Life to Chaos

Like phantoms they both walked through the wall unnoticed by any humans and any shadows.

Upon exiting to the other side of the wall a vast deadlands came before Wo Shie. The ground way mostly grey covered in ash aside from the portions painted crimson.

The air was filled with negatively charged death energy making Wo shies skin crawl as if a devastating battle had been fought here.

There were craters scattered amongst the land and long putrid crevices where rivers of red ran in while further in the distance could be seen mountains where the rivers of red started.

"Sadly just because these invaders don't have bad intentions does not mean the same about the natives of this universe. Most of their moral compasses point to greed, lust, avarice, and hatred as the true way mainly due to fear of death and subjugation. So they turn on one another seeking their own devices." Deiwos spoke his voice solemn as he looked at the scene in front of him.

"You may understand chaos and order now but understanding with no experience does you nothing, pay attention closely." Deiwos spoke while he lifted his hand and the negatively charged death energy began to coalesce towards his hand at an astonishing rate.

The energy all moved so quickly together that it became like a physical ball of energy condensencing from its loose gaseous nature into a liquid and finally into a solid.

Almost instantly the land had become barren of energy as Deiwos had pulled all the energy into the palm of his hand without absorbing a single drop.

In that next moment Deiwos turned his palm where the orb of energy faced him and Wo Shie. Wo Shie could feel slight vibrations come from Deiwos as the black orb in his hand began to change from black to white and the aura of imminent death began to dissipate being replaced by a nurturing aura much like that of a loving parent.

Once the orb had become completly white Deiwos extended his palm back out and the energy began to be pushed into the air at an even higher rate, while also feeling far more pure than the death energy that had existed before.

The land seemed to be almost immediately revitalized as the crimson and grey was quickly absorbed into the dirt and sprouts began to pop through.

"Chaos may breed order, just order may bring life to chaos, to create from nothing is the ultimate chaotic order and requires complete balanced." Deiwos said allowing Wo Shie to take in his words and analyze them for a moment.

After a short moment Deiwos turned to Wo Shie who looked amazed at the trees and plants that began to grow at rates that could not be explained by human understanding.

"Many of these invaders are able to take control of the bodies of Gods, Archons, and even the Principalities I have created forcing me to deconstruct and reconstruct the universe many times over in order to fortify its strength, thus in the eyes of many I have become the antagonist of physical existence." Deiwos said his voice somber and pained.

"Take control of Gods?" Wo Shie asked pausing for a moment, "and what are principalities and archons?" He asked with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, I have had to remove many Gods from the heavens order council in order to maintain the balance and peace of the heavens, I even was forced to create a third world as at first there was only the heavens and the earth."

"But I was forced to create a third world that houses those beings almost equal to me in strength in order to protect the balance thus making the three worlds. Heaven, Earth, and Hell. As for the archons they originally were created to fight as my generals until they were corrupted in a planar battle, while the principalities were energetic beings I created in order to make the earth world more perceptible and understandable to humans and the likes." Deiwos spoke as if he were a true teacher.

"Still even in destroying them and recreating them I haven't been able to make a single thing that those beings from other planes of existence are not able to corrupt, it's always a matter of time until my entire creation falls into chaos and I'm forced to destroy everything and recreate it.." Deiwos spoke somberly.

"And in that destruction and recreation most of my primary creations maintain their same consciousness and memories in recreation leading to insubordanance among the Death God clan and other clans that are lead by them." Deiwos spoke bringing a shocking look of understanding to Wo shies face.

"Death God Clan… Death God Sect…" Wo Shie said under his breath drawing connections.

Hearing this Deiwos nodded his head. "They are even among they few able to subjugate and destroy those existences from other planes due to the extremely chaotic nature of their energy and abilities, but they refuse to listen to reason."

"They argue that the beings are too alike to things I am able to create and blame me as the cause for these invaders, this is why the Death Gods are now barred from stepping foot in the heavens the unrest and chaos they cause is too unsightly while I am in the midst of trying to find a way to defend my creation." Deiwos said his voice obviously pained.