Only Death Can Reveal

Lone Wolf City…

"We can't just abandon the child how will he protect himself in such a cruel world?" A woman with 2 tails spoke.

"How effective have we been in actually keeping the child safe?" A normal man asked causing the room to become silent momentarily.

"Most of the chaos and the child's disappearance happened during our slumber, so we are not to take responsibility." A feminine voice came from a cloaked figure.

"What good does our presence do when that descendent of ours was powerless?" Another woman said while smugly examining her nails that resembled daggers.

"I do have a name, but she's right what are we to do with the child, especially now… the appearance of a divine universe tree and whatever else is up there will undoubtedly create waves." Fu Shuo said in a grave tone while looking at each of the 5 elders.

"Did any of you notice the change he underwent before ascending the tree?" The cloaked woman asked.

"It felt like he had distanced himself from the world, but what does that mean?" One of the men spoke.

"It's more like he abandoned what bound him to this world somehow making him more otherworldly.." the cloaked woman spoke.

"But what binds us all to this world is… our cultivation foundation and soul, he surely would have died abandoning those things." The man said in a confused while he attempted putting the pieces together.

"That would be the case if there he were truly a being born and nurtured in this world but we don't have access to his background, the most we've discovered is his affiliation with the sun clan." The woman said while everyone at the table became silent as they thought of all the different possibilities.

"I say we carry on as usual for now as it seems what we need to know about the boy will find us, none of us have been in danger yet, not even the sun or moon clan wouldn't think twice about sending people to our planet." One of the ancestors spoke to which everyone nodded, in every situation they had been relatively unharmed.

"Those pesky shinigami will likely come poking around especially now that we are no longer in slumber…" one of the other ancestors spoke causing the room to become noticeably more tense.

"I'll see if I can speak with the death gods sect, if not you 5 will likely have to strike a deal with whoever they send." After saying this Fu Shuo stood up and walked out as his mind raced about all of the possibilities for the future and the best course of action.

Wo Shie's body underwent profound changes, it wasn't just his body becoming stronger like in the past.

This time it was the purity of his body changing the purity in the energy that made him. His body first bloated wildly due to the excessive energy.

When it got to the point where it looked like and he felt like he was on the verge of exploding from so much energy the Hellflame began to spin rapidly causing his body to heat to unimaginable temperatures.

His body became so hot that Lola was forced to release him and his body began to emit a burning black steam as he began to shrink to his normal size.

Even more profound when the crown bc had come into contact with Wo Shie he could also feel his connection with the manual Taijutu incarnate like it had become a part of himself.

In this process his inner universe began to expand as new stars were born along side many planets and solar systems. The overflowing energy began to subside as all the energy and information began to settle into Wo Shie's inner universe as the pain subsided.

Wo Shie stood up slowly while opening his eyes. He felt like his physical stamina had become boundless, and his energy had become even more pure than before.

He could tell his body had become more interconnected, he could feel the overwhelming source energy in him ready to burst and explode once again at any moment but he continued to attempt condensing it.

"Your body and energy have almost elevated to that of an immortal so quickly, you should definitely start training again before you lose your mind body connection." Lola said as she examined closely the changes that have occurred in Wo Shie's body.

Wo Shie began to scratch his head with a sheepish grin he didn't think he would become this strong so fast but he knew that he had to get even stronger, his mother was an immortal yet her life had been claimed, he couldn't relax.

Wo Shie sat down in meditation and closed his eyes, he began to search within him for the connection he had felt between him and the manual Taijutu incarnate.

When he finally came in contact with the manual's energy and their connection it began to form in his hand seemingly appearing out of thin air.

He flipped through the pages until he came across one that read "deaths manifestation" across the top in an unfamiliar language.

The page read.. 'Death is the embodiment of all things that were not meant, true death does not exist only the illusion of an end. If you feel it in your heart, when you speak the illusion can begin. What's real when life's a lie that only death can reveal.'

After reading the page Wo Shie couldn't help but curse internally, 'feel it in you heart… f*** this why couldn't he just say what I need to do'.