Mending Two Broken Souls

Kotori stood motionless on the grassy field as she looked up at the sky. The wind gently tousled through her hair, but she barely felt it. She was still in shock after uncovering the truth about her father's death. Her mother had concealed her identity and manipulated Kotori's memories, leaving her with a false perception of her past. The revelation was a heavy burden on Kotori's mind, and her heart felt heavy as if she was carrying the weight of the world. She couldn't help but wonder if she truly knew herself and her family. The emotions within her were difficult to control, and she often found herself lost in thought, trying to make sense of her new reality.


As she sat alone in her thoughts, the voice echoed in her mind like a broken record. Its words were a haunting reminder of her ancestry - she was the daughter of a great demon and a powerful priest. Her heritage was a source of constant concern and confusion for her. On one hand, she was proud of her unique lineage, but on the other, she knew that people held her to a higher standard than most. She was well aware of the expectations people had of her, and it weighed heavily on her mind as she contemplated her future. She wondered if her dual heritage would be a blessing or a curse and if she would ever be able to live up to the lofty expectations set for her.

As she stood there, she could hear the faint sound of footsteps approaching from behind. She turned her head to look and saw the priestess walking towards her with a sense of urgency. As she drew closer, the scent of demons became stronger and she knew what it all meant. The priestess had sensed something terrible and was coming to warn her. She quickly made the decision to vanish and ran into the woods, her heart pounding in her chest. The sound of footsteps grew louder as she ran, but she knew that she had to keep moving.


After a while, she slowed down and stopped to catch her breath. She listened carefully and heard the sound of humans in the distance. She knew that they were in danger and that the demons were getting closer. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for what was to come. The training that she had received had taught her well, but she knew that this time it was different.


As she continued to run, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. In front of her were the monstrous demons that she had been warned about. She could feel her heart racing as she looked at them in terror. However, she knew that this was part of her training and that she had to face them. She took a deep breath and prepared to fight. 

Master Kikyo instructed to rely solely on spiritual energy, avoiding physical attacks.

Kotori shut her eyes tightly, summoning every ounce of concentration she could muster. She was determined to channel her spiritual energy throughout every fiber of her being. As a warrior, she had been taught to fight using only her strength, but she knew that relying on her physical prowess alone would not be enough to defeat the demons that stood before her.

With her wooden weapon in hand, she began to strike the demon with light blows, as she focused her energy through it. The weapon was adorned with three diamond-shaped papers on the end, each representing a different spiritual element. Kotori's mastery over her spiritual energy allowed her to imbue her attacks with light, which shone brightly in the darkness.

Despite her best efforts, Kotori soon realized that the demons were too strong to be defeated with just her spiritual energy. She needed to combine her physical and spiritual strength to stand a chance. She began to use physical attacks, her speed increasing with each strike. She moved with fluid grace, her movements almost dance-like, as she weaved in and out of the demon's strikes.

As she fought, Kotori realized that her training had only prepared her for so much. She needed to rely on her instincts and intuition to survive. With each blow, she felt herself grow stronger and more confident. She would not let the demons defeat her, no matter what it took.

Out of nowhere, a bright and powerful spiritual arrow shot through the air and with laser-like precision, destroyed all the demons that were attacking her. Startled by the sudden turn of events, she slowly turned her head to see the priestess standing there. It was then that the realization hit her hard - she had failed the test. The priestess, who was known for her unwavering spiritual strength and abilities, had come to her rescue without a moment's hesitation. As she looked at the priestess, her heart sank with disappointment and embarrassment. She knew that she had not been able to measure up to the expectations of the test, and now she would have to face the consequences of her failure. 

"Hiso would be disappointed."

Those words spoken were so hurtful that they felt like a sharp blade slicing through my emotions, leaving me with a deep and painful wound."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Kotori retreated to the quiet of her forrest to hone her spiritual abilities. She focused intently on the flow of her energy, channeling it through her body and out into the world around her. As the hours passed, she grew more and more tired, but refused to give up until she had achieved the level of mastery she sought.


However, her efforts were not without frustration. Despite her best efforts, she struggled to control her powers with the precision she desired. Her energy surged and ebbed unpredictably, leaving her feeling helpless and discouraged.



In a fit of anger, Kotori lashed out at the nearest object - a tall, sturdy tree that stood at the her right. She punched it with all her might, venting her frustration and disappointment in a burst of violence. The tree shook and rustled but held firm against her assault. As she caught her breath and looked up at the sky, Kotori knew that she still had much to learn about the true nature of her spiritual powers.

As she walked through the forest, she heard the sound of leaves crackling beneath her feet. Suddenly, she sensed a presence nearby and quickly raised her eyes to scan the area. With a swift movement, she shot a beam of light with her spiritual powers, but to her surprise, she had almost hit InuYasha, a half-demon who had managed to dodge her attack at the last moment. Her heart was pounding hard against her chest as she hadn't expected to run into him anytime soon. Memories of their first kiss came flooding back to her, and she felt a mix of emotions - confusion, fear, and excitement. She slowly turned her head away, trying to forget their past, and acted like she had an attitude, hoping to push him away. " What do you want, InuYasha? " she says coldly.

"Where is Kikyo?" He questioned.

It was a long, white snake that had insect-like legs, and it was glowing brilliantly as it flew towards the north. The sight of it was truly captivating as always.

"I think you know as well as I do that the soul collector leads to Master Kikyo. She must be resting somewhere nearby, collecting the souls of the dead to help rejuvenate herself so that I can become even more powerful and also to find that scoundrel Naraku." She answered and then turned away from him." Now, why don't you run along with your tail in between your legs and rush to my Master, I am busy training as you can see."

After a few seconds of complete silence, InuYasha broke the stillness with his voice. He spoke up, bravely and with conviction, his words echoing through the empty space," I came here to see you, Kotori.

"As soon as I caught your scent, I ran as fast as I could."

He left his companions behind in the village as they called his name.

" InuYasha, you shouldn't say things like that when you are destined for two women.— I refuse to compete with anyone."

" What have gotten into you?

" I am not confident, I am afraid of hurting you….

And knowing that my mother killed your father which is unforgivable. It robbed you the chance of having a proper childhood. I will become the cause of your misery if not sooner than later.... I'm just a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode and killing all life that cease to exist.

There is not a chance of anything becoming more between us.

InuYasha looked at her with compassion and cared deeply for her which caused her heart to race.

" I can protect myself, you have nothing to worry about." InuYasha spoke with a sense of urgency, his voice sending shivers down her spine.

Before she could even respond, his hands were already on her shoulders, holding her in place. She felt a rush of emotions as she looked into his eyes, feeling lost in the moment. 

Please don't look at me like that!

The world seemed to slow down as they gazed at each other, their hearts beating in unison. Their lips were inches apart, and the tension between them was palpable. It was a strange mix of excitement and fear, but neither of them could look away. 

Kikyo, I'm so sorry….I cannot stop myself.

Finally, their words collided, and their lips met in a passionate embrace. The kiss was slow and intense, filled with all the emotions they had been holding back for so long. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, forgetting everything else around them.


In a distant and mystical land, nestled amidst the rolling hills and towering mountains, a fearsome demon by the name of Naraku gazed intently into a crystal ball. The orb glimmered with an otherworldly light as the demon peered into its depths, watching as a scene unfolded before his very eyes. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional whisper of the wind as it rustled through the branches of the dark trees that surrounded him. For a moment, Naraku remained still, his eyes locked on the vision that played out within the crystal ball.