
In the city Wo Shie's arrival and the display of the head gaurd hadn't gone unnoticed by the citizens at all.

"Did you see him? He's the fabled Lone Commander, I think that was the legendary legion skill that he got from a secret realm, it's rumored to be the inheritance of some powerhouse in the past." One of the witness said excitedly talking to his friends.

His friend was just in awe standing still with a blank and empty expression. They we're both young and had been wearing Wo Shie's outfit design with the insignia of the Infinite Eyes sect on the back.

"I…I… I can't…" the star struck friend began to say between bated breaths.

"I know how you feel man, you don't see legends or legendary skills everyday… I wonder who he was escorting to have made such a display they couldn't be just any normal person." The first guy said while patting his friend on the back shaking him from his stupor.

"That's a good question, didn't the castle increase its security not too long ago too?" The second youth asked as it hadn't been too long since Wo Shie's disappearance.

The increase in security wasn't the most quiet move either. Fu Shuo didn't spare many expenses after his castle had been imposed against twice in such a short timeframe.

He recruited the most renowned formations master to create the greatest formations they had ever created, he also increased the quality of his staff by screening everyone under him to ensure spies and the like weren't in their midst.

The screening wasn't too hard for the master of the Infinite Eyes sect, they didn't call themselves that without reason. The entire sect was mainly focused in either the art of scrying into the future, or espionage and assassinations. So they literally had eyes everywhere.

Elsewhere as the crowd dispersed word of the legendary Lone Commander spread like wildfire as it had been almost a century since he had been seen by the public. This caused more curiosity to rise about who he was escorting as well.

Thanks to Wo Shies hood covering his eyes nobody got a hood look at his face, but his presence was known and word would soon reach Fu Shuo about the events that occurred here in the city today.

Arriving back into his room after what felt like a lifetime Wo Shie went and flopped directly onto the bed removing the hood covering his eyes.

Wo Shie laid there and reflected everything he had experienced at this point in his life. He was sad his mom and the witch doctor were no longer with him, this stressed how he'd already felt alone and distanced from the world.

He also felt happy about the people in his life that cared about him which caused him to feel slightly confused at the conflicting emotions.

Being in that void space, for so long also kind of helped him put distance between himself and the pain that he experienced making him question what was the purpose of it anyway.

To be alive or dead what did it matter, in his eyes his mom had a purpose to live yet she was taken away from this world. After experiencing more life he realized the witch doctor probably had an even greater reason to live than his mom.

From his perspective his mom had him to live for and the witch doctor had all of her patients to live for… But neither of them were living now, and what did he have to live for.

He had the people that he cared about that were in this world but what did he bring to them, what was even his purpose in this world.

He recalled his training sessions as he thought about his purpose. He thought of the spars with Fu Shen and over all he had comprehended while in the void space but couldn't find it having anything to do with his purpose.

That is until he remembered hearing Albus saying people like him with the Eyes of the Infinite only showed up when a universe was going through massive changes.

'What could be changing?' Wo Shie thought as the tides of fate and rolling of time continued to surge on. Wo Shie laid there thinking until he eventually fell asleep with his legs hanging from the side of the bed.