Chapter thirty seven

After taking a long stroll, I was tired. A guy came with a car to drop off some things. After getting to know Cory's girlfriend was coming, I didn't want to lose any opportunity.

My nanny was so fond of Cory, and I was still trying to understand why. I called her mother.

"Mother, can we have a conversation indoors?" I said. She paused and moved into a room with so many bags.

"Where is Dad? Did you both fight again?" I asked without waiting for her to ask what the matter was.

"I told you already, Jalie. I am not staying with such a toxic person ever again," She said bluntly. I was boiling inside of me and I didn't want to answer.

"Okay, okay. We will have this conversation later. I have to go." I said as I walked out of the room.


I bumped into Cory and I didn't say anything.