Burning Fire Made of Ice

Lui Marime Didn't respond to the man speaking to her. Her gaze fixed below at the ashes of the place she called home.

"I never thought I would get to experience a family like this… now it's gone, it's all gone…" Lui Marime said as her voice cracked.

"I know it's hard to lose a family member, but at the main branch estate you will be welcomed like a sibling." The man said.

Again Lui Marime ignored the man and didn't respond as she thought back to her childhood, how her father taught her about cultivation and the extravagant parties ther parents would throw her whenever she reached a new realm.

Even after her mother fell I'll and she progressed to the immortal realm. That was when her father decided it would be a good time for them to establish a family branch in the immortal dimension in hopes a more skilled alchemist could help Lui Marime's mother.

Sadly her sickness progressed faster than they had expected and that was when Lui Marime learned the pain of losing a loved one. This pain hit her so hard it stalled her cultivation causing it to slow before reaching a complete halt at the immortal dimension.

And then she met him again, the person that changed her life drastically every time he entered her life.

"I have to protect him…" Lui Marime said in a low voice.

"Protect who young master, they are all…" the man began saying before cutting his words short.

"It's nothing, I need to make a trip to the mortal realm before we go." Lui Marime said before taking a meditative posture in the air.

Planet Cyrus…

Wo Shie had made his way onto the first branch of the tree exhausted. His shoulder had healed already thanks to his energy of the creator, but the frigid air and harsh winds had taken a toll on him.

'I forgot to eat…' Wo Shie thought to himself as the exhaustion began to sink deeper into his muscles and bones while his stomach growled.

Wo Shie looked down only to see the trunk of the tree dimly lit by the shimmering leaves. He then looked up to see a canopy of shimmering leaves and many branches with seemingly no end in sight.

Seeing this Wo Shie let out a deep sigh before deciding all he could do was regain his bearings and continue on climbing.

Lone Wolf City…

"Master Fu Shuo, it's pleasant to see your arrival, you seem slightly ahead of schedule…" one of the guards said timidly while saluting with his hand over his heart as Fu Shuo stepped off the final stair of his massive flying ship.

"I recieved word of a massive tree spawning here but by the heavens… the attention this will bring. Where is Wo Shie" Fu Shuo said.

"He's, he is climbing the tree sir.. there should be a small envoy following him within range to take action if need be." The guard spoke

"He's doing what?" Fu Shuo said while looking at the guard with an incredulous expression.

Seeing Fu Shuo's expression and knowing the importance he placed on Wo Shie the guard began the story from when Wo Shie re-appeared in the old medical bay.

"Then he dislocated his shoulder pulling away from the head guard before being let go, he ran away and climbed the tree after that we didn't want to physically capture him because we didn't want to harm him further.

Hearing the story Fu Shuo was able to put some of the mysteries surrounding the divine universe trees appearance together, also as to why Wo Shie might want to climb the divine universe tree.

After thinking for a moment he spoke, "damn it, very well keep me updated, when he begins to make his way down assist him and bring him here immediately I have to retrieve the other disciples."

"Yes sir!" The guard spoke before doing an enthusiastic salute and running off to pass on the orders.

A while after deciding to sit and rest Wo Shie began his climb from the first branch. Beyond the first branch of the tree it was much less of a steep flat surface and more so many winding paths and steep hills with the dim light from the leaves helping guide the way.

Some branches would connect letting him journey along the branches to jump to and climb other branches while sometimes he would have to journey back to the trees trunk in order to progress.

The higher Wo Shie got the more intense the wind became and the colder the air got. It got to the point where Wo Shie would have to take a break before any time he had to use his hands to climb.

After another few hours of climbing Wo Shie couldn't take how cold his hands were becoming, it oddly felt like his hands had been placed in a burning fire made of ice and his breaks to warm his ha and became longer and longer slowing his climb even further.