Heaven over Fate & Karma

"Why are you even telling me all of this" Wo Shie questioned not understanding the purpose of this overwhelming information.

"It is because I have come to realize that the reasons for the imperfections in the world are because of the imperfections in me, its creator. Have you ever heard of a heart demon?" Deiwos said then asked Wo Shie.

"N-no what is it? Wo Shie answered honestly.

"A heart demon is something that usually holds one's growth or cultivation back preventing them from reaching their zenith, in that same hand there is another side of the heart demon coin, the driving force that pushes one's growth and determination to strive for their best." Deiwos said before taking a pause.

"Still I would even call this force a heart demon because it has the capability to taint one's judgement, one's ideas, and one's entire being, it is probably even more dangerous than the heart demon that would hold you back because if you are unaware of its influence and existence, this is also why the dimensional invaders can so easily control so many people." Deiwos spoke as he noticed a dark energy building up around Wo Shie.

"So you understand." Deiwos spoke and the darkness continued to grow around Wo Shie as he began thinking.

'The driving force… the reason to get stronger, to protect the people I care about? So that I can make sure things I don't want to happen don't happen…' just thinking this alone Wo shies mind began to become more clear as if his spirit was being cleansed.

He understood how his reason for growing stronger currently interceded and could possibly hinder the natural order of chaos and order while disrupting fate and many other phenomenol forces.

'Then why…' Wo Shie asked himself as he wondered why he should seek growth.

'Why not?' Wo Shie heard his own voice respond to him within his head without him willing it.

Like the answer had been slapping him in the face the entire time, the darkness surrounding Wo Shie dissipated in almost an instant as Wo Shie could feel a lightness to his soul, like a gravity had been lifted from his shoulders.

Wo Shie could instantly recognize the purpose for Deiwos constant babblings, it was like attenuating a lecture for Wo Shie.

Most people bore many attachments and had many feelings tied to these attachments that formed their unknown heart demons.

Young masters attached to the idea of their powerful families, or their wealth, or the pride of their names, while others may hold attachments to their talent level, or accomplishments.

Either way more often than not these attachments would surface as expectations of themselves or the world, or even their hopes and wishes, but this is what made the heart demon so powerful.

However much hope or faith they had in those attatcents would inexplicably link their fate and karma with whatever that attatchment may be cutting them off from the fate the heavens bestowed upon them and their ability to oppose that fate.

As these thoughts washed over Wo shies mind like a moment of enlightenment another thought entered his mind, 'Does that mean there is a different heaven that resides over the world of fate and karma?'

This thought struck Wo shies mind like lightning as where he was standing in front of Deiwos the space around him became violent as black and white lightning rained from the clear sky forming a small cacoon around Wo Shie.

The same happened on Lord Baraks planet as black and white lightning seeming manifested from the cracks of space forming a cacoon around his physical body.

'You are the first to realize my existence… and your ability's bring me much delight.' A soft voice spoke as Wo shies vision became completly black in that same instant.

'If you can balance the existing universe from your own era, I will give you a gift, for being able to uncover my existence may this help you in your journey. Also, don't listen to all of these old foolish children, most of them fail to realize they're simply pawns and pigs being prepared for slaughter. The one you are with now is okay but his mind became clear too late in his life.'

The feminine voice said as Wo Shie felt a gentle touch on his forehead and a sudden surge through his body as if a strand of true chaos and true order had entered his body.

A split second after the black and white cacoon had appeared it also disappeared leaving Wo Shie stunned as the lightness seemed to intensify as if he were becoming seperate from the world and its existence.

"So you met her… and it seems she gave you her blessing, now I know I was right in choosing you. Your next task will be to create a perfect spiritual body, once you do that… I believe you should undergo some transformation." Deiwos spoke causing Wo Shie to become confused.