Lord Barak

Finally as if a chain had been snapped Wo Shie was separated from his divine universe tree and his foundation. Wo Shie felt as if a limitation was released from his body and replaced with a new burden.

The pain instantly subsided sending waves of fatigue through Wo Shie's body. He began to sway as his vision began fading to black.

"I will come back when you awake." Was the last thing Wo Shie heard from the oversoul before he flailed back into the chair he was sitting in.

Seeing this the guards and anyone present breathed a sigh of relief seeing he had survived that ordeal. The air around Wo Shie also lightened up and didn't seem as hostile.

Still there was no mistaking something major had changed about the child, his presence became almost completely undetectable. It didn't even feel like he had become mortal it was more like he existed in that spot in lone wolf city but the closer they got to Wo Shie to check on him the further away he felt.

Fighting this feeling the guards took Wo Shie to his room and retrieved a nurse to check on him. The nurse arrived shortly after Wo Shie had been set on his bed only to be surprised that his body showed not a single injury externally.

What surprised her even more was how ethereal Wo Shie felt and the fact that outside of a visual examination and observing his vitals, when she attempted to check his cultivation it was as if she had been rejected.

The moment she tried to peer within Wo Shie's body for her and her alone the feeling of being distant from Wo Shie increased a thousand fold.

She was close enough to touch Wo Shie but as she put her hand out to touch him it felt like time dilated and her hand would never reach him.

It was as if the closer she attempted to come to Wo Shie the further the distance increased until she fell to her knees shaking and say "no" repeatedly.

The gaurds could only exchange confused glances as they looked on, the nurse they retrieved was in in the Soul Awakening realm so compared to the Wo Shie prior to releasing himself from his divine universe tree and foundation she should have been able to do that at least she thought.

Seeing that they were unable to calm the young nurses stupor, one of the guards carried her to the infirmary where another nurse tended to her.

Far off in the reaches of space a lone figure sat alone surrounded by stars and planets his body being dragged along one of the stars orbits as the star and the planets orbiting it hurdled through space at hardly imaginable speeds.

The man had an unconcerned look as his calm dark eyes seemed to pierce through everything in existence looking at one specific thing.

As he stood up the force of his movements rung out from the space he was standing into the stars orbit. The waves so strong that they pushed the massive star out of the trajectory it was traveling.

Once the wave of energy from his movements reached the rest of the planets in the solar system itself were also flung out even faster causing that entire solar system that had formed over hundreds of millions of years to be no more almost instantly.

The man then disappeared from where he was standing and appeared in front of what looked like a castle larger than anything Wo Shie had seen before. It was larger than the divine universe tree that reached from the surface of the planet Wo Shie was on all the way to outer space.

The doors could easily be considered to be the size of a planet yet the man only reached out a single finger lightly tapping the door causing it to be thrust open in an instant.

The man looked smaller than an ant in front of such a monolithic castle yet his strength wasn't to be questioned in the lightest.

Within the vast castle it was extremely luxurious it looked as if one was walking into heaven yet the man's face remained stoic as those near the entrance upon seeing him either saluted or bowed.

Beyond the doors was a long road leading to what looked like a city. The roads were busy with caravans and travelers proving the castle was quite the quarry. Along the roads were endless fields with farms and mythical beast as livestock.

There was a wide range of beings within this castle, there were giants, dragons, elves, fairies, dwarves, ogres, and many other species of creature however as soon as the man entered it was as if the world within the castle stopped moving.

But just as quickly as he appeared at the doors he disappeared within the castle and the normal hustle and bustle within continued. It was truly as if this castle was a world of its own.

The man reappeared in front of a large pyramid where he was greeted by a figure clad in an all black cloak.

"What brings you to my humble abode Lord Barak" the cloaked figure said causing the stoic look on the man's face to change for the first time as he raised an eyebrow.

"This is what you call humble…" Barak said incredulously as he looked to the ceiling that seemed to contain its own star and down to the most perfect pyramid that could ever be erected from a single stone.

The cloaked man laughed boisterously and pat Barak on his back before throwing his arm over his shoulder, "Humble it is indeed come, come inside we have much to speak about." He said as he pulled him along a path that opened within the stone walls of the pyramid.