying, saying I don't know who I am and all of that."

Typhon laughed even more heartily hearing he was getting on the child's nerves, "Well if you're annoyed my job is done, and I'm no petty demon I'm the God of all monsters. Demons and Devils alike kneel in reverence and fear at the mention of my name." Typhon puffed out his exposed scaly chest while while saying this.

"God of monsters? What monsters?" Wo Shie was confused he'd never heard of a God of monsters.

"The people of this time refer to them as beast, demons and the like. But when you remember yourself it'll all come back" Typhon said in a more serious tone.

"Why haven't you started cultivating, what are you waiting on, I know you finished refining your body as you're currently at the first phase of God's body." Typhon continued in a serious tone, he needed Wo Shie to become stronger just like Lola did for him to access his strength without backlash.

"It's no rush little Shie you can start cultivating at your own pace this monster is just power hungry. Also taking your time in cultivation builds the strongest foundation." Lola rejected typhoons question trying to comfort Wo Shie with Where he currently was.

"Wait wait, are you telling me you guys can teach me how to cultivate? Doesn't that means I never needed Fu Shen?" Wo Shie said with shock and disbelief as he didn't think that they knew how to cultivate.

"Of course we can teach you how to cultivate, but you did need Fu Shen, how else would you have unlocked the rooms here in Taijutu's abode?" Lola answered in as gentle a voice as ever.

Wo Shie wanted to say something but hearing Lola's gentle voice and feeling her head still resting on his shoulder he decided not to say anything out of line.

"We'll can you guys teach me how? I have deaths manifestation cultivation technique and I know the breathing patter because it was kind of engrained in me but I kinda done know what I'm supposed to be doing or what cultivating is." Wo Shie asked hopeful they would teach him how to cultivate.

"Didn't you already make plans to train and learn with Fu Shen, how wil you explain to him?" Lola asked causing Wo Shie's mood to lighten.

"I don't know…" Wo Shie replied remembering he was waiting to spar with Fu Shen. It also made him wonder why Fu Shen had given him the 'Infinity Edge' without him landing the 3 said blows.

"I think it's about day time I should go outside I don't want Fu Shen to start worrying, I'll see you later Lola." Wo Shie said while standing up, he gave a look to Typhon from the corner of his eye and turned his nose up as he walked out.

He arrived back in his room of the palace almost immediately, he donned a pair of robes that the maids had provided to him so he didn't have to continue wearing the tattered clothes.

As he suspected it was day time and the light of the sun was peaking through the windows. The castle had a magnificent of of the city below and the distant mountains. His room was facing east so he could see the sun inching over the mountains and the shades and hues of the rising sun.

Once he was dressed and fresh he left his room heading back to the dining hall hoping there was breakfast already prepared. To his surprise when he arrived there was a lavish breakfast prepared enough to feed everyone in the castle.

And feed everyone in the castle it did. This entire castle was actually Fu Shen's residence so it was normally just him and all the maids and servants.

Like in the slums district Fu Shen found great joy in being a kind person helping where he could and offering what he could.

Like this everyday he'd have a breakfast banquet with the maids, servants and they were even allowed to bring their families to be fed so that the stress of one meal was reliever.

Because of this his public reputation was notorious there was no one who would tarnish his name and if someone did the people that knew him and what he'd been through would handle it for him.