
"Sunya…. You know you can not be here." Deiwos said as he cautiously looked at the woman that had appeared.

"Is it because you enjoy to fight alone? Or is it because my presence also means my absence?" Sunya said as she looked at Deiwos from the corner of her eye before shifting her gaz back to the young Wo Shie.

The woman noted Wo shies bronze like skin despite him almost being completly concealed in clothing like herself even though his clothes seemed odd..

Her silver eyes eventually fell into Wo shies causing an inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

"Lu-" Wo Shie started to say before the woman placed a finger over his lips as she continued to observe him.

Before Wo Shie could wrap his head around the feeling the woman disappeared along with every thought and idea Wo Shie had about her causing him to question if he was dreaming.

Deiwos shook his head lightly before looking into the sky as if scolding the heavens with a disdainful expression.

He placed his hand atop Wo Shie's head, "little Wo Shie, I don't know if i will be able to protect this entire plane of existence but I will be able to create safe areas and I have a few trust worthy advisors that will be able to assist me." He said pulling Wo Shie from his stupor reminding him of their most recent topic.

"Okay, you must feel it to, if I stay here too much longer it will undoubtedly change the course of the future and the tides of fate." Wo Shie said as he calmed down looking into the sky .

"Before I go back who am I to you?" Wo Shie asked wanting to hear Deiwos words about his identity.

"You are the idea I could never wholely comprehend, the child who's name wiould and will evade me for all of my existence." Deiwos said he gaze soft like a loving father.

Hearing this Wo Shie smiled lightly as he began to fade away from this world as if being carried by the wind.

In this moment Deiwos realized he forgot to give Wo Shie Taijutu's abode to take back with him. 'I forget to give him that, but with the path he's walking now it's unlikely that any schemes even from myself would have any effect on him.' He thought.

Wo shies eyes opened in the clear blue water, even with the change in his eyes he couldn't detect the slightest hints of karma fate or information exuded from the water around him.

He could feel a qualitative change in his body as well as his strength was many times greater than what it had been before he began his meditation.

With only a slight kick he propelled through the water reaching the surface in an instant.

He was immediately greeted by jai Ming's smiling face as if she had been waiting for his arrival.

"Its only been about an hour… and you're…" jai ming began speaking before she noticed the change in Wo shies appearance.

He emerged from the water without a single drop of water touching his bronze skin, his eyes looked like a mysterious world and the aura surrounding him was as if life and death were in his hands despite not giving the slightest hints of any energy fluctuations.

Naturally Jai Ming was still more powerful than Wo Shie, still the changes in him were so great that it was impossible for him to have progressed this far in only an hour. She was speechless.

"Auntie? Auntie are you okay?" Wo Shie begin to question as he waved his hand in front of Jai Ming's face pulling her from her thoughts.

"Wh-what happened to you? Are-are you actually Wo Shie?" She asked in a surprised tone unable to wrap her mind around the drastic changes Wo Shie had experienced.

"Who else could I be? I have been meaning to ask you, did you send the new suits with more enchantments or something?" Wo Shie asked causing Jai Ming's face to return to normal hearing a familiar topic.

"That is correct, since you provided the design the enchanted bazaar has been able to expand even further, so I thought it was only right that you were properly rewarded outside of the financial sums so I personally made your suits with every enchantment possible.