
During these few days Fu Shuo's guards retrieved their commanders body and brought a report to Fu Shuo.

Fu Shuo also questioned about Wo Shie but his guards were denied access to the castle by a kind old man saying he was looking after his grandson Wo Shie in the castle and he would bring him down when he recovered.

Wo Shie would occasionally need to take a break due to how heightened his emotions would become. 'It doesn't even feel real..' he thought to himself as he noticed the emotions he felt felt a lot like his source energy and the spirit energy of the world.

Only the energy he felt in his emotions was more invasive, like it was preying on him more than it was feeding his growth.

Upon noticing this it was like the painful emotions completely lost their flare while the only thing Wo Shie could feel was a deadening numbness all over his body.

Whenever the emotions of pain and betrayal began to feel too much he would remind himself that they weren't real and that he wouldn't betray himself.

Still this couldn't stop the intrusive thoughts of the recent events where the mother he mourned said she would kill him, all the voices of everyone telling him to become stronger.

It was like the weight of a world to the young Wo Shie, but he had one driving emotion that was almost a saving grace from the pain he was feeling right now allowing him to sit in meditation and connect with his emotions.

'Why would she say that she wasn't my mom, and what did she mean when she said truth lied and it was him and her in the beginning. Will I ever be able to stand up and fight on my own.' Wo Shie thought to himself.

His mind racing with doubts and different assumptions as his desire to know grew exponentially as he connected further with his emotions and his mind began to clear from its previous fog.

Albus had been observing the entire time and would not everytime he would see the chaotic energy around Wo Shie settle into calmness.

Wo Shie opened his eyes stood and began to silently stretch his limbs.

"You know not many people have the ability of insight where they can master their emotions so quickly especially not at such a young age, but you have seen more than most at your age, hell you just witnessed attacks from multiple god level beings and above and lived that will help your growth more than you realize." Albus began to speak trying to give Wo Shie some hope.

Hearing this Wo Shie looked at his hands then towards Albus before he continued to stretch out his body.

"We will need to go down to the castle below the patriarch of the Fu family has been concerned for you and wishes to see you healthy and alive, and the council of light would like to speak with you about moving forward." Albus said to which Wo Shie only nodded in acknowledgement.

Seeing this crushed Albus heart to see how deeply Wo Shie had been effected by the recent events to the point he didn't want to even speak.