Time to Finish

The final step where Wo Shie had to seperate from his foundation was the most difficult part. After removing his divine universe tree he has severely damaged his foundation uprooting the massive tree, but the size of the tree was a testament to how deep and large his foundation had to be.

Upon his observation he could see what looked like spacial tears within his foundation causing it to look like a dark and destroyed landscape rather than the nothingness it embodies earlier.

Wo Shie's task was to condense his entire foundation into a single point that could easily slip through one of the many spatial tears that encased it from the divine universe tree crossing planes of existence.

He grit his teeth as he fought to stay conscious while slowly condensing his foundation. As soon as he started he realized that the physical aspect of his foundation was just as hard as the hardest things he had encountered in his entire life.

He attempted using his mental energy to squeeze and condense his foundation to no avail. He attempted using what control he had over the source and spirit energy he had to condense it again to no avail.

The pain continued to deepen with each failure, he could now feel his bones trembling as the pain seemed to seep deeper into his physical body with every second.

His skin and bones began to crack as the pain began to truly assault him physically causing his mind to waver more as he began to slip between what he thought to be life and death.

With what mental energy he had left his mind raced while the pain further intensified. He had began internally bleeding and those around him could sense his heartbeat had become much weaker and his breathing became bated.

He truly was on the verge of death, but what could anyone do about it but watch hoping that wasn't what happened. Fu Shen and Fu Shuo had placed such extreme importance on this child how would they explain his death.

The darkness continued to encroach as Wo Shie's mental energy was completely drained. No longer having his divine universe tree in addition to Sheryl crippling his foundation there was little if anything he could do to make up for this deficit he created for himself.

As the darkness began to surround Wo Shies mind how could feel a soothing feeling beginning to wash the pain away from him. It was as if he had been surrounded by light that was healing and cooling all the pain he was in.

The light he felt was actually surrounding his physical body as well. It was common practice to not interfere with someones meditation or cultivation as it could be detrimental to their growth, however there were such cases where people would practice dangerous and extreme methods of cultivation where they would need a someone to heal them during their cultivation sessions without interference.

These extreme methods of cultivation were spread far and wide so this wasn't something amongst the common knowledge. But in this case the oversoul was here, and there wasn't anything in existence that escaped his field of vision except complete darkness.

The oversoul had used its power to heal Wo Shie with light energy rather than life energy. Light, and Life were considered the pinnacle of daos a healer could possess, however life energy could become dangerous if the healer was far stronger than the person they were healing.

This is why the oversoul used light energy, the dao of light also had its benifits over the dao of life as it could rejuvenate the senses.

It was said the dao of life could bring the dead back to the world of the living, while the dao of light had the propensity to heal and repair a soul on the brink of collapse.

The light enveloped Wo Shie as his mind teetered between life and death. The light quickly healed his physical injuries causing his body to be cycling between the intense pain he felt and the rejuvenating energy from the light.

It also helped to restore his mental energy making him realize how close he had been to giving up. It also helped clear some of the pain that was taking over his mind offering him more room to think clearly.

He remembered the lessons he had recieved from Albus about information and how the eyes of the infinite possessed the special ability to look into what made the fabric of anything and even manipulate it.

He began to control the flow of the spirit energy in the air and his own source energy towards his eyes as he began to look within his foundation for something.

His body continued to cycle from intense pain to the ecstasy of rejuvenation while he continued looking through his foundation for a singular point.

Finally after an unknown amount of time to Wo Shie he found it. It was the center point and the first point where his foundation came into existence. He knew it was the first point due to the information that created it as everything around it were just the layers of an onion.

Wo Shie had never attempted it because the extreme consequences but here this was the only way he could see this being possible.

He began to think of ways to change the information within this point to cause the rest of his foundation to condense into it and could only think of a few ways.

He could make this singular point an extreme attractor pulling in all of his foundation, but if he separated from it like that how would it effect the world.

The information about the process stated that once separated from his foundation and divine universe tree they would occupy the space that his physical body currently resided.

The next way he could think of seemed slightly more feasible, he would change it to instead of just being the center of his foundation, he would make it so that that singular point would encompass all of his foundation.

Wo Shie decided his second thought seemed like the right way to go about it, as he began to redefine what the information the made up that point of his foundation he found changing information was far easier than he thought it would be.

It almost felt as easy as breathing aside from having to translate his thoughts into their symbolic form to that point but it came so naturally that Wo Shie felt the symbols meanings were intrinsically a part of himself like the language he'd spoken his entire life.

As soon as he rewrote the information the rest of his foundation began to crash into itself towards this singular point as the pain began to outpace the effects of the healing power surrounding him.

Still he was right here at the finish line he couldn't stop now, whether failure or success he had made it this far it was time to finish.