Omnipotent Constitution

Creating skills was described as fairly easy within the deaths manifestation portion.

There were 3 requirements, the first required he had the latent potential to accomplish the task he willed, then he had to be able to completly envision the skill he intended to create if there were any physical aspect to it.

The second requirement he needed to meet was he needed to chanel his intention and energy wavelength into whatever skill it was.

It further explained that his energy wavelength could be described as the level of emotion he was at and as he felt different emotions even physical sensation his energetic wavelength would change.

That's where the manifestation of death manifestion came to make complete sense as Wo Shie experienced a sort of enlightenment as he read on.

He learned that his voice was a natural extension of his wavelength which is why when he spoke it effected himself and the outside world.

He had latent within himself the potential to accomplish he had but since he had not trained his body to handle and exert those powers he experienced backlash.

He finished reading this beginner section of the manual as the pages switched from deaths manifestation to gods omnipotence as the badges turned from black with an honey white writing to a brilliant gold with black words that seemed to exist slightly above the page.

"God's Omnipotence, releases one's physical mortal body from the limits of mortalitity, the heavens, and one's own mind" Wo Shie read enamoured by the words on the golden page.

As he read further he learned that it was in the same category as deaths manifestion where it wasn't normally a cultivation technique however it could be cultivated to increase the effects of an Omnipotent body if one already possessed one such kind of constitution.

It could also be cultivated by people with no omnipotent type of constitution completly changing every cell of their body.

There were many different caveats that were noted for people without omnipotent bodies and for people who already possessed an omnipotent body listing of titles such as 'Dao Omnipotent body, Omnipotent celestial soul body, burning flame Omnipotent body, and many more.

It went on to describe how any type of omnipotent body no matter the grade fully integrated one's physical body with their spiritual one if they reached a high enough level with their omnipotent body.

Through the passage of time these constitutions have become less rare, as powerful masters would get lucky to birth at least a single youth with an omnipotent body every thousand years or so which wasn't much in their cultivation world.

The caveats entailed things such people who already possessed an omnipotent body would be unable to use this cultivation method as training one's soul to the point where it becomes a god body was only achieved by the greatest geniuses of all time.

And due to this being the case it was more suited to someone with no physical constitution or someone who already possessed a 'gods omnipotent body'.

It also explained that most omnipotent bodies specialize in a specific aspect some even specific daos while few were more general.

The main difference was the generalized ones had a wider range of skills they could learn execute and master while those with more specific types were forced down more specialized paths.

Another caveat that all omnipotent bodies shared was that one's constitution would reject any cultivation or growth of energy not equal to its own forcing many to become body cultivators until they were to integrate their physical and spiritual bodies giving them the same energy strength as their bodies level.

The last portion explained how Wo Shie was to progress his gods omnipotent body.

He had already completed his first step which required the gods omnipotent body, as well as a polarizing energy cultivation technique awakening and rebirthing his body into an omnipotent one.

Luckily he recieved deaths manifestation as it had the required opposite polarization of the gods omnipotent body.

These polarities were used to balance his transformation while further transforming his spiritual body which was the vehicle used by people to control and Chanel their abilities.

Within one's spiritual body resided their dantain, their meridians, their qi points and any other part of themselves they used to conduct spiritual energy in the physical world.

As for his journey forward, it was a simple one now that he had established the constitution within himself, he needed only to train and nourish his body with the same spiraling energy pattern he had learned when he first picked up the manual.

He would cultivate deaths manifestation alongside gods omnipotence further strengthening the connection between his physical and spiritual body bringing out much of his latent potential while also progressing his strength and energy level.

Latent potential was the abilities one would never have to train for it just became more apparent through arduous training, or when one was at the brink of death.

Every had high levels of latent potential it was just very rarely were people able to get beyond certain thresholds when unlocking their full potential but oftentimes it came down to will power.

Wo Shie read on realizing he never even had to mix Fu Shen and Fu Shuo in his nightmare had he took the time to read the Taijutu incarnate manual.