
'Don't worry I will impart the way of the forge to you while guiding you.' The voice of the fire again sounded in Wo Shie's mind.

Wo Shie was satisfied hearing this and replied, 'Okay I'll come back here sometime later I don't want someone to see I just disappeared and reappeared." After saying he directly left Taijutu's abode and reappeared in his room of the palace.

Unfortunately for him Lui Marime was currently in his room. He was immediately taken off guard by her appearance here and remember his crying session in her arms he became embarrassed completely forgetting she just saw him reappear from nowhere in his room.

"Where were you Wo Shie! I looked everywhere for you I even asked the maids and they said they hadn't seen you are you okay?" Lui Marime said while checking all over Wo Shies body to see if he had any injuries.

Wo Shie thought to himself 'I'm fine it's okay.' He meant to say this out loud but he had lost himself in his thoughts with an older woman checking his body to see if he was okay only reminded him of his mom and if she would have the same reaction.

After checking Wo Shie thoroughly she sighed in relief that there wasn't a scratch on his body. But she couldn't help but wonder where he was and how he appeared there.

Once she stopped checking Wo Shie to see if he was alright she took a step back and said, "One of the maids said you recieved a package from Enchanted Bazaar, she said the head maid currently has it in her possession and you may retrieve it from her." Lui Marime said.

Hearing this Wo Shie finally came back to earth remembering the outfit that he had designed. "Okay, I'm going to wash up and get some food then I will go get it. Uhh is there a reason you're still here?" Wo Shie asked being upfront displaying that his mind was truly that of a child's and that he hadn't remembered his past lifetime where he and Lui Marime could have been lovers were it not for his workaholic tendencies.

This question kind of hurt Lui Marime's heart but she brushed it off thinking maybe she was the only one to remember their past life. She said with a smile, "After meeting you Little Wo Shie I want to stay around and help look after you."

This wasn't what Wo Shie was expecting but it gave him a deep sense of comfort that someone wanted to care about him. It hurt on an unexplainable level to have a stranger literally burn everything you know down in front of you while you're powerless to stop them.

The trauma and sense of being alone run so deep because this was your first impression of a stranger and to have new strangers come into your life with so

much love and care Wo Shie didn't know how to explain this or even why this was happening. Wo Shie hadn't learned about fate or thanking God's or anything all he knew was he was grateful that he continued to meet people that were so kind to him,

He washed up and after donning one of the robes provided by Fu Shen he headed to the dining hall where there was a feast prepared as usual.

The head maid was also at the feast so she handed the storage necklace to Wo Shie as soon as he arrived. The necklace was made to be extremely fashionable, there were chain like links connecting to each other also they were made like this to prevent them from falling of or breaking during the intense battles of cultivators, the actual storage device was a gemstone on the center of the locking mechanism of the necklace.

"Uh… how do I see what's inside?" Wo Shie asked the head maid who had brought him the device.

"Oh that's simple first hand it to me let me help you." the head maid said getting the necklace from Wo Shie's hand and helping him put it on.

"I'm aware you haven't truly started your cultivation journey, normally you would only need to send your spiritual energy inside but a simple method for beginners is to put your hand on it and just imagine yourself going inside the storage device and you will be able to see what's inside." While saying the the head maid finished putting the necklace around Wo Shie's neck and had grabbed his hand placing it on the gem.

Wo Shie's face turned red having another woman touching him but he remembered she was trying to help him so he allowed it.

Upon seeing the inside of the storage device Wo Shie saw Sol Clothes and 20 copies of the outfit he designed. Seeing this he jumped up from his seat excitedly and said "I'll be right back!"